Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thank You Dear Friends...

Assalammualaikum warahmatullahhiwabarakatu....
Here I am, after a few weeks of silence & closing down of my blog...say hi & salam again to everyone...As you guys knew,  (those who cares).. about the incident a few weeks back, has made me realised the truth about world of blogging, the truth about cyber copy cat, the truth about friendship and the truth about why I have a blog....
During those difficult times (for me)..I was very down with emotions, anger, sad, depressed but not forgetting, the moral support from friends, family and even some silent readers who wrote to me to be strong and be patience to what I had faced..
The warmth, caring and supportive words has made me 'melt'..I didnt realised and noticed that all this while, I have so many readers (silent readers especially) coming to this space for recipes..looking at the followers I thought my space was just a normal 'pingitan blog'..but little did I knew that it has touches and inspired some ... I am so so touched...Thank you!!!.. Thank you dear friends, for being there when I needed you!!..

For the sake of my  silent readers, my good blogger friends, my distinguish guests ... I have decided to open this humble blog of mine again...Although I knew, at this moment, my blog is being 'watched' and at risk of getting copied again..
But this is the risk that I have to take. by making my blog open to public, the main intentions was to share what I have tried and tested besides, keeping a record for myself & my kids for future reference... Only if you notice, there will be no more postings on my family matters and pictures (those in the pass I have already saved it in my draft and no more can be seen here) those pictures are more private and dear to me...When it was also stolen or copied I felt so 'naked' I have decided I will only post pictures on food from now on and thats it....

Please for those who are interested, at least give me some credits for my works linking back to this blog..thats all I asked, not just quietly repost & copy my entries in your blog...I have already forgiven those people that has/have made me miserable by 'grabbing' my 'rights'..Please don't make me a non forgiven person by doing what you have done again...

So let bygone be bygone and let start a fresh...


Watierman said...

Assalam Dik Ayu..Syukur to hear from you again....welcome back Dik..miss you so much...let's start again ya!!

Anonymous said...

assalammualaikum sis.
i'm (yani) 1 of yr silent readers. i love to go to yr blog not only for recipe (so far me blm cuba...hehehe) but more for my reading during ofc hr whn i'm dwn wif my work...ala2 depress therapy gitu...hihihi.

1 day (after so many wks tak kunjung to your blog) whn i tried to open it, to my surprise i can't anymore :( ... m so sad ... namun almost everyday i try & alhamdullillah today u r back :))

sis, thnx u for the inspiration. abt tat incident, walk positively sis...insya'allah allah swt akan reward u accordingly. u share yr hard worked & some of us mite use yr recipe for sumber rezki, smoga allah swt berkati & murahkan rezki u n family...amin.

Qasey Honey said...

asslm Kak Ayu...alhamdulillah akak dh kembali semula...rindu sesgt kat akak...sedih jugak xdpt tgk blog akak skrg dh hepi dh...bleh la terjah blog akak lg lepas ni...suka kat Label Brownies tu...hehehe...

Ami said...

hi ayu, wpun akak jarang beri komen, tapi, blog ayu memang pasti akak singgah. dont give-up orgive-in. orang yg memberi tidak akan rugi.

miswati said...

sis, I miss yr blog so much!!. U give me the idea of what to cook for the family. Yr blog really helps me alot. U r my food therapy during my lunch break.

Chik Mimi said...

Alhamdulillah my Darling Sister,welcome back dear miss u kakak

KakAsma said...

welcome back to world cooking blogging..hihihihi..dimana we've to be strong and ignore what other don't like,as long as kita didn't kidnap their belonging.kat sini medan kita try n error in doing ur best in cooking..
let me hug..hug ..u my dear..
lepas nie mesti berderet2 menu tertunggak..hahahha..

ijayuji said...

Salam mama ayuuuuuu!!!! 보고싶어요 bogoshipuhyo :D welkem back my dearie mama ayu! yg penting nawaitu kita baik, yg kerja copycat tak tentu pasal biar dia naikkan saham kiri dia kat akhirat sana :-) misss u misss uuuuu!!!! kim salam pakwe, windu2 wan nanti dgn pakwe ehehe..

Fauziah Samad said...

Miss u so much. Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Ayu,

Hepi to see you again in yr 'home', dah berhari2 bertandang tp rumah u berkunci. Allhamdulillah u're back again. My dotter n me is yr silent peminat. Well come back Ayu.

kak siti n nur

MaDiHaA a.k.a Ratna said...

alhamdulillah... everything back to normal again... so pls pls people out there who got bad intention... pls don't make people sad & misserable again....

Ria said...

semalam dok bukak blog kak ayu xle..hari ni tgk ade update baru berbunga riang hatiku..hehe..ria nk godek2 resepi yg best..neway welcome back kak ayu..biarkan itu copy cat..

Nuridah said...

Waalaikumussalam warahmatulallahhi wabarakatuh....

Ayu cayang...windu serindu2nya...alahai ayu...hehehe.

Betul tu Ayu yg lalu itu biarlah ia berlalu...yg penting nawaitu kita...mungkin ada hikmah disebalik ini...wah dh lama kak Nur tk dpt tinggalkan jejak disini...setelah ku godek2 akhirnya berjaya juga!!Harap Ayu tk salah sangka ya??Nanti tunggu bawah jembatan SS erk?

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Ayu.
Welcome back !

Like your name, you are very graceful, to forgive and move on, to continue inspiring US :)

~ Deedah

Zalieda Zaliedana said...

Assalam kak ayu cayang,welcome back kak,rindunyer ngan akak,muahhhhsss..PASNIH LEH LA LEPAK2 KAT DAPO AKAK LAGI,HEHE..

khairiah khaizu said...

Ayu....rindunyaaa..jgn majuk2 ye....selamat kembali...(^__^)

izahdaut said...

Waaahh happy to see u kak.. Smoga dngan kemaafan dari akak tu, mebuka lembaran baru bagi blog ni dan diharapkan akak terus suksess n terus kuat. ;-)

Sue @ Nenie said...

Salam Kak Ayu..Alhamdulillah....
gembira saya bila tengok bunga mulai berkembang...Semoga ia menjadi satu titik tolak yang baik-baik..InsyaAllah...
teruskan menulis dan berkongsi ilmu kerana balasannya senantiasa menanti...

Winddduuuuuuuu nak jamu mata kembali...

Mamasya said...

Salam Ayu.welcome back...hope Ayu dah bersemangat balik utk berblog dan berkongsi resepi dr dapur Ayu,biarkan yg lepas....buat pengajaran...mungkin ada hikmahnya. betul tu Ayu utk mrk yg copy resepi... apa salahnya bagilah creditkan utk empunya blog yg dia copy. wpun perkara ni kecil tp besar dihati empunya blog...rasa diri dihargai....

Mieza said...

Dear Ayu..
Thank u for opening the blog again..when i tried to come here last week and it was closed..i feel sooo frustrated coz i loved all ur cakes...thank you dear!

lemongrass said...

I am so glad you are back!
I was so shocked when you made it private, terus sedih sebab tak dapat tengok all your lovely food photos and recipes.

Gee® said...

Sabarlah Ayu... mgkin ada hikmahnya tu... apapon k.gee rindu resipi2 dr dapor Ayu...

Amie said...

Welcome back Ayu sayanggg! Winduuu kat dia... jangan sedih2 lagi ye, kita rempit masak-pmasak yok...

Unknown said...

Ayu..slmt berblog kembali. Kalau tak...hilang la kwn blogger dr singapore. Akk tunggu resipi baru ayu...

♥♥azatiesayang ♥♥ said...

Salam K.Ayu..patut la xleh bukak blog k.ayu aritu.
Hope pasni makin bersemangat nk blogging ya.
Misssssssssssss youuuuuuuuuuu

ijan said...

Salam Kak Ayu,
Really happy to see you're back again. Wishing you all the best, and hopefully it's not gonna happen again :)

K.Nor said...

alhamdulillah... semoga sinar kebahagian dan kecerian mengiringi sepanjang hidup ayu dan juga curlybabe's satistaction ni ya..

welcome back! miss u & yr blog so much :)

It's me... said...


Thank god you bukak balik blog nih. sangat susah hati sbb tak leh nak cari resepi....

Jangan susah ati ok....

Yat Maria said...

K Ayuuu... lama taw I tunggu, punya tunggu, punya tunggu..takut gak you nak tutup langsung or privatise without selitkan diriku yg gebus ini..hehe.. Totally understand how you feel kak..

Mighty glad you are's wishing all of us a happy blogging without any penyagak or penyamun..

rostina76 said...

salam k.ayu....salam kenal dr ros @Brunei. btw i did follow u before ur close down (ttp kedai). really sad because i realize u privatize ur blog & i couldn't view it as i already fall in love with ur cook....but alhamdulilah ceria sgt harini bila tgk ur blog appear in my reading list (walau akak follow ros pun i don't mind). terabit sikit kesedihan ros pasal memikirkan map yg skrg ni x sihat.... last but not least, utk k.ayu GO bebeh, don't bother org yg x professional tu as everybody know ur talent. hope to see ur tempting recipes asap.hehe!

CT Delima said...

As'salam Ayu

I miss you so much dear, welcome back! ct memang merindui Ayu dan masakan dari hasil tangan Ayu.

semoga apa yang terjadi biar DIA saja yang mengetahui, kita reda akan ketentuan dari NYA.

Mama Hawa/Mama Nani said...

As Salam AYU!!!!
at last yr back..
missing u sooo much....

welcome back dear :)

Melly Octaviana said...

Welcome back Kak ayu, we all miss you here.. semangat yah kak.. *hug

Puan Ros @ Sinaranmenu.blogspot said...

Ayu....hug3..welcome back...

Wattie said...

Assalamualaikum Ayu,
ALHAMDULILLAH, selamat bersua kembali. Lihatlah betapa ramainya mereka yang masih setia berada di belakangmu menyokongmu, bersamamu mengharungi segala macam kepayahan berblogging.

Welcome back dear, miss u like crazy.....lupakan kisah lama, kita buka buku baru

Faeez said...

Alhamdullilla Ayu dah kembali semula. Kita takut juga Ayu boycott terus.... yalah, kita selalu refer blog ni utk cuba2 resepi. Mudah2han Allah murahkan rezeki Ayu & buka pintu si tukang copy tu supaya bertaubat. Semoga dia juga sedar perbuatannya tu pu mencuri namanya.

Kita perasan Ayu da disable copy fn. Baguslah.... kita pun kena buat camtu jugaklah...

Anonymous said...

Yay! ( clapping hands with joy! )
I'm so happy tht you've decided to open ur blog and start blogging again!

Big WELCOME back!


Kak Nik Ja said...

salam ayu...glad that you r back..miss u n yur celoteh dearly! adat berblogging memang mcm strong dear biarlah Allah sahaja yg membalas segala perbuatan jahat deorang!

Nur-nba said...

Assalamualaikum Kak Ayu,
Welcome back sis.. Sedih bila membaca kisah yang menimpa akak. No wonder akak menyepi untuk satu tempoh yang lama. Sabar banyak2 ye kak.. Doa banyak2 agar orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab tu menerima balasan yang setimpal.

Kami semua sentiasa menyokong akak. Moga akak dikurniakan ketenangan dan kebahagiaan disisi keluarga tersayang.

Cik Puan Kocik said...

Salam akak!y sedih akak tutup belog aritu. Selalunya pagi2 sy dah jenguk belog akak. Selalu gak cuba resepi kat belog akak nie.

Selamat kembali kak! Rasa gembira akak dah buka balik blog nie ... please janganlah tutup lagi! Sy nak buat blog nie sebagai rujukan mencuba masakan baru.

Thanks ye akak sharing banyak resepi!

sabar dubai said...

selamat kembali kak ayu...mmg da kerinduaan nk menyinggah.....harap2 kembali dgn memberi sinar bahagia...cewahhhh cepat2 update resepi okeyyy

Anonymous said...

Assalam Ayu...Welcome back...Ksal bershukur yg Ayu dah reda dgn hati terbuka danbuka buku baru..Syabas Biasalah siapa yg tak marah? Ok lupakan ...Ksal risau tak dapat masuk blog Ayu ...Dlm hati Ksal jangan lah Ayu tutup blog...sedih tau...Take gd care of yrself...Ksal....

Nida Mohd said...

Salam Kak Ayu..semoga Allah saja yang membalas perbuatan mereka..harap Kak Ayu masih sudi sharing resepi-resepi menarik kat blog ni.. :)

Syamimi Junid said...

salam kak ayu..
blog ni memang best..
sy nak belajar memasak,
so sy pon follower blog akak jgak..
sedih jgk xleh bukak ritu..
thanks for making it public again ^_^
so I can learn many things here

lena said...

good morning ayu, glad to see you're back and good to know that you made a move to expose on that copycat blog, what they were doing is really unethical and selfish act! you take care.

leeya said...

Dear Cik Ayu,

Please Don't be sad. Ilmu yg berguna menjadi pahala yg berterusan buat u. Insya'Allah...

T/kasih kerana sudi berkongsi ilmu dengan kami semua. Truly appreciate it.

N yes, I agree with u. Biarlah blog peribadi u cuma dibuka pada mereka yg teramat rapat dengan u. Yg blog masak ni, share dengan kita semua.

We love ur recipes!!! :o))

tun_telani said...

salam kenal kak ayu.. dtg tgk nasi komok dr blog kak anna.
semoga terus ceria n terus berblog =)

Mylady said...

Assalamualaikum Ayu..

Ho are back!!..I;ve been busy lately and just few days back try to go through your blog and to my surprise, i tak boleh masuk..uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..*nangis*..

and today....sukanya hati sayerrr...welcome back Ayu!!! those yang suka copy cat tu, ermm..memang la kat dunia ni leh mengelak dan lari..tapi, di sana nanti, terimalah balasannya..

atieaizam said...

happy bila tgok kat bloglist sya kak ayu dah kembali..

ANNA said...

Glad u r back dear.

Nadz Nazharzan said...






Ayu said...

To All My Silent Readers,
Who has left me your footprints and sent emails to me
Yani, Ami, Miswati, Kak Siti & Nur, Deedah,
Susanna, Ksal, Syamimi, Ms Lia, Anna,Atie Aizam,
Imazane, Nor Rimah, Sally, Puan Fifey, Harleena Kassim,
Kamariah Karim, AishaZA, Norsahidah Satar,
Shaheeda Supar, Anna Sabirin, Mas Sanisah, Amni Omar,
Ros Othman, Zainor Shima, Julie Adams..
Thank you so much for the support given and I really felt so honoured
to have friends like all of you..You ALL MADE MY DAY!!!..
Thank you!!!!

Ayu said...

To My Blogger Friends,
Thank you again for supporting me & being my friends when I needed it most..
Watierman, Qasey Honey, Chik Mimi, Kak Asma, Ijayuji, Kjee, Madiha aka Ratna,
Ria, Nuridah, Zaliedana, Khairiah Khaizu, Izahdaut, Sue@Nenie, Mamasya, Mieza, Lemongrass, Gee, Amie, Zan@pb, Azatie, Ijan, Nor, Its Me, Rostina, Ct Delima, MamaHawa, Melly Octaviana, Puan Ros, Wattie, Faeez, Mokwo, Nur-nba, Cik Kamoo, Sabar Dubai, Nida Mohd, Lena, My Lady, Nadz, Ady, Ezalieza, Ibh Sue,
Abbot Cottage, Hasue, Ummiakid, Azura Rahman, Yat Maria, Embun Rosaliza,
HoemKreation, dzana, Geraugebang, Rima, Wana Yusuf, Quinnie, Norlieharumaini,
Noorsafone, Hana, Mat Gebu, Hazila, Zack Zachoes, Mamafami, deetha, Kak Ummi...Really Appreciated it so so much!!!!

Anonymous said...

k ayu, tq sebab buka blog ni balik. saya selalu mencuba resepi dr blog k ayu. bila tutup tu rasa mcm alah...x syoknya. blog ni selalu jd rujukan saya nak mencuba resepi2 baru.

tq k ayu :)

Asli Excella said...

Askum kak..
Mudah2an segala usaha akak akan mendapat pahala disisi Allah. Saya sgt suka membaca entri blog akak..dptla jugak nak carik idea memasak tuk otak yg dh kering idea ni :)..

TQ kak kerana masih lagi sudi share recipe ...

Anonymous said...

Keep on posting kak! I want to read and try ur recipes~

Ayu said...

Anonymous - terimaksih dear..kerana sudi mencuba..recipe2 dari blog akak ni..
kerana silent readers macam adiklah akak sanggup buka balik.thanks again ya..

asli exella - walklsm, terimaksih asli insyaallah mudah2han hendaknya..terharu akak..
betul tu bila otak buntu nak masak apa memnag brain block gitu kan..heheh..tak apa ni akak dah buka..selalu2lah singgah ya..

Anonymous - thanks dear..insyaallah selagi masih ada passion, energy, resources and time akan akak masukkan apa2 yang sesuai kat blog akak ni ya..

nazia said...

Waalaikumsalam Kak Ayu.. Its nice to have u back on here.Welcome back.. Though I have been a silent reader and following on ur blog for sometime, I love all the recipes that you hv shared on here.

As for those inconsiderate ppl who stole your work, you need to be extra careful. I'm sure there's alot of them out there. They have no sense of originality. Stay strong.. we are here for you. :)

Ayu said...

nazia - Thank you nazia for the welcoming words..thank you too for trying some of the recipes here, hope it met with your expectations ya..
Yes, we speak there are still copying activities happening here in my blog..but the disadvantages i cant see where those images are going is so difficult to stop this kind of thing..eventhough i have already disfunction the right click in my blog..haish still kena copy juga..thank you again for following my blog and yes i hope you guys will be around again when i needed your support...:)

nazia said...

nice to hear from you, Kak Ayu.. Honestly I feel so excited communicating with you here hehehe.. About expectations, no worries sis. Taste can be adjusted according to our individual taste buds. No worries about it. Most importantly, we feel contented and happy when we cook for our love ones.. Right :) Insya'Allah sis, selagik this blogger site still up, we will cont to support each other..

Is there any way you can report this, or do something to your pic in such a way they will be unable to copy them. Well usually sis, they will use the pic to promote or sell their product. I have seen this alot of time. Mostly I saw them via Facebook or some other source.

Anantara said...

Salam, Ayu...Really happy to see your blog is open again, welcome back! Rasa kesian pd Ayu bila incident copycat tu berlaku. Baik betul hati Ayu maafkan mereka ya. Saya sanjung Ayu! To tell u the truth, I really missed yr blog, sbb selalu singgah utk inspirasi & resepi2 yg dah dicuba semua sedap! Tapi faham juga perasaan Ayu terhadap copycat tu. Hope it doesn't happen again, Ayu! Hope u get strength and encouragement from us, your supporters! Semoga Ayu selalu diberkati Allah :)

Ayu said...

nazia - hehhe..akak pun excited juga bila ramai silent reader bersuara kat sini!!!..selama ni mostly memang silent ajelah,..hahaha...its true what u said, taste can be adjusted..tapi takut juga especially for those yang baru2 berjinak2 dalam masakan ni..maybe sometimes they tak sure, so they ikut bulat2 apa yang tertera kat recipe, dan takut nak adjust sendiri sukatannya tu...which what happenened to me last timelah..heheh, tapi dah lama2 baru pandai nak mengadjust apa yang nak kurang dan lebihkan...

as for the report long, the image is mine, and if i know the other person copied it without prior permission from me, dan without linking it..its up to me nak report ke google/blogger ke tidak..then pihak goggle will check and they will delete that post yang kena complain..kat facebook pulak pun ada rasanya..kena report kat facebook lah..then facebook side will also remove the images, i think..

Ayu said...

Anatara - walkslm, terimaksih Anantara, tulah kita maafkan si maling tu dengan harapan dia tak buat lagilah..tapi entahlah tak tahu lagi ni..sebab hari2 ada aje kegiatan mencopy kat sini..kita dapat lihat dari certain 'tools' yang kita install kat blog kita ni....redha ajelah ..kita yang terkilan part gamabr2 family pun dia ambil juga ni..ingatkan gamabr2 makanan aje..sekali ha engkau..semua di samunnya..kurang pasti pulak gamabr2 family juga diambil untuk apa..tu yang dah tak post lagi gamabr2 family..yang lepas tu pun kita dah simpan..

terimakasih sekali lagi Anantara for the support and comforting words..really appreciate so much..insyaallah memnag dengan harapan janganlah berlaku lagi perkara copy mengcopy ni ya..