Last Sunday I made this for breakfast. I just cant believe it that I made it... looking at all this while my mum was the one who cooked this during Hari Raya and sometimes she made for breakfast.. So that day, Mr Hubby and kids tasted it.. (mum not around) the first comment was from Mr Hubby ..'mmm....'excellent!'...I was so happy.. then he continued..'excellent effort'....waaaaahhhhhaaawa my kids laughed....!!! Then I told him, not bad for a first timer right? He answered me...'wah die die must say good meh?'....wahahaahaaawa there I went again.. but after the good laugh, he did finished 1 big bowl of lontong!! My Hasif(elder son) ate 2 bowls and Iqram(2nd son) 11/2 bowl!!!!. Then after all that I did asked my kids..whose lontong are better? Nenek or mine? Their answers BOTH!!!!Ha..hahahaha
kobis dihiris (cabbage sliced)
kacang panjang dipotong serong (long beans sliced diagonally)
sengkuang dihiris ikut suka (yam bean sliced like a match stick)
tahu kering di rendam dahulu(dried soya bean sticks soften)
2 tahu di potong besar dan di goreng (2 beancurd cut in quarters and fried)
2 daun salam(2 bay leaves)
1 helai daun kunyit disiat2 dan di simpul (1 turmeric leaf sliced and tie a knot)
1 tbsp serbuk ketumbar(1 tbsp coriander powder)
2 litre santan+ air (2 litre coconut milk which has been mixed with water)
Bahan2 kisar:- (Blended Ingredients)
3 biji buah keras (3 candlenut)
2 batang serai (2 lemongrass)
1 cm lengkuas (1cm galangal)
2 inci kunyit (2 inches turmeric root)
5 ulas bawang putih (5 cloves garlic)
1 labu bawang besar (1 big onion)
10 helai cili kering di celur (10 dried chili soaked)
segenggam udang kering dibilas bersih (a handful of dried prawns sotften)
Siapkan periuk(pt wok on heat). Tuangkan sedikit minyak untuk menumis(heat oil for frying). Tumiskan bahan2 kisar(fry blended ingredients). Bila perencah garing dan harum, masukkan serbuk ketumbar dan kesemua sayuran mentah (kecuali tahu yang digoreng) dan tumis sayuran sehingga setengah masak(Fry till fragrant and add in coriander powder and all the vegetables except the fried beancurd). Sesudah itu masukkan santan, tahu yang sudah digoreng dan daun salam/daun kunyit(After that add in the coconut milk, fried beancurd, bay leaves and turmeric leaf). Didihkan sebentar dan sentiasa di kacau agar tidak pecah santan(Let it boil for a while and keep on stiring so as the coconut milk wont be curdly). Bubuh perasa, garam dan sedikit gula(Add in salt, msg and a bit of sugar). Siap dihidang dengan lontong(Ready to be serve together with Lontong).
kobis dihiris (cabbage sliced)
kacang panjang dipotong serong (long beans sliced diagonally)
sengkuang dihiris ikut suka (yam bean sliced like a match stick)
tahu kering di rendam dahulu(dried soya bean sticks soften)
2 tahu di potong besar dan di goreng (2 beancurd cut in quarters and fried)
2 daun salam(2 bay leaves)
1 helai daun kunyit disiat2 dan di simpul (1 turmeric leaf sliced and tie a knot)
1 tbsp serbuk ketumbar(1 tbsp coriander powder)
2 litre santan+ air (2 litre coconut milk which has been mixed with water)
Bahan2 kisar:- (Blended Ingredients)
3 biji buah keras (3 candlenut)
2 batang serai (2 lemongrass)
1 cm lengkuas (1cm galangal)
2 inci kunyit (2 inches turmeric root)
5 ulas bawang putih (5 cloves garlic)
1 labu bawang besar (1 big onion)
10 helai cili kering di celur (10 dried chili soaked)
segenggam udang kering dibilas bersih (a handful of dried prawns sotften)
Siapkan periuk(pt wok on heat). Tuangkan sedikit minyak untuk menumis(heat oil for frying). Tumiskan bahan2 kisar(fry blended ingredients). Bila perencah garing dan harum, masukkan serbuk ketumbar dan kesemua sayuran mentah (kecuali tahu yang digoreng) dan tumis sayuran sehingga setengah masak(Fry till fragrant and add in coriander powder and all the vegetables except the fried beancurd). Sesudah itu masukkan santan, tahu yang sudah digoreng dan daun salam/daun kunyit(After that add in the coconut milk, fried beancurd, bay leaves and turmeric leaf). Didihkan sebentar dan sentiasa di kacau agar tidak pecah santan(Let it boil for a while and keep on stiring so as the coconut milk wont be curdly). Bubuh perasa, garam dan sedikit gula(Add in salt, msg and a bit of sugar). Siap dihidang dengan lontong(Ready to be serve together with Lontong).
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