Monday, November 07, 2016

Baked Cannelloni

Baked Cannelloni ni kita buat beberapa hari yang lalu..lepas Iqram sounded suruh buatkan lagi menu  Honeycom Cannelloni yang pernah kita buat dulu.. Gigih cari cannelloni ni kat Phoon Huat lepas balik dari check up hari tu..disebab kan Iqram nak berangkat ke Vietnam for his Learning Journey so I made this for him lah..dapatlah dia merasa dan setengah baking dish baked cannelloni ni dia bedal...ermm anyway dah balik rumah pun..:)

Bila type menu 'Baked Cannelloni'..banyak yang gunakan spinach atau bayam..tapi kita tak nak guna tu..kita suka guna cendawan white/brown mushrooms..Terpaut dengan steps & recipe yang kita nampak kat Youtube..tapi tengok dalam bahasa Norwegian kot..kita adjusted according to my sukatan & keperluan..
Dibawah kita ada sertakan steps..filling tu buat kering so that boleh easily dipipekan kedalam cannelloni. Pipe 1/2 atau 3/4 aje kedalam tube tu..buat hingga habis...then susun macam kat bawah..;epas tu curahkan red sauce keatas cannelloni yang telah disusun..making sure semuanya tenggelam.. tabur slices of mushrooms, cheddar cheese & mozarella cheese..bakar hingga cheese cair & kekuningan..Sedap dimakan waktu warm sikit..kalau dah sejuk..boleh panaskan dalam microwave oven...

Baked Cannelloni
Sources:- Youtube

Tried & Tested:-Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
1 box cannelloni -24 tubes (250g)
500g minced beef
2 large onions diced 
3 garlics chopped
2 red chillies chopped/diced
4 bird eyes chillies chopped/diced
3 tomatoes diced
10 brown/white mushroom diced
1 tbsp Italian herbs 
1 tbsp white pepper
5 tsp tomato puree
salt to taste 
pipping bag

Red Sauce:-                    
700g milk
270g tomato puree
1 tsp white pepper
1 tsp black pepper
salt to taste

Mozarella cheese
Cheddar Cheese
5 brown/white mushrooms sliced

Method For Filling:-
Saute diced onions, garlics, chillies till soft. Add in minced beef. Stir fry till beef change in colour. Add in diced tomatoes, mushrooms, Italian herbs, pepper & tomato puree. Stir till incorporate. Add salt to taste. Stir, turnoff heat. Put aside to let cool.

Method for Red Sauce:-
Add milk in a container. Add the rest of ingredients. Whisk manually just till incorporate.

Method for assembly:-
Fill the filling into a large pipping bag. Cut the tip just enough for the filling to pass through.
Take 1 cannelloni, pipe the filling  1/2 or 3/4 into the tube. Repeat till finish. Place filled cannelloni in a baking tray/dish. Pour red sauce onto assembled cannelloni. Making sure all are 'drowned'. Arrange toppings. Bake till cheese melts & brown..
Ready to be served. 


  1. That looks so sedap! But so leceh have to pipe the filling into the cannelloni. Kena tunggu hari yang PH rajin hah..hah... So far PH tak pernah lagi makan cannelloni.

  2. Sedapnya kak oii ... how long ikram ke sana kak ayu?

  3. Phong hong
    Hahaha...nak kena pipe2 yg leceh eh..hahah
    Tak apa Kalau ada rajin boleh cubakan...

  4. Ain
    Sedapp ni.. Kalau pasta macam gini pasti laku kat rumah akak ..
    Iqram went for 5 days 4 nights..last week..dah balik dah.hari sabtu ..;)

  5. aih aih sedapnya kak Ayu baked cannelloni ini..

  6. Monica
    Akak tengok pizza monica lagi sedapp !
    Yok exchange..hehe

  7. Aslmkum Ayu....sesekali bertandang ke dapur Ayu....miss sungguh blog kwn2. cannelloni belum pernah masak nampak yummy...

  8. Mamasya
    Walkslm..mamasya..lama tak sembang..
    Link blog mamasya pun dah lesap..nasib baik mama tinggalkan
    Jejak..boleh track balik...;)
    Cannelloni sama rasanya macam pasta yg lain..
    Cuma patternnya aje lain...


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