the recipe below comes with the filling ingredients..but I just used my own ready made kaya in the bottle..hehehe...
Take note that to fill kaya in this bun, you have to put the kaya in the fridge first to kasi dia keras sikit so that its easier for you to roll in the filling..
This bun is nice to eat when its hot...
325g low protein flour-(I used superfine flour)
45g sugar
1 tsp instant yeast
20g corn oil
1/2 tsp baking powder
145g water
6 pieces pandan leaf(blended)
salt to taste
60g coconut milk
2 pieces pandan leaves (blended & strained)
110g water
40g sugar
1 egg (A)
3g low protein flour
7g corn flour(Mix well and bring to boil. Cool it before apply to bun)

Mix yeast with water until yeast is totally dissolved. Mix well with all other ingredients.Knead to form a soft dough. Cover with a big bowl. Rest for 30 minutes. Cut into 12 portions of 45g each. Roll it into balls and rest for 5 minutes. Flatten the dough and place filling in the centre aand seal up. Place it onto a piece of paper. Place into the pre heat steamer and steam over medium heat for 8 minutes.
Sources:-From Baked & Steam Bun -recipes by Daniel Choong

Comelnya pau.
Uish ur pau makes me drool la kak!!! So cute...:)
hi ayu,
im here! wahh nak sikit bun tuu.. :D
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