Friday, June 11, 2010

Asam Pedas Ketam Lada Hitam

Well this was the crabs I was talking about, the kids dont eat them so that was why need to cook another dish for them...this time I tried using this recipe for crabs, which originally was to used the stingray..
Sedap pulak sekali2 ubah ketam masak macam gini...adding to fresh crabs..Sampai  menjilat tangan...

This few days, looks like macam a few friend bloggers yang pergi bercuti ya....macam senyap aje..dunia blogging ni..maklumlah school holidays kan..kita jugak yang masih kat sini...huhu..mungkin tak kemana kot, cause have to settle the toilets before the school reopens..tak tahulah if Mr Hubby decided last minute to go somewhere( he is well known for that)..hahaha....

3-ekor ketam bunga-(3 fresh flower crabs)
2 biji tomato [potong 4]-(2 tomatoes quartered)
1/2 cawan air asam jawa-(1/2 cup tamarind juice)
air secukupnya [untuk kuah]-water to estimate-for gravy)
minyak untuk menumis-( oil for saute)
daun sup [potong pendek]-Ayu gunakn daun kesum-(chinese celery sliced short- I just add in  laksa leaves)

Bahan tumbuk/mesin halus-(Blended ingredients)
20 biji cili api-(20 bird eyes chillies)
2 s/b lada hitam-(2 tbsp black pepper)
2 cm halia-(2cm ginger)
2 cm kunyit hidup-(2cm fresh turmeric roots)
2 cm belacan-(2cm dried shrimp paste)
2 ulas bawang putih-(2 garlics)
6 ulas bawang merah-(6 shallots)
1 tangkai serai-(1 lemon grass)

Basuhkan ketam..rendamkan sebentar dengan asam limau + asam jawa + garam. Bilas dan toskan sehingga kering. Panaskan minyak dan tumiskan bahan mesin sehingga wangi dan masak/garing. Masukkan air asam jawa dan air. Biarkan sehingga mendideh.Masukkan ketam, garam, perasa dan tutup periuk. Biarkan kuah reneh sehingga agak pekat. Bila dah agak2 masak ketamnya masukkan tomato, daun kesum dan biarkan sebentar.  Masukkan potongan daun sup kalau gunakan dan hidangkan bersama nasi putih.-(Wash crabs, soaked in lime juice+tamarind +salt for a while. Rinsed and drained till dry. Heat oil and saute blended ingredients till fragrant and oil rises up the surface.Add in tamarind juice and water. Let it till boil and add in crabs, salt and msg cover lid. Let the gravy simmers till slightly thickens. When  the crabs are almost cooked, add in tomatoes and laksa leaves. Let it for a while. Add in chinese celery if using and serve with white rice.)

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