This year I asked Mr Hubby, can we have a birthday cake that dont need creams or decorations?....and asked him if its ok that I make a Kek Lapis instead? my surprise, he agreed..well this was Mr Hubby's Birthday Cake!!!...hahaha...he quipped as long there is a cake...
alahai kesiannya when I heard this...then I jokingly teased him.. as you get older..your 'saham'(stock market) drops..wakaka..
So I proceeded and made this Kek Lapis India as there are still some 'elements' in there that I still wanted to remain..thats CHOCOLATES!!..hehehe..everywhere chocolates still nak masuk framekan..huhu.. I 've got the recipe from bro Rozzan which originally from Deeyana, a kek lapis expert..anyway, when comes to kek lapis, watch out for the sugar content as it can really made your sugar level in the blood to shoot up...I adjusted the sugar and milk as noted by Bro Rozzan and alhamdullilah, Mr Hubby said the sweetness is Ok..
16 0z mentega-(453.6g- saya gunakan 2 mentega- 500g)-( 16oz butter-453.6g -I used 2 blocks of butter)
10 biji telur-(10 eggs)
65g nestum putih(nestum beras bayi)-( nestum infant cereal)
300g gula(saya gunakan 180g)-(300g sugar-I used 180g only)
100g tepung biskut 'marie'-(100g 'marie' biscuits flour)
1 peket santan serbuk(50g)-optional -(1 packet powdered coconut milk-optional)
397g susu manis(saya gunakan 185g) - (397g condensed milk-I used 185g)
120g tepung gandum-(120g plain flour)
coklat cadbury secukupnya- (cadbury chocolates to estimate)
Pukul mentega dan gula hingga kembang. Masukkan telur satu persatu hingga habis. Masukkan tepung biskut marie, nestum, tepung gandum, santan dan susu. Gaul rata. Bakar lapisan pertama hingga masak. Ratakan adunan untuk lapisan kedua dan susun coklat cadbury. Bakar hingga masak. Ulang hingga habis.-(Beat butter and sugar till creamy. Add in eggs one by one till finish. Add in 'marie' biscuits flour, nestum, plain flour, coconut milk and condense milk. Mix well. Grill first layer till cook. Add in second layer and arrange cadbury chocolates. Grill till cook. Repeat procedure till finish.)
Sources:- & deeyana
Biskut marie dikisar halus dan diayak baru ditimbang.-(Blend marie biscuits till fine and sieve then weigh)
Susu dan gula boleh dikurangkan jika anda tidak gemar terlalu manis.-(sugar and condense milk can be reduced if dont want too sweet.)
Gunakan acuan saiz 9" x 9" jika anda tidak suka kek yang terlalu tinggi-saya gunakan loyang 8" x 8".-(use a 9" x9" tray if prefer a not so high cake. I used a 8" x 8" tray)

Happy Birthday to Ayu's Mr Hubby..nice cake..must taste great too! Moga panjang umur murah rezeki...dan jodoh kalian kekal hingga ke hujung nyawa...Amin!!!
salam k ayu...arghhh lamenye tak mai jenguk2 kat sini....moga k ayu sihat...epi b'day tuk hubby akak...moga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan bahagia hingga hembusan nafas yg terakhir...amin!
salam kak ayu..
ermmm sedap kek ni..kite suke..stakat ni tempah je tapi mahal mmg berbaloi n puashatikan kalo buat snirik..
epi belated birthday tuk hubby akak..smoga berbahgia slalu..
watierman - Thanks kak, alahai kek biasa aje tu. Insyaallah mudah2han ..doa akak tu termakbul ya kak..thanks.
fiza nordin - walkslm, fiza aahlah..dah lama fiza tak kemari..akak pun dah lama tak kerumah fiza..sibuk aje..hehe
mummyseri - walkslm, memang kalau beli boleh tahan harganya..buat sendiri oklah sedap dengan tak sedap aje..hehe..thanks for the wishes ya seri..
kog - thanks!!! malu ni..
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