Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sambal Udang Malbari
If you thought of making sambal prawns, consider this Sambal Prawns Malbari..something different from the normal sambal prawns!! Very unique and sedaplah... I had 2-3 servings just by having this and plain hot rice...makan tak hingat dunia....hehe
1 kg udang - dibuang kulit dan dibelah belakang dan bersihkan- (1kg prawns, deveined and shelled)
3 sudu teh rempah kari ikan-(tsp fish curry powder)
2 sudu teh biji sawi-(tsp mustard seeds)
2 biji bawang besar - dadu-(large onions diced)
2 senduk besar cili giling-(2 ladle chili paste)
1 sudu makan tomato puree - saya letak sos tomato-(tbsp tomato puree or tomato sauce)
2 biji tomato - belah 4-(tomatoes quartered)
daun kari-(curry leaves)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
gula secukup rasa-(sugar to taste)
sedikit serbuk kunyit-(some turmeric powder)
Cara Memasak:-
Gaul udang dengan garam dan sedikit serbuk kunyit. Goreng udang sekejap dan angkat. Ketepikan.Panaskan minyak lain, tumis bawang besar bersama serbuk kari, biji sawi dan daun kari.Masukkan cili giling dan tumis hingga garing. Masukkan tomato puree, garam dan gula.
Masak hingga naik minyak dan masukkan udang tadi. Gaul rata dan biarkan pekat sikit.Akhir sekali masukkan tomato, tutup api.-( Mix prawns with salt and turmeric powder. Fried for a while , dish out and put aside. Heat another new oil and saute onions together with curry powder, mustard seeds and curry leaves. Add in chili paste and saute till oil rises up the surface. Add in tomato puree, salt and sugar to taste. Cook for a while and add in prawns. Mix well and let it simmer till a bit thick. Lastly add in tomatoes and turn off heat.)
Sources:-From Ummi kuantan
Singgang Daging Kelantan
Wanted to make this for quite sometimes now..ever saw this in Ika Bangkok's blog..thought of making some difference in cooking beef that are soupy base.. so tried this lah..the bird eye chillies I just threw in instead of cutting to small pieces cause I dont want the gravy to be too hot for the for me I just crunched in the bird eyes chillies ... I added another 2 tbsp of chili paste to make the gravy a bit red..
Note:-Those quantity that I put up are just for my own future reference. Pls adjust to your own discreations ya.
Daging (ikut suka banyak mana)-dihiris nipis-nipis -(saya gunakan 500g)-(sliced beef according to usage- I used 500g)
2 jenis cili (cili padi, cili kering-jika suka pedas-saya gunakan 2 sudu besar chili kisar & segenggam cili padi.) -(2 types of chillies, bird eyes chillies and chili paste- if prefer hot- I used 2 tbsp chili paste & a handful of bir eyes chillies.)
Ketumbar-ditumbuk sedikit-(saya gunakan serbuk ketembar aje) -(coriander seeds grounded- but I used powdered)
asam keping (ikut suka) -(saya gunakan 2-3 keping-(dried tamarind slice-up to preference- I used 2-3 slice)
bawang putih-saya gunaka 3 biji-(garlics I used 3)
bawang merah-(saya gunakan 5-6 biji-(shallots- I used 5-6)
lengkuas-(saya gunakan 1/2 ibu jari) -(galangal- I used 1/2 thumb size)
sedikit manisan kerek/gula melaka-(a bit of palm sugar to taste)
budu (memang lagi sedap kalau masukkan)- saya terlupa nak masukkan-(budu- I forgot to put in-optional)
garam dan gula secukup rasa-(salt and sugar to taste)
Daging dipotong nipis, sejat. Bawang putih, merah, lengkuas dipotong nipis, Cili padi di potong kecil-kecil. Masukkan semua bahan dan gaul lebih elok kalo diperap sekajap.
Jerang diatas api sampai daging masak. Rasanya daging singam ni pedas, manis, masin dan masam. Makan dengan nasi putih.-(Slice beef thinly. Sliced garlics, shallots and galangal thinly. Bird eyes chillies cut to small pieces. Add all the ingredients and mix well, best if let it marinated for a while. Put to boil till beef are cooked. The taste must a bit hot, sweet, salty and sour. Serve with white rice).
Mee Hoon Goreng Putih
Our breakfast this morning...done this before, I put up the recipe again ya..
1 packet mee hoon soaked-(1 paket mee hoon direndam)
2 tbsp minced garlic-(2 sudu besar bawang putih kisar)
1 tbsp pepper-(1 sudu besar lada sulah)
prawns to estimate-(udang terpulang berapa banyak)
squids to estimate-(sotong terpulang berapa banyak)
2 pieces fish cakes sliced-(2 keping fish cake dihirs)
slices of boiled beef(optional)-(daging rebus yang telah dihiris-optional)
a few stalks of chye sim-(sawi)
30 cents bean sprout-(taugeh)
a handful fried shallots-(segenggam bawang goreng)
oil for frying-(minyak untuk menumis)
salt & MSG to taste-(garam & serbuk perasa secukup rasa)
Heat oil in wok and adding garlics and pepper. Stir in prawns, squids, fishcakes till 3/4 cooked. Add in salt and msg.Put in mee hoon and stir well. Add in chye sim , fried shallots and stir again. When the chye sim stalk has soften add in bean sprout. Stir well and turn off heat.Serve with pickled chilli padis...-(Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang puith dan lada sulah. Masukkan udang, sotong, daging dan fishcakes dan kacau hingga 3/4 masak. Masukkan garam, serbuk perasa, mee dan gaul rata. Masukkan sawi, bawang goreng dan gaul rata lagi. Bila batang sawi dah lembut, masukkan taugeh kacau dan matikan api. Hidangkan dengan cili jeruk.)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Kari Ayam Kerisek
Salam, haisshhh!!..I guessed most of you already got bored looking at the holidays pictures right?..hehehe...sorrylah...been very busy lately, with the 'spring cleaning' still going on,with Mr Hubby was around at least most of the time and the preparations for the kids before school reopen this coming Monday...I think I am 'sleep under nourishment'(not enough sleep), got such word ke?kiki....almost every night for the past one week I slept at 2am and got up early in the morning, about 4 hours lacking from the normal 8 hrs...anyway, today's entries are actually those that I cooked before the holidays and termiss to be put up here..
Original recipe was to used beef but I changed to chicken..
Ingredients:-1 ekor ayam dipotong ikut suka-(1 whole chicken cut to preference)
2 sb cili kisar-( tbsp chili paste)
1 biji bawang besar *-( large onion)
4 ulas bawang putih*-(garlics)
1/2 jari halia*-( 1/2 thumb size ginger)
4-5 sb rempah kari daging -dicampur sedikit air dan jadikan pes-(tbsp meat curry powder, mixed with a bit of water to form paste)
1 batang serai dititik-(lemon grass bruised)
2 lembar daun kari-( 2 sprigs of curry leaves)
sedikit kayu manis, cengkih, pelaga(penumis)-(a bit of cinammon, cardamon, cloves)
3 biji kentang -dibelah 4-(3 potatoes quartered)
3 biji tomato dibelah 4-(2-3 tomatoes quartered)
2 batang lada hijau dibelah 2-(2 green chillies halved)
1/2 cawan kerisik-(1/2 cup toasted coconut)
1 keping asam gelugur-(1 dried tamarind slice)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
minyak menumis-(oil for saute)
1/2 biji bawang dihiris-(1/2 large onion sliced)
2 ulas bawang putih dihiris-(2 garlics sliced)
air secukupnya untuk kuah-(water for gravy to estimate)
1. kisar bahan2 bertanda * dan campurkan bersama cili kisar.
2. Panaskan minyak dlm periuk dan tumis bwg besar dan bawang putih yang dihiris juga daun kari hingga layu dan masukkan campuran bahan kisar, penumis dan serai dan terus tumis hingga kering lalu masukkan pes rempah kari dan tumis hingga wangi dan terbit minyak
3. Masukkan ayam dan juga kentang. Bubuh garam,asam gelusur, kerisik, kacau rata dan masak hingga mendidih. Tambah air jika perlu dan masak lagi biar mendidih dan kentang empuk.
4. Kecilkan api dan masukkan cili hijau dan tomato. Renihkan lagi 10-15 min. Siap untuk hidangan.-(Blend *ingredients and mix with chili paste. Heat oil and saute sliced onions, garlics and curry leaves till soft. Add in blended ingredients, spices, lemon grass and stir well. Add in curry powder paste and saute till frangrant and oil rises up the surface. Add in chicken and potatoes. Add in slat, tamarind slice, toasted coconut and stir well till bubbling. Add in water if necessary and cook till potatoes are soft. Lower the heat and add in green chillies and tomatoes. Let it simmer for another 10-15 minutes. Ready)
Original recipe was to used beef but I changed to chicken..
Ingredients:-1 ekor ayam dipotong ikut suka-(1 whole chicken cut to preference)
2 sb cili kisar-( tbsp chili paste)
1 biji bawang besar *-( large onion)
4 ulas bawang putih*-(garlics)
1/2 jari halia*-( 1/2 thumb size ginger)
4-5 sb rempah kari daging -dicampur sedikit air dan jadikan pes-(tbsp meat curry powder, mixed with a bit of water to form paste)
1 batang serai dititik-(lemon grass bruised)
2 lembar daun kari-( 2 sprigs of curry leaves)
sedikit kayu manis, cengkih, pelaga(penumis)-(a bit of cinammon, cardamon, cloves)
3 biji kentang -dibelah 4-(3 potatoes quartered)
3 biji tomato dibelah 4-(2-3 tomatoes quartered)
2 batang lada hijau dibelah 2-(2 green chillies halved)
1/2 cawan kerisik-(1/2 cup toasted coconut)
1 keping asam gelugur-(1 dried tamarind slice)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
minyak menumis-(oil for saute)
1/2 biji bawang dihiris-(1/2 large onion sliced)
2 ulas bawang putih dihiris-(2 garlics sliced)
air secukupnya untuk kuah-(water for gravy to estimate)
1. kisar bahan2 bertanda * dan campurkan bersama cili kisar.
2. Panaskan minyak dlm periuk dan tumis bwg besar dan bawang putih yang dihiris juga daun kari hingga layu dan masukkan campuran bahan kisar, penumis dan serai dan terus tumis hingga kering lalu masukkan pes rempah kari dan tumis hingga wangi dan terbit minyak
3. Masukkan ayam dan juga kentang. Bubuh garam,asam gelusur, kerisik, kacau rata dan masak hingga mendidih. Tambah air jika perlu dan masak lagi biar mendidih dan kentang empuk.
4. Kecilkan api dan masukkan cili hijau dan tomato. Renihkan lagi 10-15 min. Siap untuk hidangan.-(Blend *ingredients and mix with chili paste. Heat oil and saute sliced onions, garlics and curry leaves till soft. Add in blended ingredients, spices, lemon grass and stir well. Add in curry powder paste and saute till frangrant and oil rises up the surface. Add in chicken and potatoes. Add in slat, tamarind slice, toasted coconut and stir well till bubbling. Add in water if necessary and cook till potatoes are soft. Lower the heat and add in green chillies and tomatoes. Let it simmer for another 10-15 minutes. Ready)
Sambal Goreng Kicap
I cooked this dish way before the holidays.. got the recipe from my sis in law, who is a Javanese. Normally when there's a feast for some prayers, her side will cook this.. considered as a compulsary menu gitu..sometimes they add petai(stinky bean) and tempe(fermented soya bean cake) to it..anyway I cooked based on what available in the fridge and the petai definitely not for me..hehe
*2 keping tauhu dipotong dadu dan digoreng, ketepikan-(hard beancurd diced, fried, put aside)
*5 ketul pedal ayam direbus sekejap dan dihiris nipis dan digoreng, ketepikan-( chicken gizzards put to boil for a while, sliced and fried, put aside)
*3 biji kentang dipotong dadu dan digoreng, ketepikan-(potatoes diced, fried and put aside)
1 paket fucuk digunting kecil dan rendam hingga lembut-(1 packet dried soya stick soaked till soft)
1 ikat kecil soo hoon direndam hingga lembut-(1 small soohonn soaked till soft)
10 ekor udang kecil dibuang kulitnya-(10 small prawns deshelled)
cili padi terpulang kepedasan,-(bird eyes chillies according to preference)
1/2 inci halia dihiris nipis-(1/2 inh ginger sliced thinly)
1 biji bawang besar dihiris nipis-(1 large onion sliced thinly)
3 biji bawang putih dihirs nipis-(garlics sliced thinly)
5 sudu besar kicap masin-(tbsp black soy sauce)
4 sudu besar kicap manis-(sweet soy sauce)
air asam jawa dan sedikit belacan-(some tamarind juice and some belacan)
Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang putih, bawang besar, cili padi dan halia hingga layu. Masukkan udang dan kacau hingga setengah masak. Masukkan fucuk dan soo hoon dan gaul rata. Masukkan tauhu, pedal dan kentang yang dah digoreng sebelumnya dan kacau rata. Masukkan kicap manis, masin, air asam jawa dan belacan. Rasa mana yg kurang, mesti ada manis, masam, masin dan pedas. Kacau hingga sebati dan tutup api. -(Heat oil and saute sliced garlics, onions, bird eyes chillies and ginger till soft). Add in prawns and stir till 3/4 cooked. Add in dried soya stick, soo hoon and stir well. Add in *beancurd, *chicken gizzards and *potatoes which has been fried earlier and stir well. Add in black, sweet soya sauce, tamarind juice and some shrimp paste. Taste to preference what needed. It should taste, a bit sweet, sour, salty and hot slightly. Stir till incorporated and turn off heat.)
Fried Dow Miaw In Oysters Sauce

Jemput Jemput Ikan Bilis & Sambal Sardin

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Cuti Cuti Malaysia - Perak
The main reason for this trip was for Mr Hubby's cousin's wedding in Parit Buntar, Perak.. looking at the map, it was almost end of Perak and near thats when we decided to proceed to Penang for the holidays..

We decided to check in a hotel nearby..Hotel was Saturday night and to our surprised, the hotel was almost fully booked considering a quite 'not so busy area'.. left with 2 rooms only!! My family of six in one room and brother in law's family of six in another.. Imagine this again..2 in 1 single bed!!!!!!well that's what the rest preferred rather then the home stay..
sabor ajeler..

Below are what was served as the wedding menu..

Wanted to to go to Kellie's Castle but we have to put that aside also...
Special Event
Monday, December 21, 2009
I Am Back....

Itupun some of the clothes already settled in Penang as we sent for laundry near the hotel..6 of us, so imagine you cant bring the whole week's supplies of clothing into the car, so we brought only half the supplies and sent for laundries and recycle the clothings.. so much things happened and I will update when I am slightly free to write ok.. above was what still balance of the clothings which are still in the bag..hehe..

With so much laundry and things that we brought back..Mr Hubby suddenly decided to 'revamp' the study room!!!..So on Sunday we went to Ikea to buy tables, chairs, drawers and lights for the boys...
the reasons was because the old tables and drawers are already in a mess and he wanted to do it before school reopen next week and while he is still on leave... so can you imagine with books, laundry and stuff bought are all over the house!!!.. As I am writing this, the house is like'Titanic' shipwreck!!! the computer is placed outside where the balcony is where I usually read the newspapers...for my guests and friends that come and visit, leaving messages and bertanya khabar about me during my absence, I feel very honoured and touched!.Thank you dear all!!!..
General Information
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Banana Chocolate Muffins
Before I am gone for a few days (1 week to be exact) ...I would like to post my fresh from the oven muffins that I just baked a while ago...this was my second time using this recipe from Nor Terengganu which I got from . Sedap!..itu sebab buat dua kali..hehe thanks Nor for the recipe again..this are for tomorrow munch2 in the car..this time I malas nak scrap chocolate, so I used chocolate rice and sprinkle on top..
Tomorrow till next week I will be away to 'Cuti-cuti Malaysia'..kita nak round the world..hehehe..naik belon haha..first to KL, then on Saturday going up to Perak, then going up further to Penang...will update the pictures when I am back...meanwhile, for those yang lapar..self service at my kitchenlah.. those yang rajin, tolong siram pokok, kasi ikan makan, lap2 abok..dan ambik surat kat letterbox tu tau..
Kalau orang ketuk pintu jangan bukak, takut salesman jual barang....ok..kalau dah tengok tv tu..matikan switch..bolih kan..hehe...itu aje nak pesan..jangan pulak kita tak ada you guys tak nak datang sini..jengok2 selalu tau...will miss u guys...
ps: Jam dah pukul 12 pagi....I belum PACK lahhhh!!!!!mampui..
Tomorrow till next week I will be away to 'Cuti-cuti Malaysia'..kita nak round the world..hehehe..naik belon haha..first to KL, then on Saturday going up to Perak, then going up further to Penang...will update the pictures when I am back...meanwhile, for those yang lapar..self service at my kitchenlah.. those yang rajin, tolong siram pokok, kasi ikan makan, lap2 abok..dan ambik surat kat letterbox tu tau..
Kalau orang ketuk pintu jangan bukak, takut salesman jual barang....ok..kalau dah tengok tv tu..matikan switch..bolih kan..hehe...itu aje nak pesan..jangan pulak kita tak ada you guys tak nak datang sini..jengok2 selalu tau...will miss u guys...
ps: Jam dah pukul 12 pagi....I belum PACK lahhhh!!!!!mampui..
250g butter
3/4 cups caster sugar
2 cups self raising flour
5 eggs grade A
1 cup mashed bananas
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp vanilla essence
150g semi sweet cooking chocolate grated or chopped
Pre heat oven @175C. Sieve flour . If not using self raising flour you can use plain flour +1 tsp baking powder. Add bicarbonate of soda into mashed bananas and mix well put aside.
Beat butter till white and add in sugar. Beat till sugar dissolved.Add eggs one by one beat till creamy. Add in vanilla essence and mashed bananas, stir well. Fold flour bit by bit till finish. Add in chocolate and fold again slowly, don't fold too much as the chocolate will melt.
Scoop mixture into muffin cups and bake for about 15-20 minutes or till cooked.
Muffins And Cupcakes
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Pandan Kaya Steamed Bun

the recipe below comes with the filling ingredients..but I just used my own ready made kaya in the bottle..hehehe...
Take note that to fill kaya in this bun, you have to put the kaya in the fridge first to kasi dia keras sikit so that its easier for you to roll in the filling..
This bun is nice to eat when its hot...
325g low protein flour-(I used superfine flour)
45g sugar
1 tsp instant yeast
20g corn oil
1/2 tsp baking powder
145g water
6 pieces pandan leaf(blended)
salt to taste
60g coconut milk
2 pieces pandan leaves (blended & strained)
110g water
40g sugar
1 egg (A)
3g low protein flour
7g corn flour(Mix well and bring to boil. Cool it before apply to bun)

Mix yeast with water until yeast is totally dissolved. Mix well with all other ingredients.Knead to form a soft dough. Cover with a big bowl. Rest for 30 minutes. Cut into 12 portions of 45g each. Roll it into balls and rest for 5 minutes. Flatten the dough and place filling in the centre aand seal up. Place it onto a piece of paper. Place into the pre heat steamer and steam over medium heat for 8 minutes.
Sources:-From Baked & Steam Bun -recipes by Daniel Choong

Kuih Muih
Udang Goreng Asam
Got to quickly update and post in the entries for today as my son need to use the layan ajelah all the menus posted ya..Recipe from CMG,Thank you Che Mat.
500 g udang sederhana besar
2 camca besar asam jawa
1/2 camca teh garam
2 camca besar gula-saya gunakan hanya 1 sudu besar saja
1 camca teh serbuk lada sulah
2 camca teh kicap pekat
2 ulas bawang putih, ditumbuk lumat
8 camca besar air
Cara membuatnya:-
Bersihkan udang, tapi jgn buat kulit, cuma gunting hujung kepala dan buang kotorannya. Tabur garam dan perap 10 minit, kemudian cuci dan toskan.
Asam jawa dicampur dengan 8 camca besar air, ramas hingga sebati dan tapis jusnya. Campur dengan semua bahan lain. Kacau rata. Gaul dengan udang yang ditoskan tadi dan perap 1 jam hingga 1 1/2 jam dalam peti sejuk.
Panaskan 1/2 cawan minyak dalam kuali. Biarkan minyak betul2 panas dan masukkan udang seta bahan2 perap tadi (berhati2 ketika memasukkan udang ke dalam kuali!!). Kacau goreng untuk 1 minit dan kecilkan api, biar udang masak hingga bahan perap menjadi pekat dan bersalut pada udang.
Kemudian angkat dan toskan lebihan minyaknya. Alih ke dalam bekas sesuai dan boleh dihidangkan bersama nasi hangat, sambal belacan dan ulam2man...
Ikan Kembung Masin

Fucuk Masak Lemak
Fucuk Masak Lemak
Sources:-From CMG@BlueTiffin
300 g fucuk (kulit tauhu kering)
1 cekak soon, rendam hingga lembut, toskan
1 biji kelapa parut
1 biji bawang besar, dihiris halus
4 ulas bawang putih, diketuk
1 biji cili merah, hiris halus
1 camca besar udang kering, rendam 10 minit, toskan dan tumbuk kasar
Garam, gula dan serbuk perasa (jika suka)
Cara membuatnya:-
Rendam fucuk hingga lembut dan potong sederhana besar. Ketepikan. Tuang 1 cawan air dalam kelapa parut, ramas dan perah untuk santan no. 1, ketepikan. Kemudian tuang 700ml air, ramas dan perah untuk santan no. 2. Ketepikan.
Dalam periuk, masukkan fucuk, bawang besar hiris, bawang putih ketuk dan udang kering tumbuk tadi. Tuang santan no. 2 dan didihkan atas api sederhana hingga mendidih. Jika kelihatan kering, boleh tambah 1/2 cawan air.
Kemudian, masukkan soon dan hirisan cili merah. Biar mendidih dan tuang santan no.1 dan perasakan dengan garam, gula dan serbuk perasa (jika suka). Biar mendidih perlahan hingga masak. Rasa kuahnya.
Hidangkan bersama nasi hangat, sambal belacan, ikan masin/ikan goreng dan ulam2man. Pasti selera!!!
Jemput Jemput Udang Geragor

Monday, December 07, 2009
Mama In Hospital
dear aunties, mama is in the hospital to take care of Iqram since yesterday.She will be back once everything is ok.
dear aunties, mama is in the hospital to take care of Iqram since yesterday.She will be back once everything is ok.
General Information
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Nasi Uduk Betawi & Sambal Buah Keras
By the time I wrote this its already Saturday morning... this was Friday's menu..after I tried the recipe that I've got from this book on Ham Jin Peng, under the Chinese recipes, I've decided to try another one from Indonesia.. Nasi Uduk Betawi & Sambal Buah Keras. After I scrutinised the ingredients errmm it is something like Nasi Lemak Kukus.. so I proceeded..
I steamed the rice by placing banana leaves in the steamer tray...and since 7 of us in the house I doubled the portions but not for the coconut milk.. I still use that amount as it already covered the rice portions. I used 21/2 packet of thick coconut milk and added water for the balance that made 1350 ml, instead of squeezing the grated coconut myself.
With the Chef's note that this rice can be eaten with fried anchovies, groundnut, sliced cucumber and omelette, I still fried Hot n' Crispy Fried Chicken for the kids, that goes darn well with this rice! As for the sambal, instead of blanced the chillies in hot water, I fried them. the sambal definitely gave the difference in this menu...well I am quite pleased, that it finished leaving the banana leaves in the steamer!!..hehe..
2 cawan beras-( cups of rice)
625 ml cawan santan diperah daripada 2 cawan kelapa parut yang dibuang kulit ari dan 625 ml cawan air- ( 625 ml coconut milk from 2 cups of grated white coconut and 625 ml of water)
1/2 sudu teh ketumbar serbuk-( tsp coriander powder)
1/2 batang serai, dititik-( 1/2 lemon grass bruised)
1 helai daun salam-saya tak letak-(basil leaf- I didnt put)
1 helai daun pandan-(pandan leaf)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
Cuci beras dan tuskan sehingga kering. Kukus selama 20 minit sehingga setengah masak. Angkat dan ketepikan. Bubuh santan, ketunbar, serai, daun salam, daun pandan dan garam didalam periuk dan masask sehingga mendidih. Masukkan nasi setengah masak dan kacau diatas api sehingga kering sedikit. Alih nasi ke dalam dulang pengukus dan kukus selama 30 minit sehingga tanak. -(Wash rice and drained. Steam rice for 20 minutes till half cook. Dish out and put aside. In a saucepan put coconut milk, lemon grass, basil leaf, pandan leaf and salt to boil. Add in half cooked rice and stir till slightly thickens/dry. Transfer rice onto steamer tray and steam for another 30 minutes till cook.)

Sambal Buah Keras:-
5 tangkai cili padi, dicelur dengan air panas selama 1 minit dan tuskan- saya tak celur saya goreng sebentar)-(5 bird eyes chillies blanched in hot water for 1 minute- I didnt do this I fried it)
2 tangkai cili merah, dicelur dengan air panas selama 1 minit.-saya tak celur saya goreng sebentar)- 2 red chillies blanched in hot water for 1 minute- I didnt do this I fried for a while)
35 g kacang tanah yang digoreng dengan minyak-( 35 g fried ground nut)
5 biji buah keras di goreng dengan 1/2 cawan minyak-(5 candlenut fried in 1/2 cup oil)
60ml air suam-( warm water)
1/2 sudu teh garam-(tsp salt)
1 sudu teh cuka-(tsp vinegar)
2 sudu teh gula pasir-(tsp sugar)
Tumbuk cili padi, cili merah, kacang tanah dan buah keras sehingga halus. Tambah air suam dan kacau rata2. Perasakan dengan garam, cuka dan gula.-(Ground bird eyes chillies, red chillies, groundnut and candle nut till fine. Add warm water and stir well. Add salt, vinegar and sugar to taste.)
Sources:- From Buku Masakan Chef Terkemuka- Zaidah Mohd Noor
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Ham Jin Peng - Snack Pedas Berinti Kacang Merah

colleagues ate them during my working days, they did offer me but I decline cause was not sure of the ingredients and oil used..but I did smell the 'aroma' of the snacks as they munch away...
then the other day saw this at Smart Market in Johore, sold by a Malay lady, my mum bought 2 for RM$1, too bad I didnt get to taste it so I cant really tell the difference between the one she bought and the one I made. It should be something like 'JENEKET'?, but the Malay lady called it 'Pau goreng'...I am confused..hehe hantam saja lah labu..
Somehow, I made this morning for Mr Hubby's breakfast and when I texted him, whether is it ok, his answer was 'OK , good!'...this snacks are really nice when its hot and fresh.. that was why I woke up early to 'canai' this snacks this morning as I was afraid if were to rolled out too early in the night it will stick to the tray... A few things to note if you were to try to make this 'Ham Jin Peng', was to use very slow heat, as it gets burnt easily and the inside wont be cooked properly. Maybe next time I will roll out a bit thinner. As of the red beans please soaked them in water at least a few hours or overnight, as for me I didnt soaked first and it took me almost 2 hours to soften the red beans. In fact I halved the ingredients for the filling as I still got some balance..
For my silent readers who are Chinese, did I got it right?..
1 sudu besar yis segar(fresh yeast)- saya gunakan 1 packet instant yeast aje-(tbsp fresh yeast- I just used 1 packet instant yeast)
150g gula halus-( fine sugar)
240 ml air suam -(cup warm water)
480g tepung gandum serbaguna-( all purpose flour)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
1/2 sudu teh soda bicarbonate-( tsp bicarbonate of soda)
1/2 sudu teh five -spice serbuk-( tsp five-spice powder)
1 sudu teh air-(tsp water)
*Inti kacang merah-(red bean filling)
100g bijan-(sesame seeds)
800ml minyak masak-(cooking oil)
Larutkan yis dan 2 sudu teh gula dengan air suam. Ketepikan selama 10 minit sehingga berbuih. Ayak tepung gandum, garam, soda bicarbonate dan five- spice serbuk kedalam mangkuk adunan. Tambah baki gula dan buat satu lekukkan ditengah2 campuran ini. Masukkan campuran yis dan air, gaul dan uli sehingga mendapat doh yang lembut. Ketepikan doh selama 1 jam sehingga doh naik sekali ganda. Bahagikan doh kepada 15 bahagian sama banyak dan bulat2kan setiap satu. Canaikan setiap bebola setebal 0.5cm di atas papan canai. Isi dengan bebola Inti kacang Merah. Bawa tepi2 doh ketengah untuk menutupi inti dan bulat2kan lagi. Leperkan dan tabur bijan diatasnya. Ulang proces dengan baki adunan. Goreng terendam kuih didalam minyak sayur panas.Toskan.-(Mix yeast and 2 tsp sugar in warm water and put side for 10 minutes till bubbles. Sieve flour, salt, bicarbonate of soda and five-spice powder into a mixing bowl. Add the balance sugar and make a well in the middle of mixture. Add in yeast mixture and water. Stir and knead till form a soft dough. Put aside for 1 hour and let it proof double in size. Divide dough to 15 balls. Roll out with 0.5cm thick. Add in filling in the centre. Bring the edges to the centre of dough to cover the filling and make a ball again. Flatten it and sprinkle sesame seeds on dough. Repeat till finish. Deep fry in a hot oil. Drained.)
Inti Kacang Merah:-Red Bean Filling
300g kacang merah kering-(red bean seeds)
1 liter air-(water)
240g gula pasir-(fine sugar)
125ml minyak masak-(cooking oil)
Bubuh kacang merah dan air didalam periuk. rebus selama 45 minit sehingga kacang masak. Masukkan gula pasir dan masak lagi sehingga kacang lembut dan menjadi pes. Campurkan minyak masak dan kacau sehingga kering. Alih inti kedalam mangkuk dan biarkan sejuk. Bahagikan pes kepada 15 bahagian sama banyak dan bulat2kan setiap satu. Ketepikan. -( Put red beans to boil for 45 minutes or till soften or cooked. Add in sugar and continue to cook till form a paste. Add in cooking oil and stir well till thickens and dry. Let to cool and divide paste to 15 balls. Put aside for filling)
Sources:-From Buku Masakkan Chef terkemuka-Zaidah Mohd Noor
Crab Stick Omelette

150g cooked crab meat- I used 10 crab sticks-(isi ketam yang direbus- saya gunakan 10 batang crab sticks)
1 small sprig chinese celery-chopped very fine-(daun sup cincang halus)
small bunch spring onions-chopped very fine-(daun bawang cincang halus)
1 tsp lime juice-I forgot to put this in, taste still ok-(sudu kecil jus limau- saya terlupa nak letak tapi rasa tetap ok)
Grind to a fine paste:-(bahan kisar)
2 red chillies-(chili merah)
1 small onion-(bawang)
2 cloves of garlics-(bawang putih)
5 eggs-(telur)
salt to taste-(garam secukup rasa)
1/4 tsp black pepper powder-(sudu kecil serbuk lada hitam)
oil for frying-(minyak untuk menggoreng)
Combine ground ingredients with crab meat( I sliced my crab sticks thinly), celery, spring onions and lime juice. Mix well. Beat eggs, add pepper and salt. Combine with crab meat and mixture. Heat oil in an omelette pan. When hot pour mixture and cook till firm. flip omelette over and cook other side. (Makes 1 or 2 omelettes depending on size of pan.)-(Campurkan bahan kisar, isi ketam(saya hiris crab sticks halus), daun sup, daun bawang dan jus limau. Kacau rata. Godek sikit telur, garam dan lada sulah. Campurkan adunan telur dan isi ketam tadi. Panaskan minyak dan goreng hingga masak. Terbalik kan disebelah dan goreng hingga masak. terpulang pada kuali yang digunakan boleh dapat 1 -2 keping telur dadar ini.)
Sources:-From Zarina Home cooking book
Asam Pedas Lada Hidup

1 kg ikan (saya gunakan ikan pari) -dibersihkan dan potong ikut suka-(any kind of fish but I used stingray- wash, cleaned and cut to preference.)
15 btg lada merah-(red chillies)
10 btg cili padi kampung-(bird eyes chillies)
2 biji bawang besar-(large onions)
3 ulas bawang putih-(garlics)
1/2 inci lengkuas-(galangal)
1/2 inci kunyit hidup-(turmeric powder)
1 sudu teh lada hitam-(tsp black pepper powder)
sedikit belacan-( a bit of dried shrimp)
(Kisar semua bahan di atas ini hingga halus)-(Blend all the above)
10 btg sayur bendi (yg kecil)-(ladies fingers small ones)
1 btg terung (potong kecil)-(1 brinjal)
sedikit daun kesum-( a bit of laksa leaves)
1/2 biji bawang besar hiris-(1/2 large onion sliced thinly)
2 btg serai (dititik)-( lemon grass bruised)
2-3 mangkuk air-( bowsl of water)
secukup perahan air asam-(adequate tamarind juice)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
secubit serbuk perasa atau 1/2 steh gula (optional) -(a pinch of salt or 1/2 tsp sugar-optional)
minyak secukupnya (abt 1-2 senduk)-(adequate oil for saute-1-2 ladle)
Panaskan minyak dalam periuk. Tumis bawang hiris hingga layu. Masukkan bahan kisar tadi bersama serai titik dan daun kesum. Kacau sekali sekala dan biarkan sehingga garing. Masukkan ikan bersama air, kacau dan biarkan sebentar. Kemudian masukkan terung, bendi, air asam, garam & perasa/gula. Kacau sebentar & sesuaikan rasanya-masam, masinnya. Biarkan sehingga kuah mendidih dan ikan masak. Matikan api dan bolehlah dihidangkan bersama nasi.-(Heat oil and saute sliced onions till soft. Add in blended ingredients together with bruised lemon grass and laksa leaves. Let it for a while till oil rises up the surface. Add in fishes, water and stir for a while. Add in brinjal, ladies fingers, tamarind juice, salt and msg/sugar to tase. Stir for a while and taste the sourness, sweetness. Let it simmer till fishes are cooked. Turn off heat and ready to be serve with warm rice.)
Kentang Rebus Goreng Telur

Made this for the kids, as they don't eat the Ham Jin peng... this dish was supposed to be for breakfast, but after eating, the kids missed their lunch cause was still very full.. the recipe was just campak2 only.. boil about 4-5 potatoes till soft. When cooked, peel the skin and diced into cubes. Put aside. In a wok, heat oil and saute 1-2 sliced garlics, 1 sliced large onion till soft and fragrant. Add some white pepper powder and stir. Add in diced potatoes and stir fry for about 2-3 minutes. Add in salt and MSG to taste. Stir again. Make a well in the centre and add in lightly beaten 2-3 eggs. Let it for a while before stirring. When eggs have almost set stir till incorporated. Add in about a handful fried shallots and a handful of sliced chinese celery and spring onions. Stir well and ready.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Tepung Gomak
Wanted to clear off the green bean powder, which are overstock and almost expire...made this for Mr Hubby's much I wanted to clear off the green bean powder, still halved the ingredients as kids dont like those.. anyway half adunan, already can get quite a few pieces and already can be eaten for at least 4 person...
Quite caught up with the house can only update at night..or maybe the mood of blogging has slowed down????....HELP!...hehehe..actually to think again, I got to know lots of friends without going out.. by blogging. Learn new dishes and blogging. What else?Ish apa yang aku merepek ni !!!..sorry yer, my eyes is half closed and my brain telling me to stop, but my hands still wants to type.....
Ingredients A:-
200g green beans-(kacang hijau)
1 packet grated coconut (white)-(kelapa parut putih)
1/2 kg orange sugar-(gula timbang-warna oren)
300g fine sugar-(gula halus)
2 pandan leaves-(daun pandan)
Ingredients B:-
600g glutinous rice flour-(tepung pulut)
1 bowl water-(1 mangkuk air)
400g green beans flour-(tepung kacang hijau)
a pinch of salt-(garam sikit)
Method for ingredients A:-Cara utk Bahan A
Boil green beans till soft and mashed.
Orange sugar boil with 2 cups of water and strained. Pour the syrup, green beans, grated coconut, pandan leaves and salt into a wok on a medium heat.
Cook till thick and mixed well. Leave to cool.-(Rebus kacang hijau sampai empuk dan lecekkan. Didihkan 2 cawan air bersama gula timbang dan tapis. Masak air gula, kacang hijau lecek, kelapa parut, daun pandan dan garam didalam kuali dengan api sederhana. Masak hingga pekat dan gaul rata. Biarkan sejuk dan ketepikan.)
Method for ingredients B:-Cara utk Bahan B
Knead glutinous rice flour with water and salt , till form a soft dough.
Take a little dough and add in the fillings and form like a bun.
Boil water and add in the 'bun' dough in. When the dough floats meaning the kuih has already been cooked.Drained and roll onto green beans flour while doing that press slightly to flatten the kuih.Ready-( Uli tepung dengan air dan garam sehingga menjadi doh yang lembut. Ambil sedikit doh, leperkan dan isikan inti kacanh hijau dan bulat2kan. Didihkan air dan masukkan 'bun' doh itu tadi. Bila bun sudah masak ia akan timbul menandakan bun sudah masak. Angkat dan golek2kan diatas tepung kacang hijau tadi dan tekan sedikit untuk leperkannya.Teruskan sehingga habis adunan.Siap)
Sources:- From
Kuih Muih
Sup Bebola Tauhu

Beancurd balls in soup. My eyes are really very sleepy..just help yourself ah!!
Bahan utk bebola:-Ingredients for Tauhu balls
1 keping Tauhu-(hard beancurd)
100g udang-(prawns)
2 sudu besar tepung jagung-(tbsp corn flour)
1 biji telur-(egg)
sedikit serbuk lada sulah-(white pepper powder)
sedikit gula-(sugar)
sedikit garam-(salt)
Bahan untuk Sup:-Ingredients for soup
1/2 labu bawang besar-(1/2 large onion sliced thinly)
1 ulas bawang putih-(garlic)
1 biji tomato-dipotong dadu-(tomato diced)
daun sup, daun bawang, cili merah-dipotong halus sedikit-(chinese celery, spring onion and red chili sliced thinly)
bawang goreng-(fried shallots)
minyak bijan(saya tak letak ni)-(sesame oil-i didnt put this)
Pertama, buat bebola tauhu dahulu. Cincang halus udang dan potong kasar tauhu. Kemudian lecekkan tauhu hingga hancur. Setelah itu campurkan udang kedalam tauhu diikuti dengan tepung jagung, serbuk lada sulah, garam dan gula. Gaul hingga semua bahan sebati. Bentukkan adunan bulat2 seperti bebola. Celup bebola tauhu dalam telur dan goreng. Angkat dan toskan minyaknya. Bebola tauhu ini juga boleh dimakan begitu sahaja.-(First make the beancurd balls. Chopped prawns to small pieces and mashed beancurd till fine. Mix chopped prawns, mashed beancurd, corn flour, white pepper, salt and sugar. Mix all till incorporated. Make small balls from mixture. Dip beancurd balls in lightly beaten egg and deep fry till golden yellow. Dish out and drained. Beancurd balls can be eaten just like that.)
Untuk penyedian sup pula, tumis bawang putih dan bawang besar hingga naik bau. Apabila sudah layu masukkan 3 cawan air. boleh juga menggunakan air rebusan udang untuk menyedapkan rasa. Masukkan garam, minyak bijan dan tomato. Kacau dan biarkan mendidih sebentar. Akhir sekali masukkan bebola tauhu tadi. Biarkan mendidih lagi dan sup bebola tauhu sedia untuk dihidang. Taburkan daun sup/bawang dan cili merah dan bawang goreng untuk menghidang.-(Saute garlic and large onion till fragrant and soft. Add in 3 cups of water, can use prawns stock for best taste. Add salt, sesame oil and tomato. Stir well and let it simmer for a while. Lastly add in beancurd balls. Garnish with chinese celery, spring onions, red chili and fries shallots.)

Siput Buluh Goreng Halia
Razor clams fried with ginger...really really very very sleepy....
1 kg razor clams(original recipe using lala)-(siput buluh)
*3cm ginger minced-(halia kisar)
*1 garlic-(bawang putih)
*2 shallots minced-(bawang merah)
3 tbsp chili paste -(chili kisar)
1 large onions cut in rings-(bawang besar potong bulat)
2 cm dried tamarind pulp-(asam keping)
some water-(sedikit air)
salt and MSG to taste-(garam dan serbuk perasa)
Heat oil and saute *blended ingredients till fragrant. Add in chili paste and stir well. Add in razor clams, dried tamarind pulp and stir till incorporated.Add in some water so that the razor clams will cook.Lastly add in ring onions, salt and MSG to taste. Ready-(Panaskan minyak dan tumis *bahan kisar hingga naik bau. Masukkan chili kisar dan gaul rata. Masukkan siput buluh , asam keping dan gaul hingga sekata. Masukkan air sikit untuk masakkan nya. Akhir sekali masukkan bawang yg dipotong bulat tadi, garam dan serbuk perasa. Siap)
Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin Thai Style
Our breakfast this I am really, really, really, very, very the time I finished this entry its already 2 30 am!!! to wake up early later..huhu..
Ingredients:-(2 pax)
3 mangkuk nasi-(3 bowl of rice)
1/2 labu bawang besar dihiris-(1/2 large onion sliced)
2 ulas bawang putih di ketuk-(garlics crushed)
8 biji cili padi diketuk-(bird eyes chillies)
Ikan tenggiri masin sebesar 2 jari dipotong kecil.-(salted spanish mackerel the size of 2 thumbs sliced to small pieces)
2 sb sos tiram-(tbsp oyster sauce)
1 sb nampla (sos ikan)-(tbsp fish sauce)
2 helai kailan-(2 slice of kailan)
1 btg kacang panjang dipotong kecil-(1 long beans sliced small)
lobak merah di potong kecil-(carrots sliced small)
sedikit garam (tu pun kalau sos tiram tak masin)-(a bit of salt if the oyster sauce not salty enough.
Tumis ikan masin, tekan2 sikit dgn sudip biar dia hancur sikit2.
Bila ikan masin nak garing masukkan bwg besar, bwg putih n cili padi. Tumis sampai naik bau masukkan sos tiram n nampla.
Masukkan kacang panjang, lobak merah n nasi gaul rata. boleh letak garam sikit kalau sos tiram tu tak masin.Bila nasi dah nak masak baru letak kailan. Siap utuk dimakan...-(Saute salted fish and mash it slightly. When the fish has turn slightly crispy, add in large onions, garlics and bird eyes chillies. Saute till fragrant and add in oyster sauce and fish sauce. Add in long beans, carrots and rice. Stir well. You can add some salt if the oyster sauce is not too salty. When rice are almost cooked, add in kailan. ready to serve.)
Masukkan kacang panjang, lobak merah n nasi gaul rata. boleh letak garam sikit kalau sos tiram tu tak masin.Bila nasi dah nak masak baru letak kailan. Siap utuk dimakan...-(Saute salted fish and mash it slightly. When the fish has turn slightly crispy, add in large onions, garlics and bird eyes chillies. Saute till fragrant and add in oyster sauce and fish sauce. Add in long beans, carrots and rice. Stir well. You can add some salt if the oyster sauce is not too salty. When rice are almost cooked, add in kailan. ready to serve.)
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Telor Itik Masak Lemak Cili Padi

4 biji telur itik-(duck's eggs)
2 cawan santan pekat/pati santan-(cup thick coconut milk)
2 cawan satan cair-(cup thin coconut milk)
15 biji cili padi-(bird eyes chillies)
6 ulas bawang merah-(shallots)
1 ulas bawang putih-(garlic)
1 inci kunyit hidup-(fresh turmeric roots)
1 keping kecil asam gelugor(saya bubuh 2)-(dried tamarind slice-I added 2)
1 batang serai-(lemon grass)
beberapa helai daun kunyit-disiat2-(a few slices of turmeric leaves shredded)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
Blend bersama santan cair, cili padi, bawang merah, bawang putih dan kunyit hidup. Tuangkan kedalam periuk, masukkan asam gelugur, serai, daun kunyit dan masak biar mendidih. Kemudian pecahkan telor satu persatu, perlahan lahan(jangan sampai pecah kuning telor tu). Perlahankan api dan biarkan telor masak. Masukkan garam secukup rasa. Setelah sudah agak mengeras, masukkan santan pekat dan kacau2 sebentar. Bila santan hampir mendidih saja, tutup apikan api.
Note:- Kacau2 sebentar agar santan tidak berkepala dan jangan masak terlalu lama, nanti santan pecah minyak pulak.-(Blend thin coconut milk, bird eyes chillies, shallots, garlic and fresh turmeric root. Pour mixtur into saucepan and add in dried tamarind slice, lemon grass, turmeric leaves and put to boil. Crack eggs one by one slowly(dont let the yolk break). Slow down heat and let it simmer till eggs are cooked. Add in salt to taste. When almost hardened, add in thick coconut milkand stir for a while. Let the coconut milk almost boiled then turn off heat. Stir slightly so as to prevent the coconut milk from cuddle.)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Anika Satay

Cross over on Thursday night. Not much photos that I snapped, but took this satay that we prepared from Singapore to be barbequed on Friday night. We barbequed, prawns, squids, sausages, fish balls, and chicken wings. On top of that we still prepare the normal menu like sayur lodeh, sambal goreng pengantin, rendang ayam, serunding and of course the compressed rice...

Bahan A dikisar halus-(Blended Ingredients A :-)
*1 kg daging lembu/peha ayam/kambing-(beef/chicken thigh meat/mutton)
*2 sudu besar ketumbar biji- saya gunakan serbuk saja-(tbsp coriander seeds-I used powdered)
*1 sudu makan jintan manis-(tbsp fennel powder)
*1 sudu makan jintan putih-(tbsp cumin powder)
*sejari halia-(thumb size ginger)
*sejari kunyit hidup-(thumb size fresh turmeric roots)
*2 batang serai-(lemon grass)
*4 biji bawang putih-(garlics)
*4cm lengkuas( ini saya tambah)-(galangal- I added this)
*3 ulas bawang merah(ini saya tambah)-(shallots-I added this)
250g gula pasir-(sugar)
lidi sate-(satay stick)
Bahan B-(Ingredients B):-
1 biji buah keras, ditumbuk-(candle nut pounded)
1 sudu teh gula pasir-(tsp sugar)
1 sudu makan air-(tbsp water)
1 sudu makan minyak makan-(tbsp oil)
(dibancuh bersama)-(mix all the above)
Cara caranya-(Method):-
Daging dicuci bersih dan ditoskan. Hiris daging mengikut citarasa masing2. Tetapi setelah dihiris jangan dicuci lagi. Gaul hirisan daging ini dengan rempah kisar, gula dan garam sehingga rata. Perap selama 2 hingga 3 jam supaya rempahnya meresap. Barulah dicucuk dengan lili. Bakar atas tempat pembakar satay dengan menggunakan api arang. Renjis dengan bahan B dan bakarlah sehingga garing dan masak. Hidangkan dengan kuah satay, ketupat, hirisan timun dan bawang.-(Wash meat till clean adn drained. Slice meat according to preference, But after slicing, dont wash anymore. Mix sliced meat with blended ingredients, sugar and salt till incorporated. Let stand marinated for 2-3 hours. Thread seasoned meat on to satay sticks. Grill over charcoal fire or hot grill. Bast with ingredients B and grill crispy and cook. Serve with kuah kacang, ketupat, cucumber and onions.)
Sources:- From rossyabakes.
Note:- Lidi satay hendaklah direndam dalam air sebentar dan dilap kering. Ini untuk mengelakkkan dari lidi itu cepat hangus dan putus tatkla kita membakar satay ini menggunakan oven. -(Soak satay sticks in water for a while and wipe dry. This to prevent satay sticks from getting burnt and break while grilling using the oven)
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