This is another recipe that I asked my mum to teach me...the amount yields quite an amount so you can half the ingredients..Mr Hubby's favourite...for this recipe she told me it best to add the coconut filling to give a more 'lemak' taste for the usual different people, got their own different method, so its up to you to choose to your convenience or preference ya..
400g kacang hijau-direndam 2-3 jam atau semalaman-(400g green beans-soaked 2-3 hours or overnignt)
3 sudu besar santan pekat-(3 tbsp coconut milk)
1/2 cawan air gula melaka-(1/2 cup palm sugar syrup)
secubit garam-(a pinch of salt)
Rebus kacang hijau sehingga agak lembut. Masukkan santan pekat, air gula melaka dan secubit garam dan gaul rata.. Bila adunan sudah pekat dan kembang, masukkan inti kelapa dan gaulkan rata. Matikan api dan biarkan sejuk. Buat bulat2 , leperkan dan ketepikan-(Put green beans to boil till soften. Add in coconut milk, palm sugar syrup and a pinch of salt, stir till incorporated. When mixture has thickens and soften, add in coconut filling and stir well. Turn off heat and let cool. Make balls, slightly flatten and put aside)
Bahan untuk tepung menggoreng:- (Ingredients for batter)
3 cawan tepung gandum-(3 cups plain flour)
air secukupnya-(water to estimate)
2 sudu besar kelapa parut -optional -(2 tbsp grated coconut-optional)
1-2 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit-( 1-2 tsp turmeric powder)
1/2 sudu kecil kapur- (1/2 tsp white lime)
Masukkan tepung kedalam mangkuk, tuang air kacau sehingga sebati jika pekat tambah lagi sedikit demi sedikit air. Masukkan serbuk kunyit, kapur, kelapa parut dan garam. Ambil inti kacang hijau yang telah dibulat dan leperkan tadi dan celupkan kedalam adunan tepung(seperti nak menggoreng pisang) dan goreng dengan api yang sederhana. hingga kekuningan. Angkat dan siap.-( Add flour into a bowl, mix water. Add in turmeric powder, white lime, grated coconut and salt. Take the flatten green beans fillings and dip into batter(same steps like frying the banana friiters) and fry with medium heat till golden yellow. Dish out and ready.)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Ikan Betawi
I gave this recipe a try, and it was a hit among my parents!!.. they love this...the laksa leaves really made the difference in this dish..adding to the bird eye chillies..sslurpp..
1 ekor ikan tilapia -disiang dan dikelar2 digaul dengan sedikit garam -(1 red tilapia, cleaned, slashed, marinate with some salt)
*1 labu bawang besar-(*1 large onion)
*2 batang serai-(*2 lemongrass)
*1 inci halia-(*1 inch ginger)
* 10 tangkai cili padi-(*10 bird eyes chillies)
10 batang daun kesum-dipetik2 dan basuh bersih)-(10 sprigs laksa leaves, take the leaves,wash)
garam dan serbuk perasa-(salt and msg to taste)
sedikit minyak untuk menumis-(some oil for saute)
1 kotak santan serbuk-dibancuh dengan air -saya gunakan santan kotak aje-(1 small box powdered coconut milk mix with water- I just used the instant ones)
1 sudu besar susu tepung-saya terlupa nak letak ni-(1 tbsp milk powder- I forgot about this)
beberapa cili padi dicampak saja-saya tambah-(some bird eyes chillies for garnishing-I added)
Jerang periuk, masukkan minyak dan tumis *bahan2 kisar. Masukkan daun kesum, santan serbuk Mesti dikacau dengan 1 cawan air sejuk). Masukkan ikan, garam dan serbuk perasa. Apabila mendidih masukkan 1 sudu besar susu tepung. Masak sehingga ikan masak, diangkat dan dihidangkan dengan nasi putih.-(Heat oil and saute *blended ingreidients. Add in laksa leaves, powdered coconut milk( mix with 1 cup of water). Add in fish, salt and msg to taste. When boiled add in 1 tbsp milk powder. Let it boil till fish are cooked. Dish out and serve with white warm rice.)
Sources:-From Patimah PK Ibrahim@ resipi ceria keluarga
Sup Cendawan Daun Kunyit
For those who cant take hot..and for those who like to sip the soup..repeat telecast but this time round I added fishballs and soft tofu..
1 packet oyster mushroom-(1 paket cendawan tiram)
*1 big onion sliced-(*1 biji bawang besar dihiris)
*1 garlic sliced-(* 1 biji bawang putih)
*1 red chili sliced-(*1 biji cili merah dihiris)
1 turmeric leaf sliced-(1 helai daun kunyit)
10 anchovies sliced(I use ikan bilis cube) -(10 ikan bilis- saya gunakan kiub ikan bilis)
water to estimate-(air secukupnya)
oil for frying-(minyak untuk menumis)
*1 big onion sliced-(*1 biji bawang besar dihiris)
*1 garlic sliced-(* 1 biji bawang putih)
*1 red chili sliced-(*1 biji cili merah dihiris)
1 turmeric leaf sliced-(1 helai daun kunyit)
10 anchovies sliced(I use ikan bilis cube) -(10 ikan bilis- saya gunakan kiub ikan bilis)
water to estimate-(air secukupnya)
oil for frying-(minyak untuk menumis)
salt to taste-(garam secukup rasa)
fishballs-added myself-(bebola ikan-saya tambah)
soft tofu-(tauhu lembik-saya tambah)
fishballs-added myself-(bebola ikan-saya tambah)
soft tofu-(tauhu lembik-saya tambah)
Slice mushroom according to preference, washed and drained. Heat oil in saucepan and saute *sliced ingredients and turmeric leaf till fragrant and add in water. Add in ikan bilis cube stir well.Let it boil and add in mushrooms and salt to taste. Ready-(Hiris cendawan ikut suka, basuh dan toskan. Panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan* hiris dan daun kunyit hingga naik bau dan masukkan air. Masukkan ikan bilis/kiub dan kacau . Biarkan mendidih dan masukkan cendawan, garam secukup rasa. Siap)
Slice mushroom according to preference, washed and drained. Heat oil in saucepan and saute *sliced ingredients and turmeric leaf till fragrant and add in water. Add in ikan bilis cube stir well.Let it boil and add in mushrooms and salt to taste. Ready-(Hiris cendawan ikut suka, basuh dan toskan. Panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan* hiris dan daun kunyit hingga naik bau dan masukkan air. Masukkan ikan bilis/kiub dan kacau . Biarkan mendidih dan masukkan cendawan, garam secukup rasa. Siap)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Award From AlongRoz & Yatie
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and
thank you to
thank you to
for this award.
I guessed this award is not yet suitable for me as I am still learning and just a follower.
But with my humble heart, I felt honoured and touched with such award
given to an 'elementary' blogger like me,
furthermore with my basic
cooking skills..
To me all the bloggers that I have known and visited, are entitled to this award!!
With all the marvelous recipes,
fantastic food pictures and creative new ideas,
This are where I learnt new things and
tried the recipes,
so you guys deserve this too!!
Please, please
Help yourself with this and frame it on your blog ya!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Chocolate Fudge Cake
Perfect!!!! in taste...the best Chocolate Fudge Cake I ever made!!..soft, moist and spongy...betul tak bedek jugak!!..hehe...almost like the bought in chocolatey taste..this was Iqram's birthday cake...
My concept for this cake was 'lego block'...since Iqram like lego, I tried making this giant replica of it..hehehe.. ..dont really resembles, but almost if only I can get the small moulds in straight cut instead of curved sides...
Should have thought of it more details, when I poured the ganache on to the small moulds as the sides was quite difficult to smoothen it....Mr Hubby's comments was I should have used any vibrant colour, either yellow, orange or blue to give the much effect rather then 'brown' or chocolate!!..(cannot really see)..
Agreed with him but, I told him that if were to use colours for the cream, the kids wouldnt like them, as they only EAT chocolate coloured cakes!!!..
Chocolate Fudge Cake
Sources:-From Aunty Yochana

120 gm. Superfine flour
1/4 tsp. Baking powder
1/4 tsp. Bicarbonate of soda
1/4 tsp. salt
85 gm. sugar-(Ayu used 75g)
4 egg yolks
50 gm. cooking oil (any brand)
40 gm. water
1 Tbsp. chocolate emulco / paste
35 gm. cocoa powder + 60 gm. hot water
4 nos. egg white
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar
85 gm. castor sugar-(Ayu used 75g)
250 gm. dairy whipping cream
300 gm. cooking chocolate
50 gm. butter
(1) Mix all the ingredients (A) together into a smooth batter.
(2) Whisk (B) till until stiff peak.
(3) Fold (A) and (B) together, taking care not to overmix. Pour into a 9" round cake tin and bake at 175C for about 45 mins. or till cooked. Remove cake from oven and let it sit on the cooling for 3 mins. before removing from the tin.
(4) For Ganache, heat up the dairy whipping cream, pour into the chocolate and stir till chocolate melts, then add in the butter. Stir till smooth and let it set until it's or a spreading consistency.
(5) Slice sponge cake into 3 layers. Spread ganache on every layer and sandwich them together. Cream the whole with ganache and decorate as desired.
* This chocolate fudge cake is using ganache and it's not the custard-like fudge cake.
A 'Giant lego block' chocolate fudge cake , decorated with real lego block which I borrowed from the boys..accompanied with some men sitting on mum's comment was macam 'lori ta** '..kikiki..
Birthday Cakes,
Friday, March 26, 2010
Red Bean Cake
Tried making this cakes for Mr Hubby's breakfast...He brought about 18 pcs and told his collegues that he bought it along the way to office.. reasons was he wanted his collegues comments and reactions before he tell them the truth...hehehe..One of them did asked him where he bought the cakes and wanted to buy it the next time round!!!.. Well Mr Hubby, told the truth and now she asked whether I can make it again for her..huawa....
Auntie ate 2 and she tapau 5 back!!!..The red bean paste recipe I took from here. Made quite a some and balance I put in the fridge for my next used..
30 floral baking tins-(30 acuan bunga)
300g red bean paste-(300g pes kacan merah)
7 eggs-(7 biji telur)
300g sugar- I used 210g-(300g gula-saya gunakan 210g aje)
2 tbsp honey-(2 sudu besar madu)
350g plain flour-(350g tepung gandum)
50g corn flour-(50g tepung jagung)
25g ovalette-(25g ovalette)
2 tsp baking powder-(2 sudu kecil baking powder)
90ml water-(90ml air)
1 tsp vanilla essence-( 1 sudu kecil esence vanilla)
100ml oil-(100ml minyak)
50g almond slice-(50g hirisan badam)
Grease each baking cup with a little oil and put in 1 tsp red bean paste. Beat eggs, sugar and honey in a mixer for 2 minutes. add plain flour, corn flour, ovalette and baking powder and mix till fuffy. Add water and vanilla essence. mix well then remove from mixer. pour in 100ml oil and mix well by hand. Pour mixture into baking cups. sprinkle some almond slice on top. Bake in oven for 20 minutes at 175C.- (Sapukan minyak kedalam acuan bunga dan letak 1 sudu kecil pes kacang merah didalamnya. Pukul telur, gula dan madu selama 2 minit. Masukkan tepung gandum, tepung jagung, ovalette dan baking powder dan pukul hingga gebu. Masukkan air dan vanilla esen. Kacau rata then alihkan mangkuk. Tuangkan minyak dan kacau menggunakan tangan. Tuangkan adunan kedalm acuan bunga dan hiaskan dengan hirisan badam. Bakar didalam oven selama 20 minit dengan 175C.)
Sources:- Local Kueh-Joy Of Cooking
Inti Kacang Merah:-Red Bean Filling
300g kacang merah kering-(red bean seeds)
1 liter air-(water)
240g gula pasir-(fine sugar)
125ml minyak masak-(cooking oil)
Bubuh kacang merah dan air didalam periuk. rebus selama 45 minit sehingga kacang masak. Masukkan gula pasir dan masak lagi sehingga kacang lembut dan menjadi pes. Campurkan minyak masak dan kacau sehingga kering. Alih inti kedalam mangkuk dan biarkan sejuk. Ketepikan. -( Put red beans to boil for 45 minutes or till soften or cooked. Add in sugar and continue to cook till form a paste. Add in cooking oil and stir well till thickens and dry. Let to cool and put aside for filling)
Auntie ate 2 and she tapau 5 back!!!..The red bean paste recipe I took from here. Made quite a some and balance I put in the fridge for my next used..
30 floral baking tins-(30 acuan bunga)
300g red bean paste-(300g pes kacan merah)
7 eggs-(7 biji telur)
300g sugar- I used 210g-(300g gula-saya gunakan 210g aje)
2 tbsp honey-(2 sudu besar madu)
350g plain flour-(350g tepung gandum)
50g corn flour-(50g tepung jagung)
25g ovalette-(25g ovalette)
2 tsp baking powder-(2 sudu kecil baking powder)
90ml water-(90ml air)
1 tsp vanilla essence-( 1 sudu kecil esence vanilla)
100ml oil-(100ml minyak)
50g almond slice-(50g hirisan badam)
Grease each baking cup with a little oil and put in 1 tsp red bean paste. Beat eggs, sugar and honey in a mixer for 2 minutes. add plain flour, corn flour, ovalette and baking powder and mix till fuffy. Add water and vanilla essence. mix well then remove from mixer. pour in 100ml oil and mix well by hand. Pour mixture into baking cups. sprinkle some almond slice on top. Bake in oven for 20 minutes at 175C.- (Sapukan minyak kedalam acuan bunga dan letak 1 sudu kecil pes kacang merah didalamnya. Pukul telur, gula dan madu selama 2 minit. Masukkan tepung gandum, tepung jagung, ovalette dan baking powder dan pukul hingga gebu. Masukkan air dan vanilla esen. Kacau rata then alihkan mangkuk. Tuangkan minyak dan kacau menggunakan tangan. Tuangkan adunan kedalm acuan bunga dan hiaskan dengan hirisan badam. Bakar didalam oven selama 20 minit dengan 175C.)
Sources:- Local Kueh-Joy Of Cooking
Inti Kacang Merah:-Red Bean Filling
300g kacang merah kering-(red bean seeds)
1 liter air-(water)
240g gula pasir-(fine sugar)
125ml minyak masak-(cooking oil)
Bubuh kacang merah dan air didalam periuk. rebus selama 45 minit sehingga kacang masak. Masukkan gula pasir dan masak lagi sehingga kacang lembut dan menjadi pes. Campurkan minyak masak dan kacau sehingga kering. Alih inti kedalam mangkuk dan biarkan sejuk. Ketepikan. -( Put red beans to boil for 45 minutes or till soften or cooked. Add in sugar and continue to cook till form a paste. Add in cooking oil and stir well till thickens and dry. Let to cool and put aside for filling)
Rendang Daging Cili Api & Lontong Kering
Today we had lontong kering(Dry lontong) and the normal lontong for our menu...For the kids they had normal lontong with sayur lodeh and for adults lontong kering.. decided to make this Rendang Cili Api to go with it...mum's recipe..On top of that we had Serunding (Spicy Grated Coconut), Sambal Tumis Ikan Bilis(Sambal anchovies), Sambal Goreng Tauhu Tempe(Sambal Baukwa & Fermented Soya Bean Cake) and Paru Goreng(Fried Beef Lungs)...
This Rendang was what normally we served during Hari Raya...this menu is for those who can stand hot and spicy!!..Its main ingredients was of course the birds eyes chillies and black pepper- Panas!!.
500g daging lembu, dipotong2, dibasuh, dan toskan-(500g beef, cut , washed and drained)
*40 biji cili padi boleh adjust kalau tak nak pedas sangat-(*40 bird eyes chillies- can adjust to suits taste)
*4 biji bawang putih-(*4 garlics)
*3 biji bawang besar-(*3 large onions)
*3/4 inci halia-(*3/4 inches ginger)
*1 inci kunyit hidup-(*1 inch fresh turmeric roots)
*1 sudu besar serbuk lada hitam kasar-(*1 tbsp black pepper powder-coarse)
2 batang serai dititik-(2 lemon grass bruised)
1 helai daun kunyit-(1 turmeric leaf)
1/2 inci lengkuas diketuk-(1/2 inches galangal bruised)
3 sudu besar kerisik-(3 tbsp kerisik)
11/2 cawan santan-(11/2 cups coconut milk)
3 cawan air-(3 cups water)
2 asam keping-(2 dried tamarind slice)
2 helai daun limau perut-optional-(2 kaffir leaves-optional)
26g gula melaka-(26g palm sugar)
garam dan perasa secukupnya -(salt & msg to taste)
Tumis bahan2 kisar* sampai naik bau. Masukkan serai, lengkuas, daun kunyit dan kacau rata. Masukkan daging, air, santan, kacau hingga rata dan biarkan hingga daging empuk. Bila sudah masak, masukkan garam, gula melaka, perasa, daun limau perut dan asam keping. Biarkan sebentar lagi hingga agak2 kering dan pekat . Terpulang kalau nak rendangnya berkuah sedikit atau kering. Matikan api-(Saute blended ingredients* till fragrant. Add in lemon grass,galangal , turmeric leaf and stir well. Add in beef, water, coconut milk and stir well and let it boil till beef are tender. When cooked, add in salt, palm sugar,msg, kaffir leaves and dried tamarind slice. Let it for a while till a bit thickens. Up to your preference how you want the gravy to be runny or thick. Turn off heat)
This Rendang was what normally we served during Hari Raya...this menu is for those who can stand hot and spicy!!..Its main ingredients was of course the birds eyes chillies and black pepper- Panas!!.
500g daging lembu, dipotong2, dibasuh, dan toskan-(500g beef, cut , washed and drained)
*40 biji cili padi boleh adjust kalau tak nak pedas sangat-(*40 bird eyes chillies- can adjust to suits taste)
*4 biji bawang putih-(*4 garlics)
*3 biji bawang besar-(*3 large onions)
*3/4 inci halia-(*3/4 inches ginger)
*1 inci kunyit hidup-(*1 inch fresh turmeric roots)
*1 sudu besar serbuk lada hitam kasar-(*1 tbsp black pepper powder-coarse)
2 batang serai dititik-(2 lemon grass bruised)
1 helai daun kunyit-(1 turmeric leaf)
1/2 inci lengkuas diketuk-(1/2 inches galangal bruised)
3 sudu besar kerisik-(3 tbsp kerisik)
11/2 cawan santan-(11/2 cups coconut milk)
3 cawan air-(3 cups water)
2 asam keping-(2 dried tamarind slice)
2 helai daun limau perut-optional-(2 kaffir leaves-optional)
26g gula melaka-(26g palm sugar)
garam dan perasa secukupnya -(salt & msg to taste)
Tumis bahan2 kisar* sampai naik bau. Masukkan serai, lengkuas, daun kunyit dan kacau rata. Masukkan daging, air, santan, kacau hingga rata dan biarkan hingga daging empuk. Bila sudah masak, masukkan garam, gula melaka, perasa, daun limau perut dan asam keping. Biarkan sebentar lagi hingga agak2 kering dan pekat . Terpulang kalau nak rendangnya berkuah sedikit atau kering. Matikan api-(Saute blended ingredients* till fragrant. Add in lemon grass,galangal , turmeric leaf and stir well. Add in beef, water, coconut milk and stir well and let it boil till beef are tender. When cooked, add in salt, palm sugar,msg, kaffir leaves and dried tamarind slice. Let it for a while till a bit thickens. Up to your preference how you want the gravy to be runny or thick. Turn off heat)
Lontong Kering
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Khao Nieow Moon with Sweet Mango
The mango seasons are here again..the last time I made this was last year...quite a few bloggers was curious on how was the taste..until they tried themselves then they realised the 'pleasure' of this dessert..hehe..saw at Ika Bangkok's house the other day and a few already tried this...actually wanted to make this since the mango seasons started..bought a few but I just found no time doing it until the mango turned brown..haha..
Well dont say some of you , even my mum and dad pun tak tahu makan ni..hehe just me and Mr Hubby ler..
I post the recipe here again OK..
350g glutinous rice-(350g beras pulut)
1 can coconut milk(I used 1 packet KARA coconut milk)-(1 kotak kecil santan kara)
3/4 cup sugar-(3/4 cawan gula)
11/4 tsp salt-(11/4 sudu kecil garam)
1 tsp rice flour-(1 sudu kecil tepung beras)
4-5 screw pine leaves(pandan leaves)-(4-5 daun pandan)
Wash glutinous rice and soaked for at least 3 hours, or overnight.
Put steamer to boil at medium heat. Drained the glutinous rice and place onto cloth(I used cloth diaper) top with 2 screw pine leaf and cover. Steam for about 30-45 minutes or until glutinous rice are cooked(grains looked clear).-(Basuh beras pulut dan rendam selama 3 jam atau semalaman. Panaskan kukusan diatas api sederhana. Toskan beras pulut dan letakkan diatas kain dengan 2 helai daun pandan dan tutup kukusannya. Kukus selama 30-45 minit atau sehingga beras pulut masak.-pulut nampak clear)
Separate 3/4 cup coconut milk in a small bowl, put the remaining coconut milk in a pot, add sugar and salt and bring to boil on medium low heat.Add 2 pandan leaves in coconut milk mixture, stir frequently until sugar dissolve. Remove from heat. Put steamed glutinous rice in a pot that has cover, add coconut milk to glutinous rice, stir quickly and well. Cover it for 15 minutes.-(Asingkan 3/4 cawan santan didalam mangkuk kecil dan lebihannya masukkan kedalam periuk, gula dan garam dididihkan diatas api sederhana. Masukkan daun pandan dan kacau hingga gula larut. Angkat dari api dan masukkan pulut yang sudah dikukus tadi, gaul secepat mungkin dan tutup selama 15 minit.)
For the balance 3/4 cups coconut milk, add rice flour and 1/4 tsp salt in it and mix well. Bring to boil on medium low heat, stir frequently until the mixture becomes thick. Remove from heat and set aside for topping.
Put glutinous rice in a plate, top with prepared coconut cream and serve with ripe mangoes.-(Santan yang 3/4 cawan tadi masukkan tepung beras dan garam dan gaul rata. Didihkan sebentar diatas api sederhana dengan selalu dikacau hingga pekat. Angkat dan ketepikan untuk disiram diatas pulut nanti. Letak pulut diatas piring dan tuangkan santan tadi dan makan dengan mangga yang sudah masak dan manis.)
Sources:- From
Well dont say some of you , even my mum and dad pun tak tahu makan ni..hehe just me and Mr Hubby ler..
I post the recipe here again OK..
350g glutinous rice-(350g beras pulut)
1 can coconut milk(I used 1 packet KARA coconut milk)-(1 kotak kecil santan kara)
3/4 cup sugar-(3/4 cawan gula)
11/4 tsp salt-(11/4 sudu kecil garam)
1 tsp rice flour-(1 sudu kecil tepung beras)
4-5 screw pine leaves(pandan leaves)-(4-5 daun pandan)
Wash glutinous rice and soaked for at least 3 hours, or overnight.
Put steamer to boil at medium heat. Drained the glutinous rice and place onto cloth(I used cloth diaper) top with 2 screw pine leaf and cover. Steam for about 30-45 minutes or until glutinous rice are cooked(grains looked clear).-(Basuh beras pulut dan rendam selama 3 jam atau semalaman. Panaskan kukusan diatas api sederhana. Toskan beras pulut dan letakkan diatas kain dengan 2 helai daun pandan dan tutup kukusannya. Kukus selama 30-45 minit atau sehingga beras pulut masak.-pulut nampak clear)
For the balance 3/4 cups coconut milk, add rice flour and 1/4 tsp salt in it and mix well. Bring to boil on medium low heat, stir frequently until the mixture becomes thick. Remove from heat and set aside for topping.
Put glutinous rice in a plate, top with prepared coconut cream and serve with ripe mangoes.-(Santan yang 3/4 cawan tadi masukkan tepung beras dan garam dan gaul rata. Didihkan sebentar diatas api sederhana dengan selalu dikacau hingga pekat. Angkat dan ketepikan untuk disiram diatas pulut nanti. Letak pulut diatas piring dan tuangkan santan tadi dan makan dengan mangga yang sudah masak dan manis.)
Sources:- From
Mee Singapura
Today just made this for our lunch, if possible and hopefully can last until need to cook mah!!..Basically this mee is not hot! Marsya ate them just now...senang kerja mok hari ni...Again the ingredients what available in the fridge, I add in slice fish cakes and prawns to it..
Dont forget to squeeze the lime before eating as it brings up the whole taste and aroma...for adults lah dont like masam2 ni..
11/2 kg mee kuning-(11/2 kg yellow noodles)
1/2 kg taugeh-(1/2 kg bean sprout)
1/2 kg sawi dipotong2-(1/2 kg chye sim cut 2 inch lengthwise)
300g daging-(300g beef)
300g sotong dibersihkan-(300g squids)
4 biji tomato dihiris-(4 tomatoes sliced thinly)
minyak masak-(oil for fryimg)
10 biji lada merah-(10 red chillies)
2 sudu teh lada puteh-(2 tsp pepper)
3 biji bawang besar dihiris-(3 large onions sliced thinly)
1 tin kecil tomato puree-100g -(1 small can tomato puree-100g)
1/2 botol sos tomato-(1/2 bottle tomato sauce)
secukup lada hijau dihiris-(sliced green chillies)
secukup limau kasturi, daun sup/bawang-(lime, chinese celery/spring onions)
bawang goreng-(fried shallots)
Panaskan minyak lalu tumiskan bawang hiris, masukkan lada merah yang telah dikisar. Bila telah garing masukkan tomato puree dan tomato sos. Perasakan dengan garamdan serbuk perasa. Apabila sudah sebati, masukkan pula daging, sotong, tomato biji dan akhir sekali mee dan taugeh, gaul rata2 rasa garamnya dan bila hendak menghidang, taburkan dengan bahan2 hiasan.-(Heat oil and saute sliced ingredients, add in minced red chillies. When oil has rise up the surface, add in toamto puree and tomato sauce.Add salt and msg to taste. When incorporated, add in beef, squids, tomatoes, chye sim and lastly noodles and bean sprout. Stir well and taste what are necessary. Serve with garnishings.)
Sources:-From Norgiham Gulam@ resipi ceria keluarga
Dont forget to squeeze the lime before eating as it brings up the whole taste and aroma...for adults lah dont like masam2 ni..
11/2 kg mee kuning-(11/2 kg yellow noodles)
1/2 kg taugeh-(1/2 kg bean sprout)
1/2 kg sawi dipotong2-(1/2 kg chye sim cut 2 inch lengthwise)
300g daging-(300g beef)
300g sotong dibersihkan-(300g squids)
4 biji tomato dihiris-(4 tomatoes sliced thinly)
minyak masak-(oil for fryimg)
10 biji lada merah-(10 red chillies)
2 sudu teh lada puteh-(2 tsp pepper)
3 biji bawang besar dihiris-(3 large onions sliced thinly)
1 tin kecil tomato puree-100g -(1 small can tomato puree-100g)
1/2 botol sos tomato-(1/2 bottle tomato sauce)
secukup lada hijau dihiris-(sliced green chillies)
secukup limau kasturi, daun sup/bawang-(lime, chinese celery/spring onions)
bawang goreng-(fried shallots)
Panaskan minyak lalu tumiskan bawang hiris, masukkan lada merah yang telah dikisar. Bila telah garing masukkan tomato puree dan tomato sos. Perasakan dengan garamdan serbuk perasa. Apabila sudah sebati, masukkan pula daging, sotong, tomato biji dan akhir sekali mee dan taugeh, gaul rata2 rasa garamnya dan bila hendak menghidang, taburkan dengan bahan2 hiasan.-(Heat oil and saute sliced ingredients, add in minced red chillies. When oil has rise up the surface, add in toamto puree and tomato sauce.Add salt and msg to taste. When incorporated, add in beef, squids, tomatoes, chye sim and lastly noodles and bean sprout. Stir well and taste what are necessary. Serve with garnishings.)
Sources:-From Norgiham Gulam@ resipi ceria keluarga
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Pizza Norwegian
Well all the below menu was for the senior citizens and adults, almaklum, the senior citizens dont like to eat got to cook extra dish for them the pizza was for the kids and a bit for the adults(hubby and me)...
As for the pizza dough you can use below recipe or my the other Soft Crust Pizza dough.
Bahan kulit Pizza:-(Ingredients for doh)
226g tepung beribu-(226g self raising flour)
140g susu cair/segar-(140g fresh milk)
42g mentega-(42g butter)
2 sudu besar air-(2tbsp water)
1 sudu kecil yeast-(1 tsp instant yeast)
1 sudu besar gula-(1 tbsp sugar)
sedikit garam-(some salt)
Gaul rata yeast dan gula. Diamkan sebentar hingga kembang. Masukkan bahan2 lain dan uli hingga rata. Biarkan hingga adunan naik dua kali ganda.-(Mix yeast and sugar and let it rest for a while. Add all the ingredients and knead till incorporated. Let it proof till double in size.)
Bahan2 kuahnya:- (Ingredients for sauce)
3 ulas bawang putih -tumbuk halus-(3 garlics grounded fine)
100g tomato puree-(100g tomato puree)
3 sudu besar minyak masak-(3 tbsp oil)
2 sudu kecil serbuk lada putih-(2 tsp pepper)
Tumis bawang putih dan masukkan bahan2 lain. Tuangkan air secukupnya dan biarkan mendidih.
-(Saute garlics and add all the other ingredients. Add some water and let it boil till cooked)
Bahan2 untuk topping:-( Ingredients for topping)
200g daging cincang-(200g minced beef)
2 sudu besar rempah kari daging-(2 tbsp meat curry powder)
2 biji bawang putih-(2 garlics)
1 labu bawang besar -(1 large onion)
1 cm halia-(1 cm ginger)
sedikit garam dan minyak masak-(a bit of salt and some oil)
1 labu bawang besar -potong bulat-(1 large onion cut in rings)
1 biji lada labu-hiris bulat-( 1 green pepper cut in rings)
2 buah tomato -hiris bulat-(2 tomatoes cut in rings)
10 butir cendawan butang-(10 button mushrooms)
1 bungkus keju mozarella-(1 packet mozarella cheese)
Tumbuk bawang putih, halia dan satukan labu bawang besar. Panaskan minyak dan tumiskan bahan2 yang ditumbuk. Masukkan rempah kari daging dan garam serta daging cincang. Masak hingga kering.
Canaikan kulit pizza hingga tipis dan masukkan kedalam loyang pizza. Tusuk2 permukaan kulit ini dengan garfu. kemudian bakar hingga masak. Keluarkan daripada ketuhar dan sapukan dengan kuahnya. Parut keju dan taburkan sebahagian di permukaan kulit pizza tadi. Taburkan pula bahan2 lain seperti daging kisar, bawang besar yang di potong bulat, tomato, lada dan cendawan dan taburkan baki keju diatasnya. Masukkan semula kedalam ketuhar dan bakar lah hingga kejunya garing dan bahan2 yang lain masak.-(Ground garlics, ginger and 1 large onion. Heat oil and saute grounded ingredients. Adda in curry powder, minced beef and salt. Cook till a thickens. Knead pizza dough thinly and place on pizza tray. Poke some holes with a fork on dough and bake till cooked. Bring out from oven and spread the sauce. Sprinkle some cheese on the sauce. Top the rest of topping ingredients and lastly sprinkle the balance of cheese on top. Bake in the oven till cooked.)
Sources:-From Berita Harian
Udang Goreng
Another simple dish.. also mum requested this..fried prawns...just marinate the prawns with salt, turmeric powder and chili powder dah!..then just deep fried them ler..end of today's chapter..hehe
Sambal Terung
Side dish to add to our menu..'meramai2kan' lauk..heheh..I made half the ingredients aje..
200g or 2 purple brinjals-remove stem and cut into half lengthwise-(200g terung atau 2 biji terung ungu- dibuang batangnya dan potong dua memanjang)
2 rounded tsp dried shrimp paste-(2 sudu kecil belacan)
6 green chillies-(6 lada hijau)
2 garlics-(2 bawng putih)
*1 heaped tbsp tamarind pulp-(1 sudu besar asam jawa)
*4 tbsp cooled boiled water-(4 sudu besar air masak yang dah sejuk)
(mix and strain- diramas dan tapis)
1 medium onion-slice(optional)-(1 biji bawang sederhana besar dihiris-optional)
Bring a pan of water to the boil with a pinch of salt. When boiling, cook brinjals until the skin changes colour. Drain, cool a little then peel brinjal and mash into pulp. In a dry frying pan, toast the belacan until it is fragrant. In the same pan, dry fry the green chillies until colour changes. Next roast the garlic in the pan until light brown. Put roasted blacan, green chillies, garlic and tamarind juice into a blender and liquidize until smooth. Mix this with mashed brinjal and sliced onions. Add sugar.-(Didihkan periuk yg berisi air dengan secubit garam. Masukkan terung dan masak hingga kulit berubah warna. Angkat dan sejukkan. Kupas kulitnya dan lenyek. Didalam kuali tanpa minyak, sangai belacan hingga naik bau. Angkat dan masukkan lada hijau dan sanagai hingga warna nya berubah. Seterusnya sangai bawang putih hingga kekuningan . Masukkan belacan, lada hijau, bawang putih dan air asam jawa kedalam blender dan kisar. Campurkan adunan dengan terung yang dah dilenyek tadi dan hirisan bawang besar. Masukkan gula. Siap)
Sources:-From Zarina Home cooking
200g or 2 purple brinjals-remove stem and cut into half lengthwise-(200g terung atau 2 biji terung ungu- dibuang batangnya dan potong dua memanjang)
2 rounded tsp dried shrimp paste-(2 sudu kecil belacan)
6 green chillies-(6 lada hijau)
2 garlics-(2 bawng putih)
*1 heaped tbsp tamarind pulp-(1 sudu besar asam jawa)
*4 tbsp cooled boiled water-(4 sudu besar air masak yang dah sejuk)
(mix and strain- diramas dan tapis)
1 medium onion-slice(optional)-(1 biji bawang sederhana besar dihiris-optional)
Bring a pan of water to the boil with a pinch of salt. When boiling, cook brinjals until the skin changes colour. Drain, cool a little then peel brinjal and mash into pulp. In a dry frying pan, toast the belacan until it is fragrant. In the same pan, dry fry the green chillies until colour changes. Next roast the garlic in the pan until light brown. Put roasted blacan, green chillies, garlic and tamarind juice into a blender and liquidize until smooth. Mix this with mashed brinjal and sliced onions. Add sugar.-(Didihkan periuk yg berisi air dengan secubit garam. Masukkan terung dan masak hingga kulit berubah warna. Angkat dan sejukkan. Kupas kulitnya dan lenyek. Didalam kuali tanpa minyak, sangai belacan hingga naik bau. Angkat dan masukkan lada hijau dan sanagai hingga warna nya berubah. Seterusnya sangai bawang putih hingga kekuningan . Masukkan belacan, lada hijau, bawang putih dan air asam jawa kedalam blender dan kisar. Campurkan adunan dengan terung yang dah dilenyek tadi dan hirisan bawang besar. Masukkan gula. Siap)
Sources:-From Zarina Home cooking
Kerisi Asam Rebus Nenas
Cooked simple dishes for today..mum sounded that quite sometimes didnt cook this asam rebus with pineapple..Coincidentally got a few pineapple that I bought the other day, so tried using sea bream for the dish, which normally she prefers the Ikan parang(wolf herring)...I dont have an exact measurements for this as I cooked based on my eye jugdement...Basically, the ingredients used are
sea bream/ wolf herring -or any fishes lah (ikan kerisi atau ikan parang atau ikan2 yg sewaktu dgn nya)
1 lemon grass bruised-(serai dititik)
dried tamarind slice(asam keping)
some chili paste(cili kisar)
a bit of minced garlics(bawang putih kisar)
some minced onions(bawang besar/merah kisar)
slices of pineapple(nenas)
msg-optional(pak aji)
laksa leaves optional -daun kesum optional
Just put all the minced ingredients , lemon grass, dried tamraind slice and water to boil. When bubbling just add fishes and pineapple, salt, sugar and msg to taste..If you want to add laksa leaves also can..Asam rebus should be a bit sweet and a bit sour..Ready
-(Didihkan air, masukkan bahan2 kisar, serai dan asam keping. Bila sudah mendidih masukkan ikan, nenas, garam, gula dan pak aji. kalau nak masukkan daun kesum pun boleh.Asam rebus mesti rasa manis sikit dan masam sikit.Siap)
sea bream/ wolf herring -or any fishes lah (ikan kerisi atau ikan parang atau ikan2 yg sewaktu dgn nya)
1 lemon grass bruised-(serai dititik)
dried tamarind slice(asam keping)
some chili paste(cili kisar)
a bit of minced garlics(bawang putih kisar)
some minced onions(bawang besar/merah kisar)
slices of pineapple(nenas)
msg-optional(pak aji)
laksa leaves optional -daun kesum optional
Just put all the minced ingredients , lemon grass, dried tamraind slice and water to boil. When bubbling just add fishes and pineapple, salt, sugar and msg to taste..If you want to add laksa leaves also can..Asam rebus should be a bit sweet and a bit sour..Ready
-(Didihkan air, masukkan bahan2 kisar, serai dan asam keping. Bila sudah mendidih masukkan ikan, nenas, garam, gula dan pak aji. kalau nak masukkan daun kesum pun boleh.Asam rebus mesti rasa manis sikit dan masam sikit.Siap)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Ubi Ungkep
Another unique menu that first time I came across..found in Cikgu Zana's blog far I only came across boiled cassava dipped with sambal or sugar..but definitely not this one...According to Cikgu Zana this menu was her bentou to school during her schooling days...I asked my mum, have she came across this one..she also never heard of this before..
To me its nice and something different dad makan bertambah....Thank you cikgu,.. I ransacked your kitchen and found this..hehe tapi dah kemas balik ya..
1 kg ubi- dipotong seperti nak merebus dan bersihkan-(1kg tapiaoca/cassava-cut and cleaned)
*4 sudu besr ketumbar-(*4 tbsp coriander powder)
*3 biji bawang merah-(*3 shallots)
*3 ulas bawang putih-(* 3 garlics)
*segenggam ikan bilis-lagi banayk lagi best-(*a handful anchovies-the more the better)
sedikit kunyit/serbuk-(a bit of turmeric powder/or fresh roots)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
sedikit minyak untuk menumis-(oil for saute)
Tumbuk bahan*. Tumis bahan* dalam kuali hingga berbau harum dan masukkan garam. Masukkan ubi dan gaul rata. Masukkan air hingga paras ubi/menutupi ubi. Tutup kuali dan biarkan sehingga empuk. Apabila air ubi hampir kering, buka tutup kuali dan kacau rata supaya tidak hangit. Kacau perlahan sehingga air ubi kering, tutup api.-(Ground ingredients*. Saute grounded ingredients* in a wok till fragrant and add in salt. Add in cassava and mix well. Add in water till the same level/covered the cassava, cover and let it boiled till cooked. When the water has almost dry uncover the lid and stir so as not to get burnt. Stir slowly till water has dried up and turn off heat.)
Stir Fry Chicken Masala
Another chicken recipe from love2cook... acar and this chicken masala.... with plain flavoured rice hehe...thank you love..I re post the recipe here again ya...
Marinate (A)-(Perap Bahan A)
1 whole chicken cut medium sizel - (1 ekor ayam potong sederhana)
3 tbsp blended paste of garlic, shallot and ginger-(3 sudu besar bawang putih kisar, halia dan bawang merah)
3 tbsp chili powder-(3 sudu besar serbuk lada)
1 tsp turmeric powder-(1 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit)
1/2 tsp fennel powder-(1/2 sudu kecil jintan manis)
1/2 tsp cumin powder-(1/2 sudu kecil jintan putih)
1/2 tsp coriander powder-(1/2 sudu kecil serbuk ketumbar)
1/2 tsp garam masal-(1/2 sudu kecil garam masala)
salt -(garam)
1/2 tsp cumin and fennel seeds-(1/2 sudu kecil jintan putih dan jinta manis)
1 cinnamon stick-(1 kayu manis)
3 pcs cardamon-(3 buah pelaga)
3 cloves-(bunga cengkih)
2 pcs star anise-(2 bunga lawang)
2 onions sliced-(2 bawang dihiris)
7 dried chillies -sliced into 2 inches length-(7 cili kering di potong 2 inci panjang)
1 sprig curry leaves-(1 helas daun kari)
1 large tomato sliced-(1 biji tomato dihiris)
1/2 tsp grounder black pepper-(1/2 sudu kecil lada hitam kisar)
2 tbsp kerisik/coconut paste(dry-fried and grinded grated coconut)-(2 sudu besar kerisik)
few coriander leaves-( daun ketumbar secukupnya)
salt to tase-(garam secukup rasa)
cooking oil-(minyak masak)
Marinate ingredients(A) for about 15-20 minutes. Heat oil in a wok, saute cumin and fennel seeds, cinnamon, cardamons, cloves and star anise till fragrant.Add in the sliced onions, dried chillies and curry leaves. Stir till light brown. Add tomatoes. Now add the marinated chicken stir together and cover for about 15 minutes till chicken cooks. (Make sure the flame is low). Once chicken is cooked, add grounded blackpepper and salt. Stir again and leave it for another 5-10 minutes. Now add the kerisik/coconut paste, mix well and turn off heat. Sprinkle some coriander leaves before serving.-(Perap bahan(A) selama15-20 minit. Panaskan minyak dan tumis biji jintan putih dan jintan manis, kayu manis, pelaga, bunga cengkih dan bunga lawang hingga naik bau. Masukkan bawang hiris, chili kering dan daun kari. Kacau hingga kekuningan. Masukkan tomato. Masukkan ayam yang sudah diperap gaul rata dan tutup periuk selam 15 minit hingga ayam masak. gunakan api yang kecil. Bila ayam sudah masak masukkan lada hitam yang dikisar dan juga garam. Kacau lagi dan biarkan hingga 5-10 minit. Masukkan kerisik dan gaul rata. Matikan api dan taburkan daun ketumbar sebelum dihidang)
Acar Telur Burung
Quail's egg pickles, not the complete ingredients, as I ran shot of carrots I missed out the carrots and just made used of what available at home...didnt use sesame seeds and candlenut too..pun boleh jugak ..
20-30 quail's eggs-hard boil and remove shell-( 20-30 biji telur burung direbus dan buang kulit)
1 medium size cucumber - peel, remove seeds and cut into 3 strips-(1 batang timun buang bijinya dan potong panjang)
1 small carrot- peel and cut into 3 strips-(1 batang carrot potong panjang)
2 tbsp white vinegar-(2 sudu besar cuka)
2 tbsp sugar-(2 sudu besar gula)
20 pcs bird eyes chillies-red and green-(20 biji cili padi hijau dan merah)
1 tbsp sesame seeds-clean and roast in a dry pan until light brown- I didnt put-(1 sudu besar bijan disangai -saya tak letak)
salt to taste-(garam secukup rasa)
3 tbsp oil-(3 sudu besar minyak)
Grind to paste:-(Bahan2 Kisar)
4 red chillies-(4 lada merah)
10 candlenut I didnt put -(10 buah keras-saya tak letak)
4 shallots-(4 bawang merah)
4 cloves garlic-(4 biji bawang putih)
1.5cm ginger-(1.5cm halia)
1cm fresh turmeric root or 1 tsp turmeric powder-(1cm kunyit hidup atau 1 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit)
Sprinkle 1 tbsp salt over cucumber and carrot strips and leave to stand for 15 minutes then squeeze out moisture. Heat oil in a wok and fry ground ingredients until fragrant. reduce heat add vinegar, sugar and stir to mix. Put in the quail's eggs and after 1 minute, add cucumber, carot stips and bird eyes chillies. Stir to mix. Before removing from heat, sprinkle with sesame seeds.-( Taburkan 1 sudu besar garam keatas hirisan timun dan carrot dan biarkan selam 15 minit dan toskan. Panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan2 kisar hingga naik bau. Pelahan kan api masukkan cuka, gula dan gaul rata. Masukkan telur burung dan selepas 1 minit masukkan timun, carrot dan cili padi. Gaul rata hingga sebati. Sebelum diangkat, masukkan bijan yang disangar tadi.)
Sources:-From Zarina Home cooking
20-30 quail's eggs-hard boil and remove shell-( 20-30 biji telur burung direbus dan buang kulit)
1 medium size cucumber - peel, remove seeds and cut into 3 strips-(1 batang timun buang bijinya dan potong panjang)
1 small carrot- peel and cut into 3 strips-(1 batang carrot potong panjang)
2 tbsp white vinegar-(2 sudu besar cuka)
2 tbsp sugar-(2 sudu besar gula)
20 pcs bird eyes chillies-red and green-(20 biji cili padi hijau dan merah)
1 tbsp sesame seeds-clean and roast in a dry pan until light brown- I didnt put-(1 sudu besar bijan disangai -saya tak letak)
salt to taste-(garam secukup rasa)
3 tbsp oil-(3 sudu besar minyak)
Grind to paste:-(Bahan2 Kisar)
4 red chillies-(4 lada merah)
10 candlenut I didnt put -(10 buah keras-saya tak letak)
4 shallots-(4 bawang merah)
4 cloves garlic-(4 biji bawang putih)
1.5cm ginger-(1.5cm halia)
1cm fresh turmeric root or 1 tsp turmeric powder-(1cm kunyit hidup atau 1 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit)
Sprinkle 1 tbsp salt over cucumber and carrot strips and leave to stand for 15 minutes then squeeze out moisture. Heat oil in a wok and fry ground ingredients until fragrant. reduce heat add vinegar, sugar and stir to mix. Put in the quail's eggs and after 1 minute, add cucumber, carot stips and bird eyes chillies. Stir to mix. Before removing from heat, sprinkle with sesame seeds.-( Taburkan 1 sudu besar garam keatas hirisan timun dan carrot dan biarkan selam 15 minit dan toskan. Panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan2 kisar hingga naik bau. Pelahan kan api masukkan cuka, gula dan gaul rata. Masukkan telur burung dan selepas 1 minit masukkan timun, carrot dan cili padi. Gaul rata hingga sebati. Sebelum diangkat, masukkan bijan yang disangar tadi.)
Sources:-From Zarina Home cooking
Monday, March 22, 2010
Kuih Jagung Bakar
Made this yesterday for my ex- neighbour who has just lost her mother..they had a 7 days tahlil prayers, so this was my 'oleh -oleh' for the makan- makan...Recipe was from Kak Wan the expert in making traditional kuih......the measurements below was based on her previous ones...she already adjusted the new measurements you can check it there ya...I leave it up to you to use which one ok..
My mum comments was very nice...not too sweet for this corns did not float like the original..maybe the cream corn that I used was half time can do this again..Mr Hubby who dont like corn also said ..Sedap!..
500g tepung gandum-saya ayak -(500g plain flour-I sieved)
5 biji telur-(5 eggs)
1 tin jagung dalam tin-(1 can cream corn )
1 mangkuk sederhana gula pasir-saya gunakan 1 cawan -(1 medium size bowl sugar-i used 1 cup sugar)
2 mangkuk santan-saya gunakan 500ml + 130ml-(2 bowl coconut milk-I used 500ml +130ml)
sedikit minyak sapi-(some ghee oil)
sedikit garam-(some salt)
sedikit pewarna kuning-(some yellow colouring)
Masukkan tepung gandum dalam sebuah bekas kemudian campurkan dengan telur, santan, gula, sedikit garam dan pewarna kuning. Kacau adunan sehingga tidak bergentel2. Sesudah itu masukkan jagung manis dan kacau lagi sehingga rata. Sapukan acuan pembakar dengan sedikit minyak sapi. Tuangkan adunan kedalamnya dan bakar sehingga masak-(saya bakar selama 50 minit @ 175C)-terserah nak kerak macam mana.-(Combine flour, eggs, coconut milk, sugar, some salt and some yellow colouring in a bowl. Fold mixture till incorporated and not lumpy. Add in cream corn and mix well. Grease mould with some ghee oil. Pour mixture into moulds and bake till cook- I baked for 50 minutes@ 175C-depends on how well the crisp you want)
My mum comments was very nice...not too sweet for this corns did not float like the original..maybe the cream corn that I used was half time can do this again..Mr Hubby who dont like corn also said ..Sedap!..
500g tepung gandum-saya ayak -(500g plain flour-I sieved)
5 biji telur-(5 eggs)
1 tin jagung dalam tin-(1 can cream corn )
1 mangkuk sederhana gula pasir-saya gunakan 1 cawan -(1 medium size bowl sugar-i used 1 cup sugar)
2 mangkuk santan-saya gunakan 500ml + 130ml-(2 bowl coconut milk-I used 500ml +130ml)
sedikit minyak sapi-(some ghee oil)
sedikit garam-(some salt)
sedikit pewarna kuning-(some yellow colouring)
Masukkan tepung gandum dalam sebuah bekas kemudian campurkan dengan telur, santan, gula, sedikit garam dan pewarna kuning. Kacau adunan sehingga tidak bergentel2. Sesudah itu masukkan jagung manis dan kacau lagi sehingga rata. Sapukan acuan pembakar dengan sedikit minyak sapi. Tuangkan adunan kedalamnya dan bakar sehingga masak-(saya bakar selama 50 minit @ 175C)-terserah nak kerak macam mana.-(Combine flour, eggs, coconut milk, sugar, some salt and some yellow colouring in a bowl. Fold mixture till incorporated and not lumpy. Add in cream corn and mix well. Grease mould with some ghee oil. Pour mixture into moulds and bake till cook- I baked for 50 minutes@ 175C-depends on how well the crisp you want)
Kuih Muih
Daging Kunyit Pedas
Hello, there..the day has almost come to end, baru managed to the kids are back at school and I just came back from the clinic as I was not feeling really well since Saturday..body aching and had a migraine, on left side of my head...but still manageble lah...not like last time where I used to have fits when I got them...especially during I was working, the stress and hectic was normally the cause...sampai masuk hospital tau....huh.. much of that I managed to cook this menu on Saturday.. .Mr Hubby's favourite..BEEF!!..cook any style of dish menu as long beef sure this recipe from Yatie in Lousiana, USA ...imagine went that far to get this recipe hor!!...dont play play ha..I like it too, although I dont fancy beef...Thanks Yatie for sharing...
500 gm daging(di rebus empuk dan toskan)-(500g beef - boiled till cooked and drained)
1 sudu besar serbuk kunyit-(1 tbsp turmeric powder)
1 sudu kecil garam(utk gaul bersama daging)-(1 tsp salt mix with sliced beef)
7 biji bawang merah kecil, dihiris halus-(7 shallots sliced thinly)
3 biji bawang putih, dihiris halus-(3 garlics sliced thinly)
1 inci halia, di hiris halus-(1 inch ginger sliced thinly)
1 biji bawang besar, hiris bulat-(1 large onion cut in rings)
1 btng lada merah, dihiris serong-(1 red chilli cut slant)
4 btng lada hijau, dihiris serong-(4 green chillies cut slantly)
1 btng carrot-(1 carrot)
1 cwn kacang panjang/buncis, dipatah2kan 2 inci-(1 cup long beans/french beans cut to 2 inches length)
garam dan gula secukup rasa-(salt and sugar to taste)
1. Hiris daging nipis2, cuci,rebus dan toskan. Lumur dengan garam dan serbuk kunyit, perap sekurang2nya 20 minit.
2.Panaskan minyak di kuali. Goreng daging yg di lumur kunyit dan garam tadi. Goreng hingga daging sedikit garing.
3. Masukkan hirisan bawang merah kecik dan bawang putih, goreng hingga sekata.
4. Masukkan hirisan bawang besar, hirisan lada hijau dan merah. Gaul hingga sebati.Perasakan garam dan gula.
5. Masukkan carrot dan kacang panjang.Jika perlu, masukkan sedikit air.
6. Setelah siap angkat dan hidangkan. Taburkan daun sup dan daun bawang.
7. Siap dan boleh di makan bersama nasi putih panas.
-(sliced beef thinly, wash, boiled and drained. Mix salt and turmeric powder, and let stand for at least 20 minutes. Heat oil and fry marinated beef till slightly crisp. Add in slice shallots and garlics and stir well. Add in sliced large onion rings, green chillies and red chillies, stir well and add in salt and sugar to taste. Add in carrots and long beans, add water if necessary. Turn off heat and dish out, sprinkle saome cchinese celery and spring onions.)
Friday, March 19, 2010
Fried Radish Cake - Chye Tau Kueh
Salam on this cool Friday night...made another Chinese menu today for our lunch and also for auntie..Fried Radish Cake, or normally I called it Fried Carrot Cake..... for Malays something like the 'lontong goreng' only thing this one uses the radish(lobak putih)...Mr Hubby's favourite, if we came across the halal stall outside...well the original were to use lard, which I substitute to normal cooking oil...been wanting to try this recipe for quite sometimes..until I saw White Radish Cake@ Loh Pak Kau at Hana's blog, then reminded me of this recipe...
Actually there are readymade radish cakes outside, left for you to just fry them, but also not sure of the 'halal certified' here what I already made and tried.. Auntie's comment was 'good!!'..hehe..Hasif asked me to fry another batch for him when he finished the first...huhu..
ps:- After typing this long essay(recipe) my kepala sudah pening ler..haha..
1 big Chinese Radish about 625g skinned and finely grated-(I just blended)-(1 lobak putih seberat 625g buang kulit dan parut-saya blender aje)
4 cups water-(4 cawan air)
1 tbsp salt-(1 sudu besar garam)
1 tsp msg-optional-(1 sudu kecil pak aji-optional)
*625g wet rice flour-(625g adunan tepung beras yg basah)
310g plain flour-(310g tepung gandum)
4 cups water-(4 cawan air)
2 tbsp oil -(2 sudu besar minyak masak)
To prepare cake-(cara membuat kek)
Place grated radish in a saucepan of cold water and bring to boil for 10 minutes. Drain and repeat boiling process. Drain and set aside-(Bubuh parutan lobak putih didalam periuk yang berisi air dan mendidihkan selama 10 minit. Buang airnya dan tos. Mendidihkan lagi dan ulang procedure. Buang air, toskan dan ketepikan.)
In a saucepan, combine the 4 cups water, salt, sugar and MSG, if using. Bring to boil.In a large bowl, combine the wet rice flour, plain flour and the second 4 cups of water and stir until well blended. Pour the flour mixture gradually into the saucepan of boiling water, stirring constantly. -(Campurkan 4 cawan air, garam gula dan pak aji, kalau digunakan. Biarkan mendidih. Didalam mangkuk besar, campurkan tepung beras basah, tepung gandum dan 4 cawan air yang kedua dan kacau hingga sebati. Tuangkan campuran tepung kedalam periuk yang mendidih tadi dan kacau hinnga rata.)
Add the radish and cooking oil and reduce the heat to low. Using a wooden spoon, stir mixture until it becomes thick and pasty and is only half cooked. Remove saucepan from the heat and pour the flour mixture into a square pan or into 3 loaf pans,22cm x 8cm x 8 cm. Place pans in a steamer and steam for 11/2 hours. When cooked, remove pans from steamer and leave radish cakes to cool completely in the pans before frying.-(Masukkan lobak putih dan minyak masak dan perlahan kan api. Gunakan senduk kayu kacau hingga sebati dan pekat dan setengah masak saja. Alihkan periuk dan masukkan aduna kedalam loyang empat persegi atau 3 loyang yg berukuran 22cm x 8cm x 8cm. Kukus adunan selam 11/2 jam. Bila dah masak angkat dari kukusan dan biarkan sejuk sebelum digoreng.)
Note:-Steamed radish cake can be kept in the fridge for 1 week.
625g fine rice flour-(625g tepung beras)
425ml cold water-(425ml air sejuk)
Place flour in a mixing bowl and gradually pour in the cold water. Stir until it becomes a firm paste. Use the amount required for each recipe and keep the remainder in the freezer for future use.-(Bubuh tepung beras didalam mangkuk adunan dan kacau perlahan2 dengan air sejuk. Kacau hingga sebati dan menjadi pes yang pekat. Gunakan berapa sukatan yang dikehendaki dan simpan balancenya didalam freezer untuk kegunaan akan datang.)
For frying Radish Cake
radish cake 4pcs, 8cm x 8cm x 1 cm thick-(kek lobak putih, 4 keping, (8cm x 8cm x 1cm)
2 eggs-(2 biji telur)
1 tbsp dark soy sauce-I used light soy sauce-(1 sudu besar kicap pekat-saya gunakan kicap cair)
1/2 tbsp minced garlic-(1/2 sudu besar bawang putih cincang)
*2 tbsp chili sauce-(2 sudu besar chili sos)
1 tbsp sweet black sauce-i didnt use this-(1 sudu besar kicap manis- saya tak letak ni)
1 tbsp salted radish(chai poh)-(1 sudu besar chaipoh)
pepper to taste-(serbuk lada putihj secukup rasa)
lard for frying-i used cooking oil-(minyak masak)
Heat an iron wok until smoking hot. Add some lard and fry radish cake pieces until brown and slightly crisp. Push radish cake pieces to one side of wok. add 2 tbsp lard into the wok and heat through. break in eggs and spread them in a thin layer and cook. Stir the radish cake pices into the eggs and mix. Add the dark soy sauce and stir fry, chopping radish cake pieces as you go along. Push radish cake mixture to one side of wok again, add 1 tbsp lard and fry garlics until light brown. Add 1-2 tbsp chili sauce into wok and push the radish cake mixture back into the centre of the wok to combine. add sweet black sauce and salted radish with another 1-2 tbsp lard. Stir fry for another 1-2 minutes. Lastly add spring onions. Transfer fried radish cake to a plate, add pepper and serve.-(Panaskan kuali hingga berasap. Masukkan sedikit minyak dan goreng ketulan kek lobak hingga garing dan keperangan. Tolak ketulan kek ketepi dan masukkan 2 sudu besar minyak dan biarkan panas sebentar dan masukkan telur dan kacau nipis hingga masak. Tolak ketulan kek ketengah dan kacau rata. Masukkan kicap pekat dan gaul, sambil pecah2kan ketulan kek seterusnya. Tolak ketulan kek ketepi lagi dan masukkan 1 sudu besar minyak dan goreng bawang putih hingga berubah warna. Masukkan sos chili kedalm kuali dan tolak ketulan kek ketengah dan gaul rata. Masukkan kicap manis dan chai poh bersama dengan 1-2 sudu besar minyak. Kacau selama 1-2 minit lagi. Akhir sekali masukkan daun bawang dan bubuhkan serbuk lada putih keatas dan hidangkan.)
1 tbsp lard-I used cooking oil-(1sudu besar minyak masak)
1 tbsp minced garlics-(1 sudu besar bawang putih cincang)
3/4 tsp shrimp paste/belacan crumbled-(3/4 sudu kecil belacan)
1/4 cup chili paste-(1/4 cawan cili kisar)
11/2 cup water-(11/2 cawan air)
11/2 tsp salt-(11/2 sudu kecil garam)
1 tbsp sugar-(1 sudu besar gula)
1 tsp pepper-(1 sudu kecil serbuk lada putih)
Heat lard in a small saucepan, Add garlic and shrimp paste and fry until brown and fragrant. Add the rest of the ingredients into the pan and bring to boil for 5 minutes over gentle heat. Cool and use as required.
Actually there are readymade radish cakes outside, left for you to just fry them, but also not sure of the 'halal certified' here what I already made and tried.. Auntie's comment was 'good!!'..hehe..Hasif asked me to fry another batch for him when he finished the first...huhu..
ps:- After typing this long essay(recipe) my kepala sudah pening ler..haha..
1 big Chinese Radish about 625g skinned and finely grated-(I just blended)-(1 lobak putih seberat 625g buang kulit dan parut-saya blender aje)
4 cups water-(4 cawan air)
1 tbsp salt-(1 sudu besar garam)
1 tsp msg-optional-(1 sudu kecil pak aji-optional)
*625g wet rice flour-(625g adunan tepung beras yg basah)
310g plain flour-(310g tepung gandum)
4 cups water-(4 cawan air)
2 tbsp oil -(2 sudu besar minyak masak)
To prepare cake-(cara membuat kek)
Place grated radish in a saucepan of cold water and bring to boil for 10 minutes. Drain and repeat boiling process. Drain and set aside-(Bubuh parutan lobak putih didalam periuk yang berisi air dan mendidihkan selama 10 minit. Buang airnya dan tos. Mendidihkan lagi dan ulang procedure. Buang air, toskan dan ketepikan.)
In a saucepan, combine the 4 cups water, salt, sugar and MSG, if using. Bring to boil.In a large bowl, combine the wet rice flour, plain flour and the second 4 cups of water and stir until well blended. Pour the flour mixture gradually into the saucepan of boiling water, stirring constantly. -(Campurkan 4 cawan air, garam gula dan pak aji, kalau digunakan. Biarkan mendidih. Didalam mangkuk besar, campurkan tepung beras basah, tepung gandum dan 4 cawan air yang kedua dan kacau hingga sebati. Tuangkan campuran tepung kedalam periuk yang mendidih tadi dan kacau hinnga rata.)
Add the radish and cooking oil and reduce the heat to low. Using a wooden spoon, stir mixture until it becomes thick and pasty and is only half cooked. Remove saucepan from the heat and pour the flour mixture into a square pan or into 3 loaf pans,22cm x 8cm x 8 cm. Place pans in a steamer and steam for 11/2 hours. When cooked, remove pans from steamer and leave radish cakes to cool completely in the pans before frying.-(Masukkan lobak putih dan minyak masak dan perlahan kan api. Gunakan senduk kayu kacau hingga sebati dan pekat dan setengah masak saja. Alihkan periuk dan masukkan aduna kedalam loyang empat persegi atau 3 loyang yg berukuran 22cm x 8cm x 8cm. Kukus adunan selam 11/2 jam. Bila dah masak angkat dari kukusan dan biarkan sejuk sebelum digoreng.)
Note:-Steamed radish cake can be kept in the fridge for 1 week.
Ingreidients:-625g fine rice flour-(625g tepung beras)
425ml cold water-(425ml air sejuk)
Place flour in a mixing bowl and gradually pour in the cold water. Stir until it becomes a firm paste. Use the amount required for each recipe and keep the remainder in the freezer for future use.-(Bubuh tepung beras didalam mangkuk adunan dan kacau perlahan2 dengan air sejuk. Kacau hingga sebati dan menjadi pes yang pekat. Gunakan berapa sukatan yang dikehendaki dan simpan balancenya didalam freezer untuk kegunaan akan datang.)
For frying Radish Cake
radish cake 4pcs, 8cm x 8cm x 1 cm thick-(kek lobak putih, 4 keping, (8cm x 8cm x 1cm)
2 eggs-(2 biji telur)
1 tbsp dark soy sauce-I used light soy sauce-(1 sudu besar kicap pekat-saya gunakan kicap cair)
1/2 tbsp minced garlic-(1/2 sudu besar bawang putih cincang)
*2 tbsp chili sauce-(2 sudu besar chili sos)
1 tbsp sweet black sauce-i didnt use this-(1 sudu besar kicap manis- saya tak letak ni)
1 tbsp salted radish(chai poh)-(1 sudu besar chaipoh)
pepper to taste-(serbuk lada putihj secukup rasa)
lard for frying-i used cooking oil-(minyak masak)
Heat an iron wok until smoking hot. Add some lard and fry radish cake pieces until brown and slightly crisp. Push radish cake pieces to one side of wok. add 2 tbsp lard into the wok and heat through. break in eggs and spread them in a thin layer and cook. Stir the radish cake pices into the eggs and mix. Add the dark soy sauce and stir fry, chopping radish cake pieces as you go along. Push radish cake mixture to one side of wok again, add 1 tbsp lard and fry garlics until light brown. Add 1-2 tbsp chili sauce into wok and push the radish cake mixture back into the centre of the wok to combine. add sweet black sauce and salted radish with another 1-2 tbsp lard. Stir fry for another 1-2 minutes. Lastly add spring onions. Transfer fried radish cake to a plate, add pepper and serve.-(Panaskan kuali hingga berasap. Masukkan sedikit minyak dan goreng ketulan kek lobak hingga garing dan keperangan. Tolak ketulan kek ketepi dan masukkan 2 sudu besar minyak dan biarkan panas sebentar dan masukkan telur dan kacau nipis hingga masak. Tolak ketulan kek ketengah dan kacau rata. Masukkan kicap pekat dan gaul, sambil pecah2kan ketulan kek seterusnya. Tolak ketulan kek ketepi lagi dan masukkan 1 sudu besar minyak dan goreng bawang putih hingga berubah warna. Masukkan sos chili kedalm kuali dan tolak ketulan kek ketengah dan gaul rata. Masukkan kicap manis dan chai poh bersama dengan 1-2 sudu besar minyak. Kacau selama 1-2 minit lagi. Akhir sekali masukkan daun bawang dan bubuhkan serbuk lada putih keatas dan hidangkan.)
Ingredients:-1 tbsp lard-I used cooking oil-(1sudu besar minyak masak)
1 tbsp minced garlics-(1 sudu besar bawang putih cincang)
3/4 tsp shrimp paste/belacan crumbled-(3/4 sudu kecil belacan)
1/4 cup chili paste-(1/4 cawan cili kisar)
11/2 cup water-(11/2 cawan air)
11/2 tsp salt-(11/2 sudu kecil garam)
1 tbsp sugar-(1 sudu besar gula)
1 tsp pepper-(1 sudu kecil serbuk lada putih)
Heat lard in a small saucepan, Add garlic and shrimp paste and fry until brown and fragrant. Add the rest of the ingredients into the pan and bring to boil for 5 minutes over gentle heat. Cool and use as required.
-( Panaskan minyak , masukkan bawang putih dan belacan dan tumis hingga garing dan naik bau. Masukkan bahan2 yang lain dan biarkan reneh hingga 5 minit menggunakan api yang kecil. Sejukkan dan guna bila mau.)
Sources:-From The Best of Singapore recipes-Mrs Leong Yee Soo Thursday, March 18, 2010
Pak Thong Koh
A classic Chinese kuih that made me decided to try when I saw the 'honeycomb' in it...Quite curious as I have never tasted this kuih before..when I checked the internet, some recipes uses the instant or dry yeast which are faster compared to this one which took 2-3 days to process!!..
Quite, an experienced as this was also my first time making 'fermented rice'(tapai nasi) I was noted, this recipe tends to have a hind of sourness and sweetness in it....ermm something different and was it suppose to be like that?...any silent reader who are Chinese can comment on this?...
Starter Dough:-
100g cooked rice(overnight and leave to cool)
1/2 tbsp Ragi(wine-chew piah)-can buy from Malay market
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tbsp water
Mix all the above ingredients together and leave it to ferment for 2 days(48hrs). Keep in a container, covered and best to keep in a cupboard to let it ferment. After 48hrs, weigh out 60g and balance keep in the fridge.
Kuih Starter Dough:-
60g of the fermented starter dough
100g rice flour
some plain water
MIx the starter dough and rice flour and if you find it too dry, add in some plain water. put into a container, covered and let it ferment again for about 16-18 hours. Weigh out only 80g of this kuih starter dough.
220g rice flour
30g tapioca flour
280g water
200g castor sugar
400ml water
3 blades of pandan leaves(tied into a kot)
80g of the fermented kuih starter dough
1/4 tsp alkaline water/lye water or air abu
1 tsp cooking oil
1)-Combine ingredients(A) together in a big mixing bowl. Set aside.
2)-Bring ingredients (B) to a boil, then discard pandan leaves. Pour half portion into (1.) and mix well. Cool the remaining half portion for about 2 mins, before pouring into the rice mixture in the mixing bowl. Mix well, leave mixture to cool. Add the 80g of the fermented kuih dough starter dough and strained it. Let it ferment again for about 12-14 hours.
3)- Add oil into fermented mixture (3). Add alkaline water and mix well before pouring into a greased 10" round steaming tray(I used 8") Steam for about 15-20 minutes over medium heat. Test with a skewer before removing from the steamer.
5) You can glaze the Pak Thong Koh with some oil whilst still hot and cool well before cutting kuih into pieces.
Quite, an experienced as this was also my first time making 'fermented rice'(tapai nasi) I was noted, this recipe tends to have a hind of sourness and sweetness in it....ermm something different and was it suppose to be like that?...any silent reader who are Chinese can comment on this?...
Starter Dough:-
100g cooked rice(overnight and leave to cool)
1/2 tbsp Ragi(wine-chew piah)-can buy from Malay market
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tbsp water
Mix all the above ingredients together and leave it to ferment for 2 days(48hrs). Keep in a container, covered and best to keep in a cupboard to let it ferment. After 48hrs, weigh out 60g and balance keep in the fridge.
Kuih Starter Dough:-
60g of the fermented starter dough
100g rice flour
some plain water
MIx the starter dough and rice flour and if you find it too dry, add in some plain water. put into a container, covered and let it ferment again for about 16-18 hours. Weigh out only 80g of this kuih starter dough.
220g rice flour
30g tapioca flour
280g water
200g castor sugar
400ml water
3 blades of pandan leaves(tied into a kot)
80g of the fermented kuih starter dough
1/4 tsp alkaline water/lye water or air abu
1 tsp cooking oil
1)-Combine ingredients(A) together in a big mixing bowl. Set aside.
2)-Bring ingredients (B) to a boil, then discard pandan leaves. Pour half portion into (1.) and mix well. Cool the remaining half portion for about 2 mins, before pouring into the rice mixture in the mixing bowl. Mix well, leave mixture to cool. Add the 80g of the fermented kuih dough starter dough and strained it. Let it ferment again for about 12-14 hours.
3)- Add oil into fermented mixture (3). Add alkaline water and mix well before pouring into a greased 10" round steaming tray(I used 8") Steam for about 15-20 minutes over medium heat. Test with a skewer before removing from the steamer.
5) You can glaze the Pak Thong Koh with some oil whilst still hot and cool well before cutting kuih into pieces.
The 'Ragi' I used for making the Pak Thong Koh, available at Malay stall.
Kuih Muih
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Nasi Lobak Merah
When the kids ate this just now..they didnt realised that there's carrot in the rice!!..hehe..they thought its the colouring which normally found in nasi beriani...padahal dah berapa banyak masuk dalam perut dia orang..haha..another indirect way to get them eat carrots right...if were to cut like we usually did, they surely 'kuti2' aside..Sedaplah nasi ni!!..tak can just ate it own its own tau...first the rice is not 'muak', its light and very mild flavoured...worth trying!!
Cant wait to hear Mr Hubby's comment on this rice choice lah...I came to 'dead end' what to cook ..the kids like flavoured rice, so I hope he will like it too for this one...
1kg beras beriani-(1kg basmathi rice)
6 biji lada hijau dipecah2-(6 green chillies bruised)
1 sudu teh jintan halus-ditumbuk kasar2-(saya gunakan serbuk aje)-(1 tsp cumin, grounded coarsely, I just used powdered ones)
1 cawan minyak kacang-(1 cup cooking oil)
1 sudu besar minyak sapi-(1 tbsp ghee oil)
3 batang lobak diparut -(3 carrots shredded)
300g buah tomato dipotong halus-(300g tomatoes sliced thinly)
*6 biji bawang putih ditumbuk halus-(6 garlics minced)
*2cm halia ditumbuk halus-(2cm ginger minced)
2 biji bawang besar dihirs-(2 large onions sliced)
4cm kayu manis-(4cm cinammon bark)
3 biji buah pelaga-(3 cloves)
3 biji bunga cengkeh-(3 cardamons)
Sukat air 1, 100ml lalu ketepikan dulu. Beras dicuci lalu toskan, gaul dengan lobak parut. Panaskan minyak sapi dan minyak kacang. Tumiskan bawang besar, bahan2 tumbuk*, lada hijau dan jintan. Kacau sampai garing, lalu masukkan tomato, buah pelaga, kayu manis, bunga cengkeh dan air. Bila mendidih, masukkan beras dan garam, masaklah hingga tanak-(saya masukkan kedalam rice cooker dan masak seperti biasa).
-( Measure water at 1,100ml and put aside. Wash rice and drained. Mix with shredded carrots. Heat ghee oil and cooking oil. Saute onions and minced* ingredients, green chillies and cumin powder.Stir well till oil rises up the surface. Add in tomatoes, cloves, cinammon, cardamons and water. When boiles add in rice and salt let it till cooked-(this part I just pour into the rice cooker and cooked as normal.)
Sources:-From Aini Salim@ resipi ceria keluarga
Cant wait to hear Mr Hubby's comment on this rice choice lah...I came to 'dead end' what to cook ..the kids like flavoured rice, so I hope he will like it too for this one...
1kg beras beriani-(1kg basmathi rice)
6 biji lada hijau dipecah2-(6 green chillies bruised)
1 sudu teh jintan halus-ditumbuk kasar2-(saya gunakan serbuk aje)-(1 tsp cumin, grounded coarsely, I just used powdered ones)
1 cawan minyak kacang-(1 cup cooking oil)
1 sudu besar minyak sapi-(1 tbsp ghee oil)
3 batang lobak diparut -(3 carrots shredded)
300g buah tomato dipotong halus-(300g tomatoes sliced thinly)
*6 biji bawang putih ditumbuk halus-(6 garlics minced)
*2cm halia ditumbuk halus-(2cm ginger minced)
2 biji bawang besar dihirs-(2 large onions sliced)
4cm kayu manis-(4cm cinammon bark)
3 biji buah pelaga-(3 cloves)
3 biji bunga cengkeh-(3 cardamons)
Sukat air 1, 100ml lalu ketepikan dulu. Beras dicuci lalu toskan, gaul dengan lobak parut. Panaskan minyak sapi dan minyak kacang. Tumiskan bawang besar, bahan2 tumbuk*, lada hijau dan jintan. Kacau sampai garing, lalu masukkan tomato, buah pelaga, kayu manis, bunga cengkeh dan air. Bila mendidih, masukkan beras dan garam, masaklah hingga tanak-(saya masukkan kedalam rice cooker dan masak seperti biasa).
-( Measure water at 1,100ml and put aside. Wash rice and drained. Mix with shredded carrots. Heat ghee oil and cooking oil. Saute onions and minced* ingredients, green chillies and cumin powder.Stir well till oil rises up the surface. Add in tomatoes, cloves, cinammon, cardamons and water. When boiles add in rice and salt let it till cooked-(this part I just pour into the rice cooker and cooked as normal.)
Sources:-From Aini Salim@ resipi ceria keluarga
Ayam Masak Palembang
Ayam Masak Palembang
Sources:-From Jumi Maslam
Tried & Tested:- Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
1 ekor ayam(dipotong kecil kemudian digoreng)-(1 whole chicken cut small and deep fried)
5 biji bawang besar dipotong bulat-(5 large onions cut to rings)
200g bawang kecil dibuat bawang goreng-(200g shallots sliced thinly for fried shallots)
Bahan2 giling:-(Blended ingredients)
15 biji bawang merah kecil-(15 shallots)
3 biji bawang putih-(3 garlics)
2 sudu teh ketumbar-(2 tsp coriander powder)
1 sudu teh jintan manis-(1 tsp fennel)
1 sudu teh jintan halus-(1 tsp cumin)
20 biji cili kering-(20 dried chillies soaked)
1 cm lengkuas-(1cm galangal)
2 batang serai-(2 lemon grass)
Bahan2 tumis:-(saute ingredients)
5 kuntum bunga cengkeh-(5 cloves)
3 biji buah pelaga-(3 cardamons)
2cm kulit kayu manis-(2cm cinammon bark)
1 biji kelapa- diambil 2 cawan santan-(1 whole grated coconut- take 2 cups coconut milk)
2 keping asam gelugur-(2 dried tamarind slice)
11/2 sudu teh garam-(11/2 tsp salt)
1 sudu teh gula-(1 tsp sugar)
3 sudu makan minyak untuk menumis-(3 tbsp oil for saute)
Ayam dibersihkan, dipotong kecil, dibubuh garam dan kunyit. Kemudian digoreng dan diketepikan. Panaskan 3 sudu besar minyak, kemudian tumis bunga cengkeh, buah pelaga dan kulit kayu manis. Kemudian masukkan bahan2 giling dan tumis hingga garing. Masukkan santan, garam, gula dan asam gelugur. Biarkan santannya mendidih dan pekat sedikit, baru masukkan ayam dan bawang besar potong bulat, gaul rata dan biarkan mendidih lagi. Bila menghidangkan taburkan bawang goreng diatasnya.-(Clean chicken, cut to small. add salt and turmeric powder marinate and deep fried, put aside. Heat 3 tbsp oil saute cloves,cardamons and cinammaon bark. Add in belnded ingredients and saute till fragrant. Add in coconut milk, salt, sugar and dried tamarind slices. Let the coconut milk simmers tilla bit thick, then add in chickens and large onions rings stir well and let it simmer again. When serve sprinkle fried shallots on top.)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Kuih Bakar Pisang
Made this yesterday for Mr Hubby's bentou breakfast this morning..sedap!!..never came across 'Kuih Bakar Pisang'..well thats the wonderful thing about blogging, you get the first hand in trying some of the recipes that are not available outside!!!..Got this from Cikgu Zana,.
Thank you ya Cikgu kita suka..
This morning, sent Marsya to the paedietrician, she has been unwell since Monday and has been skipping school since then..fever, coughing and wheezing..since October last year every month she would have this kind of sickness, and the doctor, suggested that she should be on the inhaler..bronchitis aka asthma..already in the family history..the earlier siblings, Hasif and Iqram got them but when they grew up it just went away...has been on sleepless nights the pass days..haizs..
1 sisir pisang masak(10-13 biji)-dilenyek kasar-(saya gunakan 6-7 sahaja)-(1 bunch of ripe bananas(10-13 pieces)- mashed coarsely-I used 6-7 pieces only)
*3/4 cawan gula-(saya gunakan 2/4 +1/4 cawan lagi tak penuh)boleh adjust kalau tak nak manis-(*3/4 cups sugar-I used 2/4 +1/4 (not full)cups sugar)can be adjusted if dont want too sweet.
*1 cawan santan-(* 1 cup coconut milk)
*1 cawan susu sejat/cair-(*1 cup fresh milk/evaporated milk)
*1 biji telur-(*1 egg)
*2 sudu besar butter-(* 2 tbsp butter)
Blender semua bahan*. Tuangkan adunan kedalm mangkuk berisi pisang lenyek dan digaul rata. Masukkan kedalam loyang yang telah dilenser dengan butter. Bakar 180C selama 1 jam, or lebih untuk dapatkan kerak yang hebat. Sejukkan, baru potong, masukkan kedalam peti ais lagi best.-(Blend all *ingredients. Pour mixture into mashed bananas and stir well. Pour batter into greased tray and bake at 180C for 1 hour or longer up to preference for the good crust.)
Kuih Muih
Sotong Masak Oyster
Tried this recipe from Mamahawa, the quantity of the ingredients was based on your eye judgement have to 'agaration' base on how many squids you are cooking ...Sedap! mama, the gravy is not hot, my kids can eat them as for me I just crunch in the bird eyes chillies good enough for me...Thanks mama for sharing..
6 sotong - cuci bersih buang hitam sotong kepala jgn buang rebus ngan garam sebentar.
-(saya menggunakan 4 ekor besar dan rebus tak bubuh garam)-(squids- clean, wash and discard the ink but keep the heads and put to boil for a while with some salt.- I used 4 large squids and boil without the salt)
2 biji telur - dipukol sebentar dan buat mcm scramble egg biar kan sejuk-(2 eggs lightly beaten and scrambled them)
Bawang besar, bawang putih dan halia ditumbuk halus-(large onion, garlics and ginger minced them)
Bawang Jepun dihiris kasar-(large onion sliced thickly)
lada merah dan hijau dihiris halus-(red and green chillies sliced)
5-6 atau lada padi secukup nyer -(5-6 bird eyes chilies or to preference)
secukup sos oyster-(oyster sauce to estimate)
tomato sos-(tomato sauce to estimate)
minyak bijan-(sesame oil)
garam dan gula secukup rasa-(salt and sugar to taste)
secukup toothpick-(toothpicks)
Ambil sotong yg telah direbus isikan dengan telur sehingga 3/4 penuh lalu masukkan kepala sotong dan cucuk dgn toothpick. Lakukan sehingga habis. Bahan hiris ditumis sebentar sehingga layu baru masukkan bahan2 yg ditumbuk halus..tumis sehingga garing dan wangi. Masukkan sos oyster, tomato sos, garam, gula dan minyak bijan.. Gaul lagi sehingga rata... kalau hendak kan berkuah masukkan sedikit air(saya gunakan air rebusan sotong tadi). Biarkan mendidih baru masukkan sotong balik2 kan sebentar. Siap!!!-(Take one squid and fill scrambled eggs to 3/4 full and add in the head and tighten with a toothpick. Repeat till finish. Saute sliced ingredients till soft and add in blended ingredients till oil rises up the surface and fragrant. Add in oyster sauce, tomato sauce, salt, sugar and sesame oil. Stir well. If prefered gravy add some water( I used the squids stock). Let it simmer till boils and add in squids, turning now and then. Ready.)
6 sotong - cuci bersih buang hitam sotong kepala jgn buang rebus ngan garam sebentar.
-(saya menggunakan 4 ekor besar dan rebus tak bubuh garam)-(squids- clean, wash and discard the ink but keep the heads and put to boil for a while with some salt.- I used 4 large squids and boil without the salt)
2 biji telur - dipukol sebentar dan buat mcm scramble egg biar kan sejuk-(2 eggs lightly beaten and scrambled them)
Bawang besar, bawang putih dan halia ditumbuk halus-(large onion, garlics and ginger minced them)
Bawang Jepun dihiris kasar-(large onion sliced thickly)
lada merah dan hijau dihiris halus-(red and green chillies sliced)
5-6 atau lada padi secukup nyer -(5-6 bird eyes chilies or to preference)
secukup sos oyster-(oyster sauce to estimate)
tomato sos-(tomato sauce to estimate)
minyak bijan-(sesame oil)
garam dan gula secukup rasa-(salt and sugar to taste)
secukup toothpick-(toothpicks)
Ambil sotong yg telah direbus isikan dengan telur sehingga 3/4 penuh lalu masukkan kepala sotong dan cucuk dgn toothpick. Lakukan sehingga habis. Bahan hiris ditumis sebentar sehingga layu baru masukkan bahan2 yg ditumbuk halus..tumis sehingga garing dan wangi. Masukkan sos oyster, tomato sos, garam, gula dan minyak bijan.. Gaul lagi sehingga rata... kalau hendak kan berkuah masukkan sedikit air(saya gunakan air rebusan sotong tadi). Biarkan mendidih baru masukkan sotong balik2 kan sebentar. Siap!!!-(Take one squid and fill scrambled eggs to 3/4 full and add in the head and tighten with a toothpick. Repeat till finish. Saute sliced ingredients till soft and add in blended ingredients till oil rises up the surface and fragrant. Add in oyster sauce, tomato sauce, salt, sugar and sesame oil. Stir well. If prefered gravy add some water( I used the squids stock). Let it simmer till boils and add in squids, turning now and then. Ready.)
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