Since my dad ni tak berapa sangat with chocolate kita buat this blueberry flavour for him..
Alhamdullilah makan jugalah sepotong..hehe...yalah ayah kita ni kalau kek2 berkrim makan gitu2 ajelah tak ada makan beriya2..Anak2 pulak kalau bukan chocolate slow motion aje makan..hahaha..yang ada tu makan keknya aje creamnya dia buang..itu sebablah kita kalau buat kek mesti nak siapa2 yang singgah sini asik kek coklat aje sorry lah ya..puan tanah kedaung, terpaksa ikut pasaran dirumah ni..hehe..
Deco cake ni pada kita masih belum smooth lagi..Ingat nak buat different tones of purple, bubuh colour pun sikit2 just enough for one colour, then bila pipekan dia keluar macam semperit, sebab cream tak cukup dan sikit..last2 sudahlah just use one colour ..sebab mood tak kuasa dah datanglah tu..:)
Anyway, recipe ni kita ambil dari buku Delicious Cakes...sebenarnya this Blueberry Torte kita pernah buat dulu, tapi itu orang order..alahai dah ambil order ke si Ayu ni?..Oh tidak..kalau ambil pun yang kenal2 aje..itupun kek2 yang kita dah pernah buatlah, seperti Red Velvet Cake & Devil Food Chocolate Cake...yang ni pun sebab my biras(isteri kepada abang ipar, Mr Hubby's eldest brother) yang beriya2 suruh kita buat, she ordered to surprise suaminya ..bila time terima order ni kita macam tak confident tau, sebab apa, she nak kek yang kita belum pernah cuba!!!..Uish dah lah tu..bukan coklat tapi blueberry...macam biasalah makcik terus stoink...hahah..menggelabah cari recipe kek blueberry..Nasib baik jumpa yang ni..alhamdulilah menjadi..anyway, since kek macam ni tak mendapat sambutan yang hangat dirumah, ia mendapat sambutan yang begitu menggalakkan dioffice Mr Hubby..wakakaka..sebab separuh dari kek ni kita suruh Hubby bawa..Mr Hubby pulak, time kat officelah baru dia makan..kat rumah dia tak pandang langsung..he said..within minutes, the cake dissappeared in thin air...and the comments was very nice!!!...
Yalah kat office Mr Hubby tu..kayu & batu pakkal tak boleh makan, kalau boleh makan..pun dia orang cakap sedap..hahahaha...tapi serious kek ni sedap pada yang suka perasa blueberry :)
Oh yes kalau nak guna recipe ready spongecake mix pun boleh ya..just adjust ikut sukatan kat packaging tu, then decorate ikut suka....
Blueberry Torte
Sources:-From Delicious Cakes
Tried &Tested:- Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
Chocolate Sponge Cake
250g eggs-(Ayu used 5 eggs grade B)
125g castor sugar
110g cake flour
15g cocoa powder
50ml UHT milk
15g ovalette
65g corn oil
1 tsp vanilla essence
65g corn oil
400g blueberry pir filling
300ml Rich's Gold Label Whipping Cream-(Ayu use Red Man)
1 tsp gelatine(mixed with 30ml water)
For Ganish:-
250g whipping cream(whipped)
some fresh strawberries
some grated cooking chocolate
Method For Cake:-
Line and grease a 9" cake tin. Preheat oven at 180C.-(Ayu just line with baking paper that does not require grease. Ayu did not grease sides of tray also cos didnt want the cake to shrink)
In a mixer, whisk at high speed for 5 minutes all the ingredients(A). Mixture should be thick and fluffy.
Turn to low speed and add in ingredients (B) and mix until just combined. Pour batter into cake tin and bake 35-40 minutes. Invert cake for 5 minutes before turning over to cool completely. Slice cake into two.
Method For Filling:-
Sprinkle the gelatine into the water and let it soak for 5 minutes. Double Boil until mixture is clear.
Whip up the cream until fluffy and spread over one layer of the cake. Top with 180g of pie filling. To the rest of the pie filling add in gelatine mixture above.
Repeat for the next layer of cake and decorate to creativity. Top with some strawberries and chocolate. Refrigerate until set before serving.