150g cooked crab meat- I used 10 crab sticks-(isi ketam yang direbus- saya gunakan 10 batang crab sticks)
1 small sprig chinese celery-chopped very fine-(daun sup cincang halus)
small bunch spring onions-chopped very fine-(daun bawang cincang halus)
1 tsp lime juice-I forgot to put this in, taste still ok-(sudu kecil jus limau- saya terlupa nak letak tapi rasa tetap ok)
Grind to a fine paste:-(bahan kisar)
2 red chillies-(chili merah)
1 small onion-(bawang)
2 cloves of garlics-(bawang putih)
5 eggs-(telur)
salt to taste-(garam secukup rasa)
1/4 tsp black pepper powder-(sudu kecil serbuk lada hitam)
oil for frying-(minyak untuk menggoreng)
Combine ground ingredients with crab meat( I sliced my crab sticks thinly), celery, spring onions and lime juice. Mix well. Beat eggs, add pepper and salt. Combine with crab meat and mixture. Heat oil in an omelette pan. When hot pour mixture and cook till firm. flip omelette over and cook other side. (Makes 1 or 2 omelettes depending on size of pan.)-(Campurkan bahan kisar, isi ketam(saya hiris crab sticks halus), daun sup, daun bawang dan jus limau. Kacau rata. Godek sikit telur, garam dan lada sulah. Campurkan adunan telur dan isi ketam tadi. Panaskan minyak dan goreng hingga masak. Terbalik kan disebelah dan goreng hingga masak. terpulang pada kuali yang digunakan boleh dapat 1 -2 keping telur dadar ini.)
Sources:-From Zarina Home cooking book
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