Walaupun roti kita ni taklah secantik roti2 teman2 blogger yang lain yang dah memang pro meroti..Kita tetap nak uploadkan keblog kita ni for future reference...Only to take note pada kita sendiri bila tabur gula kat atas layers of dough tu kena lebihkan sikit gulanya sebab baru manis rotinya..Gigih kita ambil gambar step by step tu untuk sendiri juga kot2 next time nak buat lagi dah tahu dah stepsnya dan tak payah terkial2 baca recipe berbalik2 just to make sure...hehehe
Vanilla Sugar Sweet Buns
Sources:- Diana via tastebook.com
Tried & Tested:-
- 1 cup milk
- 1 vanilla bean or 2 tsp vanilla
- 1/2 cup (melted butter)
- 1/3 cup vanilla sugar
- 2 eggs (beaten)
- 2 teaspoon instant yeast
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 3 1/2 - 4 cups all purpose flour -(Ayu used 2 cups high protein flour/bread flour & 2 cups plain flour)
- 1/4 cup melted butter
- 1/2 cup vanilla sugar
- 1 egg
- 2 tablespoons milk
- Prep all your ingredients a head of time this will help to make things move faster. Pour the milk into a saucepan.
If your using a
vanilla bean, slice down the center and using your knife scrap each side
of the sliced vanilla bean to remove the seeds.
Place the seeds
into the milk in the saucepan and the vanilla bean itself, slowly bring
the milk to a scald (Do not boil ). Remove vanilla bean stock.
Pour the scalding milk into a large bowl. Allow to cool to 105F - 110F then add the melted butter and vanilla sugar.
Add in about one
cup of flour and the beaten eggs and mix till smooth. Now, add in the
salt and instant yeast. Sprinkle about a half a cup of flour on a flat
surface. Pour out the sticky dough and add another half cup of flour on
Begin to knead in
the flour slowly, add a little at a time till you get a slightly sticky
dough but workable. Continue to knead for 8 - 10 minutes. The dough will
become smooth and elastic. Pour a little oil into a clean separate
- Place the dough into the bowl and flip over so all sides of the dough is lightly coated with oil. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to set for about 1 hour or till double in bulk. After dough has risen, pour out onto a flat surface.
Cut dough in half,
place one piece back into the bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Using
the piece of dough on the flat surface, cut into 8 equal pieces.
- If you want your buns to be all the same size you need to weigh each piece so, they are all equal in weight. This will give you the best look and results. Mine were about 2 1/4 ounces each. Roll out one piece of dough at a time to a 6 by 4 1/2 rectangle.
Brush the top with a little butter and add a little vanilla sugar (about 3/4 teaspoon of sugar)
- Do the same with the next piece of dough. Now place that piece on top of the other one, brush with butter again and add a little vanilla sugar. Do the same with the next two pieces of dough. After you should have 4 pieces of dough stacked on top of each other. Use your rolling pin and roll out the dough into a 6 by 4 1/2 inch rectangle again
Starting on the
longest end roll up the dough tightly. Pinch the ends and seam closed.
Place the dough seam side down and set aside. Continue to do the same
with the next 4 pieces of dough. You will have two rolled dough’s now.
Take out the other half of dough in the bowl and do the same with that
half. At the end you should have 4 rolled dough’s
- Cut each rolled dough into about 6 triangles. You will end up with 24 pieces of dough
Cicah teh 'o' pun sodap. Yu, hand knead ke atau pakai mixer - dough hook tu? Kalau hand knead kena tabik spring nih.. hehehe .. saya surrender kalau nak menguli pakai tangan.
Anyway, Ayu pakai Vanilla bean? Kat JB ni susah nak dapat la. Kalau ada pun pengsan nak beli. Mahal sangat. Hari tu saya beli nak buat Vanilla custard, 1 Vanilla Pod pun dah cost me about RM18. Jadi housemate semua kena paksa makan dan habiskan... tak boleh membazir. Hehe
Your roti nampak interesting sebab ada part stack the dough than roll then cut. Agak-agak kalau ganti normal sugar ngan demerara sugar tu ok tak?
Assalam kak ayu..
Rajinnya meroti..saya buat roti yg last punya roti sarang lebah jer hihi..
Terserlah kegebuan vanila suwit ban tu..lembut gebus gebas..masuk mulut cam boleh ghaib camtu jer hihi
kak ayu.
sama la n kita klu dh malas nk tgok tpung pun boring..klu rajin..apa pun nk buat la tu jgk//tq kak step by step lg..cantik roti tue..insyaallah leh try nnt
cantiknya.... terima kasih share gambar2 tu... saya ni memang besar hati nak buat roti, tapi malasnya tu lebih besar dari hatinya he hehhehe.... tiap kali niat nak buat tapi asyik tak terbuat!
Rosdi - kita guna pakai mixer heavy duty tu yang dough hook ..memang ler kita pun tak sanggup nak uli pakai tangan..tapi kalau uli pakai tangan kena uli lama sikit ler...
Yes kita guna vanilla bean..kita beli kat bake with yen kat KL kemarin..1 packet dalam ada a few vanilla beans berbelas ringgit juga kita beli...sebab kat singapore ni pun tak ada nampak pun...
kalau ganti dengan demerara sugar pun ok juga tapi kena lebihkan lagi..sebab demerara sugar dia kurang manis...
lina - walkslm, lina akak buat roti jarang2..ini sebab baru beli heavy duty mixer itu yang akak mencuba...heheh....alhamdullilah roti ni lembut sangat..kena uli sampai strecthable...:)
zila - hahah..tulah kan...kalau mood nak buat time tu juga nak buat walaupun bahan2 tak cukup..kerah anak akak pergi kedai..wakakaka...yalah steps tu pun untuk akak juga at the same time boleh share dgn teman2...your welcome dear..:)
Amie - terimaksih amie..tak cantik lagi ni kalau dicompare dengan teman2 yang dah pro buat buat roti...insyaallah amie..kalau hati nak buat..malas akan hilang...heheh..:)
Yana dh lama x meroti..mood ke laut hehehee..
gebus gebas je roti kak ayu nii.. sedapp cicah teh o ^__^
Yana- tulah akak pun dah lama tak meroti...itu yg akak buat..since baru beli heavy mixer...heehe...
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