Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Sour Cream Chocolate Muffins

Ingredients A:-
*120g plain flour
*15g cocoa powder -* seive together 2x
*1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
25g -35g sugar
60g semi sweet chocolate chips or more
extra chocolate chips for toppings

75ml sour cream
45ml milk or whipping cream
1 egg
55g melted butter
50g brown sugar

Mix ingredients (A) together in a mixing bowl. Mix ingredients (B) together in a mixing bowl till you get a homogeneous mixture. Pour (2) in (1), using a hand whisk, mix together in 5-8 strokes. Spoon mixture into paper muffin cups, top with a little more chocolate chips and bake in a preheated oven at 190C for 25-30 minutes or till cooked.
Sources:-From Do what I Like

1 comment:

Watierman said...

woooo kaya dengan choc chips...I likeeee..tapi stock choc chips I dah abis....huhuhu....!!nak sebijik!