Friday, February 11, 2011

Mocha Coffee Cream Cake

This was the project I did the other day, tak berapa menjadi frostingnya tu..sebab terover whip..terlupa that this was not buttercream frosting but fresh cream frosting, I just terlepas pandang sekejap ajer...toleh kebelakang the next turn  terus the whip cream deflate!! see how fast it is?..No wonder when I read in the net, fresh cream is a bit difficult to lesson learnt!!

Anyway, I just proceeded with frosting the poor cake..nak buang sayang whip cream masukkan dalam fridge sekejap tunggu dia keras sikit barulah I sapukan atas tu yang nampak tak level cakenya sebab frostingnya cair huhu..Actually this cake was for my dad's 71st birthday, tanya dia nak kek apa, dia cakap nak kek gula hangus, sebab itu favourite dia....hehe..My mum & me laughed..I told him, alah kek gula hangus hari biasa boleh buat, ni birthday special sikitlah...Since my dad suka minum kopi, I made this mocha coffee cake for him..

The sweetness of this cake is just nice!!..Nak ikutkan my dad ni tak berapa suka sangat kek2 yang bercream, sebab takut manis..tapi lepas dia makan ni dia makan 2 potong lepas cake cutting hari tu..
Recipe after browsing sana sini jumpa kat blog Florence, Alah the blog yang I found the Butter cookies recipe tulah....Thank you Florence for the nice recipe, I posted it here for my future reference & to be shared with the rest ya..

ps note for me: Do not overwhip the frosting as it will not become thick & stiff. It will turn out to be runny & difficult to frost.Just like mine!!.. Just as soon as you see the frosting  become stiff quickly stop
 Updated:-if you overbeat the whipping cream, just add a bit more and continue to  beat, it will be back ok..
(A)4 egg yolks
1/4 tsp salt
50g sugar
1 tbsp rum-(Ayu used vanilla essence)

(B)75ml corn oil

(C)120ml mocha coffee solution (1.5 tbsp instant coffee+ 1 tbsp cocoa powder + 120ml boiling water)

(D)140g cake flour
3/4 tsp baking powder

(E)4 egg whites
50g sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar

2 tsp instant coffee dissolved in 2 tsp hot water
1 tsp double chocolate-(Ayu used 2 tsp Mortimer chocolate powder)
1/4 tsp coffee essence-(Ayu used vanilla essence cause dont have this)
3 tbsp icing sugar-(Ayu added 2 more tbsp so 5 tbsp)
400ml whipping cream
Some ground walnut powder(optional)

1. Cream (A) till lemon colour. Add in (B) and mix well. Add in (C) and mix well. Lastly stir in the sieved flour mixture.
2. Beat egg white till foamy, sprinkle in the cream of tartar and beat till the whites are white in colour. Beat sugar in over 3 times until egg white is stiff.
3. Pour 1/2 the white into yolk mixture and combine well. Pour yolk mixture into the remaining egg white
and combine well.
4. Pour batter into lined cake pan and bake at 170C for 45 minutes or till cooked.
5. For frosting, combine all ingredients and beat till whipping cream is thick and sitff. Frost all over cooled cake and decorate as desired.

I sprinkle some ground walnut powder in the middle layer of frosting as well as on the surface of the cake. Walnut powder brings out the coffee aroma very well.
Sources:-From http://wlteetf


  1. Salam Ayu...waaaahh semua org pakat mendeco sana sini..bila la akak nak mula deco gak..hahaha..malas tul laa..lgpun anak2 kureeng dah kot..hehe...Cantik dah tu Ayu, cukup untuk show kat family kita kan..puashati...

  2. assalam kak ayu...wah cantik dh la tu bg saya la kalau saya buat ntah mcm mana lak rupanya teringin nk mendeco tapi tak pandai pula..:)

  3. ayu,

    walaupun frosting tu tak menjadi, i'd still want a piece coz it looks irresistable! :D

  4. Ayu!!!
    Mama jealous tau tgk cake yg kena decorate cantik..walaupun tak menjadi tak nampak cam okay jer!!
    Yr father still young. Sampaikan salam to yr father n wish him a happy belated birthday.. Semoga dipjgkan umur, diberikan kesihatan dunia & akhirat.. Aminnn
    My father lately nih byk meragam..besides his stroke problem which dah beransur okay2..skrg dah mcm nyanyuk pulak..merepek tak tentu pasal..n also sometimes kalau hendak kol tgh2 mln suroh dtg rumah dier..hmmmnnn tak tahu lah.
    Anyway we shd treasure & cherish them while their still around.. take care both of them Ayu :)
    Pjg lebar pulak mama nih..hehehe

  5. walaupun begitu...tetap cantik bagi ida ..& nmpk sedap sgt..

  6. seyes kak ayu...menggoda giler!!!bestnya kalau dapat 3 4 keping...hehehhehe

  7. salam Ayu...
    rajinyer mendeco2...
    nampak sedap dan menarik...
    Happy Belated B'day to your dad...

  8. wahh..cantik je saya tgk kek kak ayu..hihi.. fav saya kek perisa coffee ni..

  9. oooo...cream cheese frosting tak leh whip lama sgt rupanya ye? patut cream cheese frosting sy tak jadi, whipped lama sgt! thank for the info kak ayu!

  10. oooo...cream cheese frosting tak leh whip lama sgt rupanya ye? patut cream cheese frosting sy tak jadi, whipped lama sgt! thank for the info kak ayu!

  11. Kak Ayu, semoga ayahanda dikurniakan kesihatan yang berpanjangan dan dilindungiNYA dunia akhirat....

    Even kak cakap freash cream tu sayor...tetap mengancam kan mulut ni....muahahaha...ada lagi ke kek tu?? Amazing Ayahanda boleh makan 2 potong kek tu kan? Sedap la tu...bertuah ayahanda....:)ada anakanda yang caring & penyayanag ni....mocha kek.slurrpppp!!

    Thanx for the tip sis!!!

  12. Salam Ayu

    ya Allah kecir air liur I lerr...bab cake2 nih nanti I nak coba buat cake dan nak ambil resipi Ayu nak bikin kueh2 semula kerana ada kelas mengaii dewasa tiap hari rabu di rumah gee...bolehkan Ayu? nanti gee kredit kat ayu nya link ya...terimakaseh my sahabat!

  13. akak, comment kita dah lesap di awangan agaknya :(..

    cantek kak kek ni..tak kisah la frosting u kata tak menjadik, pd ai ok jer..bila ai kuskus rhajin dtg lagik, ai try cake ni plak..

  14. cantikklah tu..n confirm sedap!! bilalah nak pandai mendeco..huhu..

  15. happy birthday buat ayahanda ayu.. semoga diberikan kesihatan yg terbaik..

    ayu, nor ada terbaca (lupa kat mana) kalau kita dah overbeat cream tu, tambah sket lg cream dan beat balik slowly.. insyaallah ia ok balik.. wallahua'lam..

    nak kek sket ya.. dah bg tip nih.. haha

  16. Ummi - walkslm, haha..kita buat kecah aje kak..deconya tak seberapa mana pun..hehe
    betul tu kak, kalau dah tak ramai yang ada kat rumah..tak bolehlah nak main2 icing ni kan..hehe..thanks kak ummi for the compliments ya..

    nieza - walkslm, alahai nieza, akak deco pun on the spot tenyeh2 aje..hehe
    asal icing keluar dari pipe..picit ajelah ikut tangan ..hehe

    sizuka - oo..hehe..cake mocca u makan ya shidah..kalau chocolate yang u tak makan kan..ok kita kasi u banyak ya..hehe

    antan bertingkah - hehe thanks antan, thanks juga sudi singgah keblog kita yang tak seberapa ni ya..

    mamahawa - kita deco apa yg seadanya aje ma..hehe..tulah sayang frosting nya tak menjadi..kalau jadi kan lagi best..hehe.
    Thanks ya ma, for the wishes & doas,..Insyaallah
    Banyak bersabar ya ma, kata orang kalau dah gitu, memang dia tengah cari kebencian orang..tapi kita harus redha & bersabar dengan keadaannya tu..memang kita harus cherish & treasure while they are still around..its ok ma, i understand..

    ida dapur - heeh thanks ida..for the nice words..

    mimiey - hehe..mimiey punya pasal akak kasi 10lah..hehethanks ya miey..

    azlita aziz - walkslm, thanks ita, saja aje tak ada kerja cari kerja..hehe
    thanks for the wishes juga ya..

    norul mas hana - cubalah norul..akak pun suka besides chocolate ..hehe

    behabella & neny - same person kan..hehe..aah whip cream tu tak boleh whip terlalu lama..nanti dia terus cair balik..ur welcome dear..

    ayu safieza - mudah2han ya ayu..insyaallah.. heheh..ayahanda, rasa terharu pun ya..kira ambik hati kot?..hehe..thanks juga buat ayu melapangkan waktu singgah kesini..

    mak peah - walkslm, silakn gee.alahai kita tengok gee lagi pandailah..
    serba serbi semua gee boleh buat especially meroti..kita pat roti ni ada sikit lemah longlai..hehe sebab tak kuat nak menguli..hehe..

    yat maria - comment yang kat for this entry ke?..oh kalau gitu dah terikut entry sebelum ni for this post, sebab ada problem, my 'linkwithin' tu keluar banyak kat dalam my posted dah terbuang sekali ...sorry ya yat....actually comment kog, kak ilahjy & mr mama, pun dah terdelete sekali.. bila rajin angin kukus2 ke angin taufan ke datang bolehlah cuba kan..hehe

    faradean - boleh aje akak pun tak pandai maan fara..main terjah aje ni..hehe

    nor - thank u nor for the wishes..insyaallah mudah2han..
    oh ya ke nor..apasal tak cakap siang2 bila kita dah kebuntuan time tu?..wakaka..
    kalau nor ada time tu kan bagus..boleh save my cake ni..heheh..
    tulah kita ni tak pandai tapi nak cuba juga..nak kek sikit aje ke?..pasal nor dah kasi tips, kita kasi semua kek ni..nak tak?..hehe thank u for the tips ya nor..appreciate it

    KOG, MR MAMA & KAK ILAHJY - my earlier posting on this cake, ada masaalah teknical, i have to delete the posted entry..tapi sayng u guys comments pun terikut juga..kita minta maaf ya, tapi nasib baik kita sempat baca comments yang u guys leave..sangat2 berterimakasih..nanti kita buatkan kek mocha ni lagi deliver kat depan pintu..boleh gitu?..hehe

  17. Salam kak Ayu,
    Frosting tu nampak ok je.. bila potong lagiiii okay. :)

  18. ijan - walkslm, waduh!!!!..ijan apa khabar kamu disana?..udah lama enggak kemari ya..ijan sihat ke tu?>.mikael dah besar ya..rindu sama ijan..

    cake tu creamnya tak gebulah tak berapa cantik..

  19. Everthough terlebih whipped, It still look very yummy..Drooling ni ;-)

  20. 4as - heheh thanks dear..rasanya tetap samalah rasa whip cream tapi tulah tak gebu creamnya tu..

    jgn drooling, cubalah buat..heheheh anyway how r u dear dah lama tak dengar ok tak tu?..


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