Friday, September 24, 2010

Fly African Cake

Fly African Cake, yang menggunakan banyak putih telur didalam bahan2nya...why I have so many egg whites was because of the kek lapis yang I buat for raya....I had almost 50 egg whites balance dari buat kek lapis yang banyak menggunakan egg yolk first I thought, takut juga kalau the cake tu dry, cause I made a few of this and gave away to my sis-in-laws..segan jugalah kan...kalau kasi orang then tak memenuhi citarasa, orang tu....I gave her on the first day raya, then when I met her again on the 2nd day raya, and asked her about the cake, she said dah tinggal half dah....then on my side pulak, I placed the cake in the fridge, bila ada orang datang baru keluarkan & potong, (Of course an hour beforelah)..the kek was very much soft and not dry as I predicted..bolehlah diterima di tekak I ni..hehe  ..

I gunakan chopped almond, for each layer and sprinkle on top...this is one of the cakes yang kalau you tak tahu apa nak buat dengan your egg whites... I know there are a few recipes that yet to be explored,  that uses alot of egg whites, meantime, I just posted this lah....

10 egg white (about 360 gm.) - cold
2 egg yolks
220 gm. castor sugar
250 gm. Hong Kong flour/Superfine Flour (Softasilk flour is the best for this cake)
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 Tbsp. Ovalette (emulsifier)
1 Tbsp. Condense milk
7 ozs. melted butter (about 210 - 220 gm. melted butter)
1 tsp. Butter Oil-(Ayu used vanilla essence)
15 gm. cocoa powder + 1 tsp. of Instant coffee powder
1 - 2 tsp. of chocolate emulco (colour depends on your cocoa powder)
150 gm. chopped walnuts

(1) Beat egg white, egg yolk, sugar, flour, ovalette and baking powder together at
high speed until it's fluffy and almost double in volume.
(2) Pour in condense milk , mix for awhile and then pour in the melted butter. Do
not beat too long, just let it mix till even and then stop the machine.
(3) Prepare a 10" round baking tin, lined with greaseproof papaer.
(4) Divide the cake batter into 2 portions. Add cocoa powder and nescafe mixture
into one portion and if the colour is not dark enough, add in some chocolate
emulco. Add Butter oil into the other plain portion.
(5) Scoop the batter alternately into the prepared tin and sprinkle
chopped walnuts on every alternate layer. (Use a ladle to scoop the
(6) Sprinkle some chopped walnuts or slice amonds on top of the cake and bake at
180C for 60 mins.
(7) Cool on wire rack.


  1. sedapnye tgk kek ni...mesti sedap ni...teringin jer shu tgk...:)

  2. Ayu, Kak Nana memang tercari-cari resepi kek yang banyak gunakan putih last jumpa juga...thanks ya....kat dalam fridge tu ada berbotol-botol putih telur...bolehlah buatkan ipar-duai kek tu....:)

  3. salam kak Ayu,
    dulu arwah ibuku sering buat ini..

  4. ermm...sgt memikat hatiku bila tgk kek ni..mengancam la ayu tgk belang2 dia

  5. salam..
    tak penah lagi sy buat kek guna bnyk white egg..ermm kena tryla pasni..n cadangan yg baik utk habiskan stok telur putih ni..

  6. Salam Kak Ayu,
    First time tengok gambar kek tu, terus terbayang gambar zebra.hehe...cantik belang2 nye... :)

  7. shu shinju - cubalah shu, kek ni ringan & lembut..

    nana sidek - aahlah kak, cubalah recipe ni, sayangkan putih telur banyak...kita dapat 4 biji kek macam gini, kasi2kan kat in laws..
    oh before terlupa, selamat hari raya buat kak nana & family maaf zahir batin, sorry dah lama tak singgah rumah akak,..

    deetha - walkslm, oh ya ke deetha, reminds you of ibu ya..

    ida dapur - thanks ida, cubalah..kalau ada banyak putih telur dan tak tahu nak buat apa, boleh lah cuba recipe ni..hehe

    faradean - walkslm, cubalah fara..kalau banyak putih telurnya tu..

    ijan - walsklm, heheh,,dah terbayang kat africa..tak..hehe

  8. Salam syawal kak ayu..
    cantek sgt belang zebra yg akak buat ni :)
    kite tak pernah cuba lagi yg guna putih telur ..


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