Well you can say that this cake was actually for my 2nd blogversary cake which I was supposed to post the other day but only managed to bake it on Friday, a day late..hehe ...This time I was lazy to decorate, since it was just for makan2 sendiri aje..
Recipe I've got from here to me the cake is moist, soft and nicelah..well, that is to my taste..mum yang cerewet makan cake pun cakap sedap..my kids pulak came back for more, maklumlah dah lama tak buat chocolate cake...
So dear owner, thank you for sharing this fabulous recipe, I post it here for the rest to try it too ya..
For cake
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 1/2 cups sugar-(Ayu used 11/2 cup)-up to taste
- 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder-(Ayu used Belcolade cocoa powder)
- 2 teaspoons instant coffee (a little less if you’re using something more robust?)-sorry just updated-(Ayu used 3-in-1 instant coffee)-forgotlah..hehe
- 2 teaspoons baking soda-(Ayu used 11/2 tsp only)
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup neutral vegetable oil, such as canola, soybean or vegetable blend-(Ayu used vegetable oil)
- 1 cup plain yogurt (or sour cream)-(Ayu used sour cream)
- 1 1/2 cups water
- 2 tablespoons distilled white vinegar (This reacts with the baking soda to make a great texture after the batter cooks. There is no discernible vinegar taste.)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2 eggs
- 12 to 15 oz jar dulce de leche (Ayu used only 1/2 cup or 1/2 can of DDL.)
- 1 cup heavy cream-(Ayu used whipping cream)
- 1 cup bittersweet chocolate chips-(Ayu used DARK CHOCOLATE, to give a slight bitter taste to balance the sweetness of this cake- this would be up to your preference if you were to do it..)
- splash of vanilla extract
In a large bowl, whisk flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt together. Add oil and sour cream and whisk to blend. Gradually beat in the water. Blend in vinegar and vanilla. Whisk in the eggs and beat until well blended. Divide among the 3 prepared cake pans.
Bake for 30 to 35 minutes(Ayu baked for 25 minutes), or until a cake tester or wooden toothpick inserted in the center comes out almost clean. Let cool.
Prepare the chocolate ganache. Put chocolate chips in a small mixing bowl. In a small saucepan, bring 1 cup of heavy cream to a near boil. Pour the cream into the mixing bowl of chocolate, add vanilla or rum, and whisk until combined. Allow to cool, but not fully harden, in the refrigerator. (It helps to stir it every 10 or 15 minutes.)
Once cakes are completely cool, warm the dulce de leche so that it is more liquidy and easy to spread. (You can do this by putting the open glass jar either in the microwave or in pot of water on the stove)-(Ayu whisked slightly too). Lay strips of parchment paper around the edge of the plate you wish to serve the cake on. Put the first layer of cake on the plate. Using a fork, poke the top of the cake several times, this will help the dulce de leche seep into the cake. Spread half the dulce de leche across the cake.
Add the second layer of cake and repeat the process of poking holes and covering with dulce de leche. Top with the third layer of cake. Using a knife or spatula, smooth out any dulce de leche that has come over the sides.

Take the ganache out of the fridge. You should be able to easily whip it into a thicker frosting at this point. (I believe I did this simply with a spatula. If it is too hard, set it on the counter and allow to soften.) Spread the ganache over the cake, evenly on the top and sides. Add any other decoration you wish, and remove parchment paper.
Serve with milk. You’ll need it.
Cake keeps fine for several days covered in the fridge. The dulce de leche keeps it incredibly moist.
Sources:-From http://hecooksshecooks.net/
Terliurnya akak tengok kek Ayu ni...bila lah akak nak cuba. Mesti sedap kan....
Aduhaiiiii mana tahan kita nak bikin kek cokelat lagi dah habis lah Ayuu! awak mengancam jiwa kita!
terliurnya tengok.......
nak sepotong...he..he..
kak ayuuu..
sangat sangat mengiurkan..
nampak sangat moist kek tu, ditambah dengan lelehan dileceh itu..fuhh..tak manis sangat ke kak ayu kek nyer ni?
definitely menggoda jiwa. lamanya i tak makan kek. eh! tipu! i baru je makan chocolate indulgence semlm kat secret recipe coz they're hav ing promotion from 3pm-6pm. buy 1 slice of cake, u'll get coffee or tea foc. :D
Kak Ayu
ishhhhhh...first taim kita tgk kat opis tadi..curi2 tengok sampai jejes2 air lioq!! balik umah kita tgk lagik!!1 ishhh cnfirm shedappp arrrr...kita nak wat DDL takut meletopsss arr...
ayu.manis tak agak2nya kek ni..nampak sedap tu..teringin gak nak cuba tapi tunggu lah lepas balik dari holiday nxt wk..sekolah2 di mesia cuti seminggu mggu dpn.
semoga Allah memberi kesabaran kepada ku....hukkksss...ayu ooiii dugaan sguh laa...meleleh DDL tuh haaa....gulp..gulp...telan ayaq lioqq
haish.. ramai betol berdulce de leche nie.. ekeke.. sedap tak kak ayu?... nk sepotong boleh?.. ekeke..
kak ayu, sungguh mengoda dan tergoda kak...tak leh tahan nengok itu DDL dan kejadian kek nya...jamu mata jer lah dulu..hehe
meleleh2 tu....so yummy!!!!
ayu, terliurnyer nor tengok kek tu.. hu hu
Ayu...jatuh cinta dah ngan kek Ayu...menggoda dan tergoda kak cek...camana la nak kurus...sumenya nak makan kan...
hahaha..kak ayu mmg tengah demam dulce de leche ye??nampak sedap la kak...post kat eina sikit boleh x??
terliuq sungguh...
Gosh,Ayu..you are really good at seducing us DDL virgins!!
Kak Ayu.............sikit pown tak boring, cume tgh tersiksa tgok itew cakes....sbb masih tak jumpe2 full cream sweetened condensed milk...selalu jumpa krimer mansi jer......uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
as-salam kak ayu
Waaah...look delicious lah kak ayu!!!
re:Kak Ayu darling....takper la abis pun...for you...aii masakkan speseeeel tau......:) mcm2 kaler lagi....
Husband keje...
Ayu study+mom+wife+cikgu fitness + blogger=...errr ape eik......ngeeeeeeeeeeeee
antan bertingkah - hehe..cubalah bila2 senang..
sedap pada kita, harap2 sedap juga pada yang mencuba..insyaallah..
mak peah - hahah..gee dah naik syeh buat kek tu ya..hahah
kek coklatlah amannnn..hheheh
mas - mas yang kat monitor tu aje yang tinggal mas.. hahah..
kena buat sendirilah namapak gayanya mas..hehe
izahdaut - kek ni memang moist izah, kalau ikut recipenya memanglah manis kelentang, tapi akak dah adjust ikut my taste and toppingnya akak guna dark chocolate so the overall sweetness is ok for me & family..
sizuka - hahah..cuba nak tipu ya..dah bocor rahsia..haha..oh ya ke i
kalau pergi secret recipe pun go for this chcocolate indulgence memanglah sedap kan..wah u are so lucky to get to know all the promotions offer ..good for you ..
yat maria - hahah..how is work yat?..the lady boss ok tak?..
ish jangan takut yat, buat ddl ni ok aje..cuma jangan kurang air aje just make sure air sentiasa above the cans..that was how i felt mula2 dulu..
anymz - kak kita dah adjust gulanya tu so ok pada kitalah..my parents are diabetic,
so kalau buat apa yang manis2 kita kena adjust gula, kalau tak memang dia orang tak sentuh pun..hehe..aah cubalah kak..mana tahu kena dengan selera anak2 akak..kan..
samalah sini pun cuti next week.
mak qis - mudah2han insyaallah mak qis..sabar ya..heheh..
ketawa besar kita kat sini tau..haha
azura rahman - sedap zura, boleh ambiklah yang kat monitor tu ya..hehe
ddl ni rebus aje zura..tapi lama sikit lah kalau cara biasa tu..kalau pakai pressure cooker 1 jam aje..
nieza - hahah..yalah nieza, belum ada seru nak buat kiv dululah kan..nanti bila dah ada seru macam akak barulah cuba..heheh
fiza nordin - heheh..yummy ..eh tak salah fiza pun dah buat kan..brownis dgn ddl ni?..
uish fiza apa khabar dah lama tak dengar suara..
k.nor - hehe..bila2 nor dah ada seru nak buat ddl ni bolehlah cubalah nor..
cik cek - hahah..alamak kak cek dah tergoda..tak apa, cinta hanya berbalas kalau kak cek cuba buat kek ni..heheh
eina - hahah..begitulah eina macam demam malaria gitu.heheh
nak post dah habis lah eina..tak ada eina capai ajelah kat monitor tu..itu aje yg tinggal..heheh
yatiali - hehe..yatiiii!!..lama tak dengar suara..yati baik?..
shereen - hahaha..come lets 'break' the virgins..wakakaka..
go and make some ddl..hehehe
ayu safieza - hahah..alahai ciannya tersiksa..kira akak visual abuse ya ayu..hahah
susah dapat juga kat sana condensed milk tu ke??..
thankslah ayu nak masakkan akak speseel punya ya..
oh kira SMWCB lah ni..hehe..banyak betul title ayu ni ya..hehe
ady - walkslm, heheh..thanks ady..cubalah ady..eh..buat ddl dululah ady..heheh
Woahhh looks so so sedap lah Ayu.. i hv 4 more bottles of dulce de leche.. maybe i shud start to make use of it lah sebelum they send me more of it.. haizz if dah berlambak also tak tahu nak buat ape benda ni hehehe
Rima - wow, rima, what are u doing so early in the morning..i tengah seronok keluar air liur basi ..wakaka....tengok kat time u post was 3.20 am!!!..yes i understand urs was the readymade punya ddl kan?..senanglah dah tak payah nak rebus2kan..hehe
ya maybe you should do something with it..sebelum terover stock ...ke kalau tak tahu nak clear, campak kat rumah i ni..hehe..
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