Anyway, cake ni kita ambil recipe dari buku Martha Stewart..memang seronok tengok recipe2 dalam buku tu..semuanya kasi orang menjejes air liur..hehe..bekenan yang ni..of cos juga dalam gambar cake Martha lagiii lawa compared dgn kita punya, oh tepi kek tu memang kita sengaja buat macam tu tau..hehe....tak apalah kan asal edible dan kita buatlah mana yang termampu...nak deco susah2 memang comfirm kita mati kering buat cake here it is for my future reference dan sibuk2 masuk dalam blog sendiri ni ya..:)
Chocolate Truffle Cake
Sources:-Martha Stewart's Cakes
Adjusted, Tried & Tested:-Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
1 cup + 2 tbsp unsalted butter room temperature.
1/2 cup + 1 tbsp best quality unsweetened cocoa powder-(Ayu used Valrhona cocoa powder)
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp boiling water
3/4 cup milk +1/4 cup(Ayu added this)
21/4 cups sifter cake flour(not self rising)-(Ayu used top flour)
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
13/4 cups sugar-(Ayu used 200g) -7/8 cup (half the amount of 13/4)
2 tsp vanilla extract-(Ayu used vanilla essence)
3 large eggs lightly beaten
Use 3nos 9x2 inch round cake pans.(Ayu used 1 no. 8' round cake pan & cut to 3 slices)
Preheat oven to 180c. Stir cocoa into a medium bowl. Stir in the boiling water until smooth, gradually whisk in milk. Set aside to cool.
Whisk together flour, baking soda and salt in a bowl. With an electric mixer, beat butter until fluffy. Gradually beat in sugar, scraping down sides of bowl. Beat in vanilla.
Add eggs in one by one. beating well after each addition. With mixer on low speed, add flour mixture and reserved cocoa mixture a little at a time in alternate batches, starting and ending with the flour beat until combined. Divide batter evenly among prepared pans, smooth tops with an offset spatula. Bake rotating halfway through, until a cake tester comes out clean, 20-25 minutes. Transfer pans to wire racks to cool 15 minutes. Turn out cakes onto racks to cool completely.
With a serrated knife, trim tops of cakes to level. Place bottom cake layer on a cake stand or platter and spread evenly with about 11/4 cups of whipped ganache, top with second layer and 11/4 cups ganache. Top with third layer. Spread remaining whipped ganache over top and sides of cake to form a crumb coat, refrigerate until ganaches is firm about 30 minutes.(Ayu used own chocolate ganache, and did not whip it)
Chocolate Ganache
200ml whipping cream
250g dark chocolate, chopped finely
a pinch of salt
In a double boiler, warm the cream until just at boiling point, add the chocolate & salt and stir. When all the chocolate has melted, remove for heat and continue stirring until all well mixed.
Whipped Bittersweet Chocolate Ganache
Sources:-Martha Stewart's Cakes

21/2 cups heavy cream
Place chocolate in a large heatproof bowl. Bring cream to a boil over medium-high heat. pour over chocolate, swirling to cover completely. Let sit 10 minutes. With a flexible spatula or a small whisk, gently stir chocolate and cream until combined.
Refrigerate ganache stirring every 5 minutes until mixture is cool to touch. Whisk ganache until it just barely begins to hold its shape and is slightly lighter in colour. Do not overwhip, or mixture will become grainy(ganache will keep thickening after you stop whisking.)Use immediately.
Omit step 2. At the end of step 1, let ganache sit at room temperature until just thickened, about 15 minutes. The ganache will get thicker as it sits, it should be pourable but thick enough to fully coat the cake.
Rich Chocolate Frosting:- (Ayu used half of this for this cake)
Sources:-Martha Stewart's Cakes
1/2 cup + 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder-(Use normal cocoa powder good enough)
1/2 cup + 1 tbsp warm water
11/2 cups(3 sticks) unsalted butter room temperature
3/4 cup confectioner's sugar
21/4 tsp salt -(If use salted butter DO NOT add this)
11/2 pounds semisweet chocolate chopped melted and cooled.(680g)
Method:-(Sorry just updated 14/4/2014)
Whisk together cocoa and the warm water in a bowl until cocoa disolves.With an electric mixer on medium speed, beat butter, confectioner's sugar, and salt until pale and fluffy, 3-5 minutes. Gradually beat in melted chocolate and then cocoa mixture until combined. Frosting can be refrigerated up to 5 days in an airtight container. Bring to room temperature and beat on low speed before using.
After covered the cake with rich chocolate frosting, Ayu top with shaved milk chocolate compund..:
Ayuuu.....lecehnye. Byknye kena wat. Kita tgk je la. Tk kan tbuatnye. Gua salute ayu....terer3....he3...
ana..hahhaha...taklah sangat leceh ana..hahha..thank salute gua ...wakaka...
So sinful.. even just looking at the cake.. Hehehe.
Salam K.Ayu...
sedapnya tengok kek tuh....
shereen - mum likes this cake..dia nampak coklat atas tulah sebab tu berselera..hehe
adda - walklsm, alhamdullilah sedap ni adda..:)
Sangat sesuai dihidangkan untuk tetamu yang menggemari coklat.
nasa mulia - betul tu nasa, sangat sesuai untuk penggemar kek coklatlah senang cerita..heheh..nasa, akak nak comment kat blog nasa, macam tak retilah dear..kena sign in into google+ ke?..akak takut nanti dia tukar semua setting...huhu :(
waaahh...keliatan moist dan sangat nyoklat. Bikin ngeces kuenya....
Kakkkkkk...sukaaa sngat2 tdi bru perasan yg pemilik nama Rohayu Hassan tu akakkkkk rupenyaa...kita bru buat fb smlm...bru nk kenal dunia fb..huhuu...nti kita sembang kat stu plak ye...rjin btul kak buat kek yggg...kena org rjin je sngup buat...kita duk plih buat yg mudah2 je...ada jgk kek dlm folder tu 3 lgi rsanya...saja simpan lelama standby utk time xmembaking..hehee...
rina - hehe..alhamdullilah sedap kek ni Rina..:)
maz - hahah..nama akak Rahayu Hassan..hehe..tulah baru tu nampak rupa Maz..memang cantik & ayu aje orangnya..hehe...ini akak masukkan kek my son birthday..nanti my kek pulak next week..hehe..cepat2 clearkan cake recipes ni maz..sebab birthday oklah maz..akak merajinkan diri aje ni..hehe
perghhh, mengancam tekak n perut....hihihi
Ayuuuu...taknak buat ah. Dah lama tak makan kek tau. Tapi kalau kiriman dr Singapore, insyaallah usahakan juga makan..hehe
babe.. geramnyerr nengok ceklat tu.. :P
Liza - heheh...cubalah liza..hehe:)
zana fahmi - wahahaha,,,oh ya ke...
dari spore baru makan ya..heheh:)
Shiela - uish..kita tengok kek awak lagi geramm..hehe:)
Assalamualaikum sis...wahh ya cake sooo sinfully delicious la....nway im a bit confused ...tolong the first layer we spread with the whipped choc ganache (yg martha steward nye recipe kan?) Then the next layer with ayu's choc ganache then cover the cake with the whipped choc ganache then refrigerate to firm it. Lepas tu cover the cake with rich choc frosting eh? Then decorate n voila!? Lagi satu i nak tanya...kat mane ble beli valrhona cocoa powder kat sg ni sis? And lastly i just wanna say that u r an inspiration for me keep baking chocolate cakes...cos i pon suker hehee...terima kasih byk2
Hairani - Walklsm, thank you dear..alhamdullilah..:)
Ok, first layer spread with EITHER my chocolate ganache or the whipped chocolate ganache(martha's recipe)- choose anyone.
Next layer is the same if you used either one chocolate ganache of the above.Then crumb coatkan dia then put in fridge using the same chocolate ganache for the layers.
Then after dah keluar fridge, baru frost dengan rich chocolate frosting.Then decorate to your preference.
I beli Valrhona cocoa powder kat Kitchen Capers at kallang & another one you can find at Sun Lik trading. You can check kat internet their address.
Thank you sis for the nice words!!..Kita masih learning lagi ..kek pun untuk makan2 sendiri..memang chocolate is our favourite cake especially my kids..
Terimakasih again tinggalkan jejak dan follow my blog...:)
Oic...terima kasih byk2 sis...really appreciate ya explaination. I memang nak berjenak2 bake cakes...hehee...thank u2....wah jauh betol nak beli valrhona cocoa powder eh..but thx for the info nway... :)
Hairani - Alright no problemo....wish you all the best for your future bakes..nanti kalau dah master..asik nak bake aje tau..hehe..Valrhona cocoa powder tu kat that 2 shops aje so far kat spore ni..i normally will buy kalau pergi town tumpang my hubby..hehe..kita duduk woodlands memang jauh ler..tapi pasal nak sedap punya pasal beli jugalah..haha
Hehe nak sedaap nye pasal eh... i pon nak try cos gd recipes always recommend that....btw r u stayg in woodlands too?? Whc part? Best nak jumpe plak eh....mayb if u buy valrhona choc i can kirim muahahaa.... ;)
Hairani - tulah guna Valrhona cocoa powder memang terasa kelainannya serta kecoklatanya..very rich gitu..
yes i am staying in woodlands..dekat dengan woodlands swimming pool you pun woodlands ke?..hehe..
Boleh insyaallah kalau u nak kirim, tapi cocoa powder ada banyak kalau nak beli lagi at least end of the year baru habis. Kita beli sekali 1kg dalam s$ it will takes a while to finish if you can wait why not kan..hehe..:)
Eheh...u stayg near swimmg pool?? I near polyclinic...quite nearby tu...if cake tak abis, call i je hehee....btw my bday pon in April la...when is yours exactly? Ler da ke lain criter plak to 'meet' u btw :) ps: do u take orders for raya cookies? me la the details...mcm tak sesuai 'chatting' kat sini...hhehe...
Hairani - hahaha...boleh kalau apa2 tak habis pass sana eh..hahaha.. My birthday is on the 10th April..nice to meet u too..hahaha..entah2 pernah bertemu di sheng song tak..hahaha... No I don't take orders for cookies..boleh patah panggang weh..cookies sendiri Ada berkira nak buat..hahaha.. My emal kat atas tu..I don't have your email dear..hehe..;)
Babe, email katne? Tak nampak pon! Ehehee...kasi je kat sini pls...thank u! Nanti senang i nak any baking enquiries hehe
Hairani - tu yang colour merah..anyway i put herelah senang..hehe
boleh kalau nak tanya tentang baking yang senang2 oklah yang susah2 kita tak tahu tau..wakakaka..:)
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