Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kuih Lapis Pey Pey

Ok, this kuih was supposed to be posted last Friday..as I made this last week, due to unforeseen circumstances, only managed to post it today...ni case macam tak boleh tahan tengok banyak rumah yang dah melapis kuih..kiki....original recipe was double this amount, but I halved it..itu pun dah banyak juga....

The sweetness please adjust to taste ya..cause ada orang yang suka manis kalau part kuih muih gini..for my case, since warga emas kat rumah ni dua2 tu ada 'Medical certificate', so I have to adjust lah for sugar content tu ..kalau buat manis2, nanti tak ada orang nak makan pulak.heheh...Mr Hubby pun dah pesan tak mau manis2 kalau buat kuih tu....selalu 'pressure' tau nak mengadjust gula tu..rasa punya rasa sebelum dibakar atau dikukus..

The gula melaka in this recipe was to just add on to the batter, but I  gunakan air gula melaka, itu yang nampak part gula melaka layer a bit pucat aje..lagi2 gula melaka yang digunakan the colour pun memang pucat birat..huhuhu....Mr Hubby comments yang kuih ni tak nampak lapisnya kena tengok betul2 baru nampak lapisannya tu....mak ai, jenuh melapis satu2, dia cakap macam bukan kuih lapis pulak....hehe

1000ml santan pekat-(1000ml thick coconut milk)
712ml santan cair-(712ml thin coconut milk)
490g tepung kanji/tepung ubi(490g tapioca flour)
112g tepung beras-(112g rice flour)
452g gula pasir -Ayu gunakan 240g aje-(452 sugar-Ayu used 240g only)
2 helai daun pandan-(2 pandan leaves)
57g gula melaka -Ayu gunakan 70g air gula melaka-(57g palm sugar-Ayu used 70g palm sugar syrup)
1 sudu besar air mawar-(1 tbsp ros water)
sedikit pewarna hijau dan pewarna kuning-(a bit of green & yellow colouring)
loyang sapukan minyak sekeliling-Ayu alaskan dengan plastic wrap dan bubuh minyak sikit-(spread oil in tray all round-Ayu palced plastic wrap on base and spread oil)

Masak gula, santan pekat serta daun pandan sampai mendidih, dengan api yang sederhana. Dibekas yang lain, gaul rata tepung beras, tepung kanji dan santan cair. Tuangkan perlahan2 santan pekat yang panas, sedikit2 sambil dikacau kedalm adunan tepung dan kacau rata.
Adunan dibahagi 3.Warnakan satu bahagian hijau dan bahagian yang kedua diwarnakan kuning. Adunan yang ketiga, pula digaulkan dengan gula Melaka untuk mendapatkan warna coklat. Gaul sampai gula melaka larut, kemudian tapis. Adunan yang berwarna kuning pula digaulkan dengan air mawar.
Panaskan kukusan. setelah itu panaskan pula loyang. kukus adunan hijau selapis2 sehingga habis. Setiap lapis menggunakan 3 senduk adunan. Buat yang sama kepada adunan berwarna coklat dan akhiri dengan adunan kuning. Kukus sehingga masak, kemudian keluarkan kuih dari kukusan. Biarkan kuih sejuk didalam loyang. Setelah kuih benar2 sejuk barulah boleh dipotong dan disajikan.- 
Nota:- Kacau adunan sehingga rata, setiap kali sebelum dikukus.
(Put sugar, thick coconut milk & pandan leaves to boil usng the medium heat. In another bowl, combine rice flour, tapioca flour and thin coconut. Pour slowly the warm thick coconut mixture bit by bit and sitr well till incorporated. Divide batter into 3 portions. Colour 1 portion green, the other yellow and the third portion stir in the palm sugar until dissolved to obtain a brown batter. Strain the brown batter. Add rose essence to the yellow batter, stir well.
Prepare steamer and place tray in it to warm up. Ladle in 3 ladles of green batter & steam until done. Reapeat process of steaming the green batter until all have been used up. Next ladle the brown batter following the same process as the green batter, i.e. 3 ladles of batter for each layer to be steamed.Once the brown batter is completed, proceed with the yellow batter until complete. Steam until kuih is cooked. Cool kuih before removing from tray. Cut as desired to serve. 
Note:-Each time stir batter well before steaming.)
Sources:-From Asma Laili, 'mintak ampun sedapnya'

 The top layer yang banyak air bubble..

Udang Mamak

This are for the kids..they dont eat the ikan tamban and telur ikan lemak api tu..so no choice got to cook another dish for them...macam gitulah kalau dah ramai penduduk, selera macam2 nak kena buat..hehe..recipe
dapat kat rumah Ika Bangkok,asalnya dari Soda Hikara dan Ika, ambil dari rumah Hana, akak link kerumah Ika ajelah...Thank you semuanya for sharing this recipe..I masak pun memang cair sikit sebab nak berkuah ..

1 kg udang - kalau udang galah lagi baik
2 biji limau nipis-diambil jusnya
1 biji bawang besar dicincang
1 biji bawang putih dicincang
1cm halia muda ditumbuk
1 batang serai diketuk
1/2 cawan air/stok ikan- Ayu gunakan kib ikan bilis aje + air
1 sudu besar sos tiram
1 sudu besar sos cili
1 sudu besar serbuk kari ikan -Ayu tambah 1 sudu besar lagi = 2 sudu besar
1/2 sudu kecil serbuk lada hitam -Ayu bubuh 1 sudu kecil
1 senduk gulai cili kisar
2 tangkai daun kari
4 helai daun pandan
garam, gula, serbuk lada sulah

Perapkan udang dgn garam, serbuk lada sulah & jus limau untuk seketika. Panaskan minyak, goreng udang hingga masak(Ayu goreng 1/2 masak aje) ketepikan. Dalam kuali berasingan, tumis bawang besar, daun pandan, daun kari hingga naik bau. Masukkan bawang putih, halia, serai serbuk kari & cili kisar, goreng seketika. Maukkan sos toamto, sos cili, serbuk lada hitam, stok ikan, garam, gula secukup rasa. Gaul hingga sebati. Last masukkan udang, balik2kan & tutup api.
Sources:-From kurnianmu.blogspot.com

Ikan Tamban Goreng

Nah yang ini to go along with the telur ikan lemak padi tulah...since Mr Hubby tak makan ikan parang, I just fried this garing2 gitu..makan dengan tulang2nya sekali..macam keropok..hehe..potong bawang cili just to meramaikan lauk tu..haha..layan ajelah ya..ini pun tak payah recipelah..gaul garam dan kunyit dan goreng, itu aje...1kg licin..cuma leceh ikan ni nak menyiangnya tu..hehe

Telur Ikan Lemak Cili Api

 Salam keudara lagi..hehe..some of today's entries are yesterday's menu...will update as fast as possible...
bought this telur ikan(fish roe) on Sunday..memang plan nak masak  lemak cili api ni..cause selalunya just fried aje...my mum wanted to eat ikan parang(wolf herring) lemak cili api, so I just combine the telur ikan together to go along...telur ikan ni pun sedap kalau dimasak asam pedas..maybe next time nak buat jugalah...

According to my cousin,(orang Negeri Sembilan), if were to cook chicken/beef lemak cili api, dont put onions to the dishes, but for fishes you can add..so till now, when I cook fishes lemak cili api, onions will be there...
recipe, tak payah lah ya..I guessed you all dah tahu masak ikan lemak cili api, as for this just added the fish roe ajelah....oh atau yesterday nampak kat rumah Kak Zai, mungkin boleh juga ikut resepi kat situ ya..
Thank you kak zai, kita link kan posting akak tu ya..lebih kurang samalah recipenya tu..

Daging Goreng Jintan

Salam, aduhai, actually this entry suppose to be posted yesterday..itu yang tengah type recipe for peria goreng lada hitam I have to stop terus post aje tak sempat nak cakap apa2..hehe....dan tak sempat nak ronda2 to friends blog...sebab sibuk dah masuk magrib and the 2 boys siap2 untuk pergi recite quran(mengaji) ..basically kalau dah masuk magrib tu paham2 ajelah..hahaha....lepas tu busy lagi with preparing their dinner and feeding Marsya..itu yang buat kerja separuh jalan aje for the entries..

Ingredients A:-
300g daging dipotong nipis
1 sudu teh jitan manis ditumbuk-Ayu gunakn serbuk aje
1/2 sudu teh lada hitam ditumbuk -Ayu gunakan serbuk aje
1 sudu teh serbuk jintan putih-Ayu tambah
1 sudu teh serbuk ketumbar-Ayu tambah
sedikit kunyit
air untuk merebus daging

Ingredients B:-
3 tangkai cili api dipotong-Ayu gunakan 5-6 tangkai
1 tangkai cili merah dipotong -Ayu xletak
1 biji bawang besar dipotong bulat-sorry terlupa type ni -just edited
1 tangkai daun sup
1 tangkai daun bawang
2 sudu  minyak menumis
sedikit cuka
sedikit kicap
garam + perasa secukupnya

Daging digaul bersama Bahan A, Rebus sehingga empuk dan air telah kering. Didalam kuali yang sama masukkan minyak, tumiskan bawang besar, cili daun sup dan daun bawang. Masukkan garam secukup rasa. Akhir sekali masukkan sedikit cuka dan kicap untuk membangkitkan aroma yang cukup menyelerakan.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Peria Goreng Lada Hitam

1 biji peria dihiris -(rendam dalam air garam untuk hilangkan pahitnya.)
5-6 ekor udang
2 ulas bawang putih dihiris
3 ulas bawang merah dihiris
5-6 biji cili padi dihiris/ketuk
2 sudu besar lada hitam kasar
sedikit serbuk kunyit
1 sudu besar serbuk lada hitam
garam & perasa secukupnya

Tumis bawang merah, bawang putih, cili padi hingga naik bau. Masukkan lada hitam, serbuk lada hitam, serbuk kunyit serta udang dan gaul rata. Masukkan peria dan gaul rata. Letak seditikit air kalau kering sangat.Perasakan dengan garam & serbuk perasa. Kacau dan siap untuk dihidang.

Sup Ikan Merah Berserai

Salam, after 1 month of idling...today school has reopened...early morning the boys has gone to school and the house was sooo quiet... left with Marsya, who didnt want to get up although it was already 10am...maybe school holidays has made her used to waking up late...itu yang tak boleh nak bangun pagi...school bus comes at 10.30....tak kelam kabut di buatnya. half hour to prepare to bathe and breakfast..

Anyway the menu for today's entries are a few days ago..OK, the title of this soup was suppose to be just 'Sup Ikan Merah', but I added the 'Berserai' cos, I just wanted to highlight there that this soup is a bit sourish cos of the tamarind slice and lemongrass and its not the typical that I usually cooked which  lemongrass & tamarind slice are not included.. macam masak singgang pun ada rasanya..

1 ekor ikan merah sederhana besar
1 bungkus sup bunjut adabi
2 biji ubi kentang dipotong 4
3 ulas bawang merah dihiris
2 ulas bawang putih dihiris
2 keping asam gelugur-Ayu gunakan 1 keping aje
1 inci halis diketuk- Ayu hiris
3 batang serai dititik -Ayu gunakan 1 aje
sedikit lada hitam-dikisar kasar
daun sup/bawang secukupnya
garam & perasa secukupnya
minyak untuk menumis

Bersihkan ikan dan toskan. Panaskan sedikit minyak kedalm peiruk. Tumiskan bawang merah, bawang putih berserta dengan sup bunjut. Setelah kekuningan, masukkan air, kentang, asam gelgur, halia serai dan lada hitam. Biarkan selama 3 minit diatas api yang sederhana. Setelah mendidih, masukkan ikan merah tadi dan tambahkan sedikit garam & perasa. Biarkan selama 2 minit atau hingga isi ikan itu masak. Tutup api dan taburkan daun sup dan daun bawang tadi. Sedia untuk dihidang.
Nota:- Jangan biarkan ikan dimasak terlalu lama kerana ini akan membuatkan isi ikan hancur dan menghilangkan keenakan rasa ikan.
Sources:-From resipi.mesra.net

Friday, June 25, 2010

Nasi Biryani Sindhi

Ermm, it has been a while since I last cooked nasi biryani..saw this recipe and gave it a shot, cause normally I would cook the Bombay Biryani style , both got their unique taste which I cant describe how..and both we can accept..for the Bombay biryani, normally I would scoop the gravy and alternately layered with the rice. As for this, the recipe required, the rice to be cooked together with the meat..The rice looks like normal white rice, only different that salt were added and when its almost cooked, garam masala were added giving the rice a hind slight of spiciness in it.

I didn't follow the instructions, as I just cooked my rice the normal way cause I didn't want my chicken to be mashed or squashed when the guys scoop the rice..apa2 pun this was today's meal...it came with acar timun & nenas and fried some poppadoms to go along with it..since biryani is not Mr Hubby's favourite, I guessed this time he could forgive me cause dah lama he himself tak makan nasi biryani..(kira no choicelah ni..lazy to cook another dish...hehe)

1 kilo ayam atau daging kambing – dipotong ikut suka hati-(1kg chicken or lamb/beef cut to preference)
1 kilo beras basmati, cuci bersih dan rendam selama 15 minit-(1 kg basmati rice, washed and soaked for 15 minutes)
1 cawan tairu-(Ayu gunakn 1/2 cawan aje)-(1 cup yogurt- Ayu used 1/2 cup only)

4 biji tomato, dihiris-(4 tomatoes sliced)
4 biji kentang, kupas kulit dan hiris-(4 potatoes peeled, halved)
3 – 4 biji bawang besar, dihiris halus-(3-4 large onions sliced thinly)
½ cawan pes halia dan pes bawang putih-(Ayu gunakan 1 sudu besar pes bawang putih & 3 sudu besar pes halia)  -(1/2 cup ginger paste & garlic paste)-Ayu used 1 tbsp garlic paste & 3 tbsp ginger paste)
10 biji lada hijau. dihiris-(10 green chillies sliced)
1 cawan daun ketumbar, dihiris-(1 cup coriander leaves sliced)
1 cawan daun pudina, dihiris -(Ayu tak letak)-(1 cup mint leaves sliced)-(Ayu didnt add this)
1 ½ cawan minyak sapi atau minyak kanola, atau pun 250 gram mentega-(Ayu gunakan minyak sapi)-(11/2 cupghee oil or canola oil or 250g butter)
100 gram rempah beriani Sindhi (Sindhi Beriani Masala)-(Ayu gunakan 65g rempah beriani Sindhi-sebab 1 pkt tu 65g aje)-(100g sindhi beriani mix -Ayu just used 65g cause 1 packet is only 65g)
1 cawan kacang gajus, digoreng-(Ayu tak letak sebab tak ada stock)-(1 cup cashew nuts fried-Ayu didnt add this cause no stock)

2 sudu makan garam masala-(2 tbsp galam masala)

Panaskan didalam periuk, minyak kanola/minyak sapi atau pun mentega, dengan api yang sederhana besarnya. Tumis hirisan bawang sehingga ke-kuning-kuningan. Masukkan pes halia/pes bawang putih dan lada hijau, dan tumis selama 5 minit. Masukkan rempah beriani bersama tairu. Masak lagi selama 5 minit. Barulah dimasukkan kepingan daging, kentang dan garam dan biarkan selama 5 minit lagi. Tuang 1 cawan air kedalamnya(Ayu gunakan 11/2 cawan sebab nak berkuah lebih sikit). Tutup periuk, perlahankan api dan masak lagi sehingga ayam atau dagingnya lembut.-(Heat oil in a pan, using a medium heat, saute sliced onions till golden yellow. Add in ginger/garlic paste and green chillies and continue to saute for 5 minutes. Add in beriani powder together with yogurt. Further cook for 5 minutes. Add in meat, potatoes and salt and let it for 5 minutes. Pour in 1 cup water(Ayu added 11/2 cup of water cause wanted more gravy). Cover pan lower the heat and cook till meat/chicken are tender.)

Setelah itu hendak dituangkan semua lauk ini kedalam periuk yang lebih besar. Ratakan. Tabur diatasnya hirisan tomato, daun ketumbar dan pudina serta kacang gajus.
Sementara itu, masaklah nasi dengan sedikit garam, sehingga ½ masak. Setelah ½ masak, buang airnya. Masukkan kedalam nasi tersebut, 2 sudu makan garam masala dan gaul rata. Tuangkan nasi ini kedalam periuk berisi lauk. Ratakan, tetapi jangan dikacau. Tutup periuk serapat-rapatnya. Masak selama 20 minit. Sajikan panas-panas.-(Ayu tak buat macam ni, Ayu masak nasi macam biasa, bubuh garam bila dah 1/2 masak ayu masukkan 2 sudu besar garam masala, kacau rata dan biarkan nasi masak macam biasa.. Bila nak dihidang baru dibubuh kuah dan ayamnya, sebab  ayu buat macam ni kita tak nak ayam hancur bila di ceduk nasinya.)
-(After that, pour all the mixture into a bigger pan. Level it. Sprinkle on top with sliced tomatoes, coriander leaves, mint leaves and cashew nuts.Meanwhile cook rice with some salt added till 1/2 cooked. When 1/2 cooked, drained the balance water and added 2tablespoon garam masala and mix well. Pour rice onto the chicken/meat mixture.Level it but do not stir. Cover pan tightly and continue to cook for the next 20 minutes.Serve hot.)-(Ayu did not do this, I cooked as usual for the rice, added some salt when 1/2 cooked I added 2 tablespoon garam masla, stir well and let it till the rice are cooked. When served, I just added chicken and gravy at the sides.Reason why I did this was I dont wnat my chicken to be mashed while people scoop the rice.)
Sources:-From Mami Asmah Laili-rancangan memasak Dapur mami & recipe behind the Sindhi beriani mix box

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Double Chocolate Chips Chiffon Cake

Ok another chiffon cake!!..hehe...kan aku dah kata.!!dah addicted to chiffon cakes dah!!..this time whatever the reasons, I  must try chocolate flavour for this..yes..we love it very much!..it is not over duly sweet and it was just nice..I didnt adjust the sugar content pun..Went here for this recipe. She has quite a number of chiffon cakes recipes... been following her blog for quite sometimes now.. you can click here for her tips and trouble on chiffon cakes and here for more..

4 egg yolks
40g castor sugar
1/4 tsp salt
40g corn oil

140g Warmed Fresh Milk
25g Cocoa Powder-(Ayu used Valrhona cocoa powder)
*Mix well

120g Cake flour
1/2 tbsp Baking powder
1/8 tsp Baking Soda
*Sift 2x

4 egg whites
50g castor sugar
1/2 tsp Cream of Tartar

80g Chocolate Chips

Method1) In a bowl, using hand whisk, whisk yolks and sugar till sugar dissolves.
2) Add oil and salt, whisk and add chocolate milk. Stir well.
3) Fold in sifted flour and mix well.
4) In another bowl, using an electric mixer, beat till the whites are frothy. Add in Cream of Tartar and beat till soft peaks.
5) Add in sugar gradually and beat till stiff peaks.
6) Fold in 1/3 of the whites into the yolk mixture using a rubber spatula till incorporated.
7) Pour the mixture and add chocolate chips to the remaining egg whites and fold in gently till incorporated.
8) Pour the batter into a 21cm chiffon tube pan. Bang the pan on the table to get rid of bubbles.
9) Oil a piece of aluminium foil and cover the pan loosely. Bake at 180 deg.C for 10mins.
10) Turn down the temperature to 170 deg.C and bake for 20mins.
11) Insert a skewer to check if cake is done. Remove the foil and reduce the temperature to 160 deg.C and bake for a further 5 to 10mins to brown the surface.
12) Remove from the oven and invert the pan. Remove the cake from pan when it's completely cooled.
Sources:-From allthatmatters2rei.blogspot.com

Ayam Goreng Cili Padi

 As usual, lauk mesti ada yang nak pedas..if not hot, macam loya gitu..hehe..for me this dish is enough for me to go along with rice...the boys also like this..especially Iqram, who is a fan for ayam lemak cili api! when he ate this, air 1 botol standby..but keep asking for more ..haha...for Marsya, I just left 1-2 small pieces of fried chicken for her which she can eat it with the soup...

Ok just want to update, looks like my toilet cant be done during this school holidays..it seems that the contractor's schedule are filled till next month!...Our's will be somewhere in middle July..Lahhh!!..if we know we just go for a short break!..tak apalah, the budget can be kept aside and roll over  for our December holidays..who knows, we can go somewhere further then our normal holidays..hehe insyaallah..

Ingredients A:-
1 ekor ayam dibersihkan dan dibelah 8
1 batang serai ditumbuk lumat
sedikit lada hitam
sedikit tepung beras
sedikit kunyit serbuk & garam

Ingredients B:-
1 genggam cili padi
2 labu bawang besar
1 batang serai
garam secukupnya

Setelah ayam dibersihkan, lumurkan bahan A ke ayam dan perapkan selama 1 jam. Setelah itu boleh digoreng ayamnya sehingga kekuningan. Bahan B hendaklah ditumbuk tetapi jangan hancur dan serai hanya dititik. Tumis bahan2 ini jangan sampai garing. Kemudian campurkan ayam gorengan tadi kedalm tumisan ini. Siap untuk dimakan.jika tidak tahan pedas, cili padi boleh digantikan dengan cili merah atau cili kering.
Sources:- From Nurhidayah Jailani@ mesra.net

Sup Kentang & Rakan2

Salam, today pagi2 kita dah masuk entry ya..hahaha..yesterday suppose to update but, you knowlah..with the kids around, baru nak duduk, one nak makanlah, the other nak susulah....then as I got up from the chair, the eldest take over the seat and there goes my update....

Anyway, just as usual, soupy dish for my girl yang tak makan pedas..potatoes soup with egg drops and fish balls...normally her dishes are soups like this. its just that I played around with the ingredients used...maybe its common for some, but I guessed, for  those mum yang ada anak kecik like mine yang tak makan pedas..this could  give some ideas thats all...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Puding Batik Marie

So how was your weekend?..Well you see, just wanted to share this, what happened early yesterday morning..
Mr Hubby:     'What day is today? boys?'
Boys:              'SUNNDAAAY!', 
Mr Hubby:      What date is today boys?
Iqram:            20th June 2010
Mr Hubby :     Paused, carry on watching the TV

Boys:               Paused, carried on playing their PSP

Everybody just carried on with their lives...
Then, afternoon after the mee kari lunch...

Mr Hubby:     Mama, what day is today?
Mama:           Sunday lah!..wah so cialat, day also cant remember huh?
                       You think what day today? weekdays huh?
                       seelah seldom take leave, Sundays also   
                       thought weekdays..(mama start to mumble..)

Mr Hubby:     (maybe cant control his emotions anymore)
                       Hey, is there such thing as 'Father's Day?'
Mama:           (mama's jaw almost drop off)...OH MY GOD!!!..oh dear!..Oh my..
                       How can I forgot?..Boys!!!! You see! you see..I told you the other day..
                      OK! ok!..later we go out for dinner eh..
Mr Hubby:    What?! then I pay huh?..
Mama:           No..no...I PAY, I pay..(inside my heart..aduh tekopak le(kena tax)..
Moral of story, remember next time, to prepare earlier for the gift,(cause cheaper) then to go out for dinner on me..hehe..

Anyway. this was what I made quite sometimes ago..recipe was given verbally by my SIL, over the phone..
I tried her puding batik marie, or better well known for 'kek batik marie'..when we had a gathering last year..
Been wanting to make this until a few batches of my marie's biscuit kena cionkong by whoever  in the house(dont know who, cause cant trace)....so here it is at last..
The difference about this recipe was that the use of 'nestum' in it....

300g marie biscuits cut to quartered-(300g biskut marie-dipatahkan 4)
1/2 cup condensed milk-(1/2 cawan susu pekat)
2 cups milo-(2 cawan milo)
3 tbsp cocoa powder-(3 sudu besar serbuk koko)
1 cup nestum-for baby-(1 cawan bijiran nestum untuk baby)
1 cup butter-(1 cawan butter)
3 eggs-(3 biji telur)
1 tsp vanilla essence-(1 sudu kecil vanilla essence)

Lighly beaten eggs and combine all the ingredients except, bicuits and put to boil on a medium heat. When butter has melt and mixture thickens, add in biscuits. Mix well. Pour mixture into a tray which has been placed with plastic wrap as the base and press till compact. When all has been pressed, put in the fridge, serve when its already set, or cold. -( Pukul telur sedikit dan campurkan semua bahan2 melainkan biskut. Masak diatas api yang sederhana. Bila mentega sudah cair, dan adunan agak memekat, masukkan biskut dan gaul rata. Tuang adunan kedalam loyang yang telah di alas dengan plastic(untuk memudahkan memotong) dan tekan2kan hingga padat. Bila semua dah selesai, masukkan kedalam fridge dan biarkan hingga sejuk dan menggeras.)

Mee Kari Kerang

Salam, how was the cookies?..did you take one each for testing?..hehe..over here 'kadam'(finished) already..
For today's entry, I post this Mee Kari  Kerang..made this yesterday for lunch..saw this in Jamie's Kitchen the other day..she got the recipe from Ain's Kitchen..this was my first time tried out making mee kari and first time too, sampling them...to me all this while,I thought,  mee kari looks like mee rebus , and just cant figure out the taste like..hehe..

Mr Hubby tried out and it was his first time too..maklumlah here in Singapore, so far I didnt see Mee kari menu being sold in hawkers stall or what so ever..(maybe adalah, tapi tak pernah jumpa or tak perasan)..so far I have seen, mostly in Malaysia's hawker's stalls(like at R&R toll at highway..hehe)..and never had the feelings to try it out..but after reading the tips given by the owner of the recipe, it just kept calling me to try and make this mee kari kerang...Boleh tahan rasanya..when asked Mr Hubby, how many he would ranked out of  5, he said 4..
So Jamie & Ain, I put up the recipe here for my future reference ya and thank you both for this nice recipe!..

Tips dari empunya recipe:- Ain's Kitchen
1. Kalau nak buat mee kari yg sedap, rencah dia JANGAN GUNA DAGING, kalau boleh. Kalau nak bubuh AYAM, JANGAN MASUKKAN AYAM TU SEKALI DALAM KUAH; goreng dulu ayam tu, cariik-carikkan dan bubuk sebagai bahan sampingan sahaja. MEE KARI YG SEDAP RENCAHNYA IALAH KERANG, UDANG BASAH DAN UDANG KERING. Bagi yg "allergic" dengan kerang, bolehlah guna UDANG. Tapi, kalau nak lebih sedap, masukkan udang & kerang, sure "kow-kow" habis!
2. Santan kelapa - kalau nak dapatkan santan kelapa yg betul-betul pekat, blender kelapa parut dengan air secukupnya hingga betul-betul halus, hasilnya ialah santan itu bukan sahaja pekat, tapi quantitinya pun banyak.
3. Jika guna udang basah, BERSIHKAN KULIT UDANG ITU, KEMUDIAN BLENDER, tapis dan ambil airnya. Hampasnya buang! Kalau rencah kerang, JANGAN pulak blender kulitnya, nanti blender rosak, susah pulak suami kena beli blender baru! Bila suami tanya, siapa ajar blender kulit kerang? Ain lah.. siapa lagi! Naya, naya!
4. Rempah kari yg sedap.... sorry to say, so far yg paling sedap ialah BABA's. Tapi, seandainya ada netters yg ada better suggestion, please let me know.
5. Jangan masukkan garam terlalu awal jika kita nak empukkan sesuatu bahan yg perlu diempukkan dulu.
Kalau tidak, nanti bahan itu tak akan empuk sampai kuah mendidih. Dalam resipi ni, jangan masukkan garam banyak-banyak sebelum kentang empuk, OK?

Satu senduk minyak masak
10 ulas bawang merah - ditumbuk halus
10 ulas bawang putih - ditumbuk halus
2 bungkus kari BABA's - bancuh dengan sedikit air, jadikan pes-Ayu gunakan 50g serbuk kari daging
1 sudu besar cili blender
Daun kari (suka hati banyak mana, jangan penuh periuk sudah!)-Ayu gunakan 3-4 batang daun kari
3 biji buah pelaga
1 biji bunga lawang

Sebiji kelapa, ambillah santannya dan perahan kedua (pls refer to my tips)-Ayu gunakan santan kotak aje
600 gm udang basah (kopek kulitnya dan bersihkan, KULIT tu diBLENDER, ambil airnya)
1 kilo kerang (kalau tak mau kerang, boleh ganti dengan udang kering)-Ayu gunakan kerang
3 biji kentang - potong kecil-kecil
Tauhu kering (yg bila dimasak, nampak terapung dalam kuah)-Ayu gunakan taupok
1 bungkus fish ball (potong kecil-kecil)
2 keping fish cake (potong kecil-kecil)
Garam secukup rasa
Serbuk Perasa (Ajinomoto)
½ kilo sawi

(PERHATIAN: Saya sengaja masukkan sawi sekali dalam kuah, untuk jimatkan masa)

Bahan-bahan sayuran:-
1 bungkus Mee kuning (dicelur)
50 sen taugeh (dicelur)
3 biji telur (direbus dan dipotong 2 atau 4, ikut suka)
2 keping tauhu (digoreng, kemudian potong kecil-kecil)
Daun sup/daun bawang (dipotong halus-halus)
Cili merah (dimayang halus)
Bawang goreng
Daun pudina (untuk lebh "ummpph")-Ayu xletak ni

Bahan option:
Ayam goreng yg dicarik-carik.

Tumis bawang merah & putih sehingga naik bau. Masukkan pes kari, cili blender, daun kari, buah pelaga
dan bunga lawang. Setelah semua bahan tadi ditumis hingga bau wangi, masukkan santan cair & kentang.
Biarkan sekejap. Kemudian masukkan juga udang basah, udang kering (jika ada), kerang, fish ball, fish cake,
air blender kulit udang dan biarkan dengan api yg sederhana.

Setelah kentang empuk, masukkan garam, santan pekat, serbuk perasa dan tauhu kering serta sawi. Kacau sehingga mendidih. Matikan api.Sementara menunggu bahan-bahan untuk kuah masak; sambil tu bolehlah kita celur kan mee dan taugeh.Telur pun mesti telah siap direbus. Kalau ada ayam goreng, carikkan sebagai hiasan dengan bahan-bahan lain.Setelah semua bahan diatur dengan rapi, bolehlah mengadap hidangan tuan-tuan & puan-puan di samping keluarga atau tetamu.
Sources:-From shaynina.blogspot.com

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Chips Galore Cookies

After the last cookies that I made, I have learnt my lesson well..no cookies if there are no chocolate in it, only when its really really good(buttery) like the butter cookies then I will make it.....
the last cookies, it was my mum who finished it up..hehe..this time round left with less than 1/4 in my big pyrex bottle(alah botol pyrex yg besar yang boleh simpan kuih raya tulah)..hehe..

Found this recipe in this lady's blog a Singaporean living in Virginia, USA...thank you dear owner for the nice recipe. You just cant stop at 2!..you will continue for more...try it to believe it..promote lagi nampak..hehe..I guessed for those whose kids dont like nuts in it, can omit  and just use the different types of chocolates in it...

Chips Galore Cookies
Sources:-From Sri@Feedmyworld-sri
Sources:-From Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
1 cup butter, softened-(226g)
3/4 cup sugar-Ayu used 1/2 cup-(170g -ayu used 115g)
3/4 cup packed brown sugar-Ayu used 1/2 cup-(150g-ayu used 100g)
2 eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 1/4 cup all purpose flour-(280g)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cup EACH bittersweet chocolate chips,-(350g)-plus/minus)
milk chocolate chips and white chocolate chips
1 1/2 cups chopped pecans(120g -plus/minus)
1 1/2 cups chopped walnuts(120g-plus/minus)
(Ayu used 1 cup milk chocolate chips, 1 cup bittersweet chocolate(dark chocolate chopped), 1 cup semisweet chocolate chopped and 11/2 cups chopped pecans & walnut- roasted slightly first)

In a large bowl, cream butter and sugars.
Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
Beat in vanilla extract.
Combine the flour, baking soda and salt in a separate bowl.
And gradually add to the creamed mixture.
Combine chips and nuts; stir into dough.
Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour or until easy to handle.

Drop by tablespoons 2 inch apart onto greased baking sheets.
Bake at 325F(160C) for 18-20 minutes or until golden brown.
Remove to racks to cool completely.

Ungkep Udang Galah

Repeat telecast but this time I used the bigger 'River prawns'....sorry its already Saturday morning, dont know what to ramble....so just jemput tengok aje lah..hehe

1 kg udang besar di bersihkan-(1kg big size prawns cleaned)

Bahan kisar kering:-(Blended dry ingredients)
2 sudu makan ketumbar,-(2 tbsp coriander)
1 sudu teh jintan kasar-(1 tsp fennel)
(saya gunakan serbuk aje bahan diatas jadi tak payah kisar)-(I used the powdered one so no need blend)

Bahan kisar basah:-(Blended wet ingredients)
3 ulas bawang putih,-(3 garlics)
5 ulas bawang merah,-(3 shallots)
2 sm halia,-(2cm ginger)
1 sm lengkuas,-(1 cm galangal)
1 batang serai-(1 lemon grass)
2 tangkai daun kari,-(2 sprigs curry leaves)
sedikit garam , dan serbuk kunyit-(salt and tumeric powder)
1/2 cawan minyak-(1/2 cup oil)

Perapkan udang dengan semua bahan, ketepikan. Panaskan minyak, masukkan udang, kacau dan tutup.
Air udang akan keluar, biarkan kuah hampir kering (lebih kurang 5-6 minit dengan api sederhana), ketika ini udang sudah pun masak. bolehlah di hidangkan.-(Marinate prawns together with all the ingredients. Heat oil, add in mprawns, stir and cover. The prawns will produce juice, let it thickens about 5-6 minutes using medium heat. By this time prawns are already cooked,  ready to serve.)
Sources:-From sharifah azizah@myresipi.com

Taugeh Goreng Kicap

300g taugeh-(300g bean sprout)
*2 ulas bawang merah-(2 shallots)
*1-2 ulas bawang putih-(1-2 garlics)
*4-5 biji cili padi-(4-5 bird eyes chillies)
1/2 cube ikan bilis stock-(1/2 cube ikan bilis stock)
1/2 ulas bawang besar dihiris-(1/2 large onion sliced)
2-3  biji tomato cherry dibelah 4-(2-3 cherry tomatoes quartered)
1 biji cili merah dihiris-(1 red chilli sliced)
1 keping tauhu dipotong dadu/hiris goreng dan ketepikan-(1 hard beancurd, diced/sliced fried and put aside)
1/4 cawan isi kupang rebus-(2-3 tbsp soy sauce)
garam & serbuk perasa secukupnya-(salt & msg to taste)

Panaskan minyak, goreng isi kupang rebus sekejap, tolak ketepi kuali, tumis bahan2* yang tumbuk hingga naik bau. Masukkan bawang hiris, cili merah dan tomato kacau rata, masukkan kicap, tauhu dan kacau rata. Bubuh garam dan perasa secukupnya. Siap untuk dihidang.-(Heat oil fry boiled mussels for a while, push aside and saute grounded* ingrdients till fragrant. Add in sliced onions, chillies and toamtoes, stir well. Add in sot sauce, hard beancurd and stir well. Sprinkle some salt and msg to taste. Ready to serve.)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gula Melaka Chiffon Cake

Hi, looks like the 'chiffon wind' has blown 'south'..hehe..all this while, has been just admiring the softness and sponginess of chiffon cakes which are  ready baked..after looking at blogger friends trying the 'chiffon cakes', I brave myself in attempting this Gula Melaka Chiffon Cake...

Believe me, I read through over and over again, what required so that I don't have any misadventures like some of the attempts(not chiffon baking but other cakes)...from preparing, weighing and mixing the ingredients every step I refer to the print out..heheh ...then  I really sat in front of my oven, looking at the cake rose up..hoping that it wont crack or any unexpected happenings rises up..hehehe..maklumlah first time baked  CHIFFON ...Alhamdullilah, I managed it...My first 'virgin' chiffon cake..kaka..

Ok too much bragging, recipe found here. Thank you, very much for the nice recipe..I am beginning to get addictive to chiffon cakes after making this one..oh no!!..
On another note..going out later to get a new rice cooker, as the exisitng one is on 'life support', I have to get something to hold on to the socket that attached to the base. as the light are fickering and have to check every few seconds for my rice to cook..

Need translations for this?..Just shout..

4 egg yolk
3tbsp cooking oil
1/8tsp salt
95g cake flour
1/4tsp baking powder
95g gula melaka (chopped)
65g thick coconut milk

4 egg white
1/4tsp cream of tartar
30g caster sugar

1. Preheat oven to 175C.
2. Melt gula melaka and coconut milk together over low fire.
3. Set aside to cool.
4. Sift flour, salt and baking powder together.
5. Use a hand whisk mix egg yolk, oil, gula melaka syrup(Ayu strained it) and flour together.
6. Whisk until well combined.
7. Use a cake mixer and whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.
8. Gradually add in the sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.
9. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk mixture until combined.
10.Then fold in the rest of the meringue lightly until well combined.
11.Pour batter into a 21cm tube pan.
12.Put into a preheated oven and bake for 40-45mins.
13.Remove from oven, invert cake onto table until completely cool.
14.Remove from pan and serve.
Sources:-From happyflour.blogspot.com

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Chocolate Brownie Muffins

Original recipe was 'The Ultimate Chocolate Brownie Muffins', but here I just simplify the name as it was too long  for the write up..haah, I made this brownie muffins, some with just the chocolate chips and some with the walnuts & combine with the chocolate chips...You might one to reduce the sugar if you were to put the chocolate chips in it...

3/4 cup good quality baking cocoa powder-(Ayu used Valrhona cocoa powder)
1 tsp baking powder
3/4 butter melted
1/2 cup boiling water
1 tbsp vanilla essence
11/4 cups sugar -Ayu used 1 cup
2 eggs
11/3 cups all purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips(optional) 
1/2 cup walnuts(optional)

Set oven to 350F (175C). line muffin tins with paper liners. In a medium bowl combine cocoa and baking powder, mix to combine. Add in boiling water, mix well with a wooden spoon to combine. Add in melted butter and vanilla, mix well. Add in the sugar, mix well with a wooden spoon. Stir in eggs with a wooden spoon, mix well until combined. Mix the flour with salt, add in the chocolate chips and walnuts(or 1 cup of both).
Using an ice cream scoop fill each of the muffin tins almost to the top. Bake for 25-30  minutes or until muffins are done, dont overbake(might take a little longer, depending on how full the muffin tins are with the batter) Cool drizzle glaze over or frost with buttercream frosting.
sources:-From recipezaar.com

Sotong Goreng Istimewa

Side dish, another varieties for squids cooking..

3 ekor Sotong (3 squids)
Daun kari secukupnya -(curry leaves to estimate)
1 sudu kecil Serbuk kunyit (1 tsp turmeric powder)
1/2 tsp Halba (1/2 tsp fenugreek)
 1/2 sudu kecil Biji sawi (1/2 tsp mustard seeds)
 1 biji Bawang besar dihiris nipis (1 large onion sliced thinly)
 1 Bawang putih diketuk (1 garlic crushed)
 1cm Halia dipotong halus (1cm ginger slice thinly)
 2 Cili dihiris nipis (2 chillies sliced)
 Garam & Gula secukup rasa - (salt & sugar to taste)

Gaul sotong bersama serbuk kunyit dan garam hingga sebati. Perap selama ½ jam.
Goreng sotong hingga garing. Angkat dan ketepikan.
Menggunakan kuali sama, tumis bawang putih bersama halia hingga naik bau.
Masukkan bawang besar, halba dan biji sawi. Kacau hingga bawang layu.
Masukkan daun kari. Goreng hingga daun kari garing.
Masukkan cili. Apabila cili layu, masukkan sotong.
Gaul sebati dan hidang.-(Mix squids with salt and turmeric powder. Marinate for 1/2 hour. Fry the squids till slightly crispy, dish out and put aside. Using the same pan, saute garlics and ginger  till fragrant. Add in large onions, fenugreek and mustards and stir tillonions are soft. Add in curry leaves and fry till crispy. Add in chillies, when soft add in squids. Mix well and ready to be serve)

Sources:-From trymasak.my

Bawal Tandoori

 Dont mind the fishes eyes, hehe they got blackened while grilling..haha

Ingredients A-Kisar (Blended):-
1 ekor bawal hitam-(1 black pompret)
1 sudu besar marjerin-(1 tbsp margarine)
10 ulas bawang putih-(10 garlics)
5 cm halia-(5cm ginger)
2 sudu besar serbuk cili-(2 tbsp chili powder)

Ingrdients B- Satukan (Combine):-
2 sudu besar serbuk ketumbar-(2 tbsp coriander powder)
2 sudu besar serbuk jintan putih-(2 tbsp cumin powder)
2 sudu besar yogurt-(2 tbsp yogurt)
1 sudu besar serbuk kunyit-(1 tbsp turmeric powder)
1 sudu besar jus lemon-(1 tbsp lemon juice)
1 sudu kecil serbuk lada putih-(1 tsp white pepper powder)
sedikit garam & perasa -(some salt& msg)

Ikan dibersihkan dan dikelar menyerong. Satukan bahan A dan B. Kemudian sapukan pada ikan hingga rata. Perapkan ikan selama 30 minit. Panggang ikan dlam ketuhar atau bara api. Sapukan marjerin dan bailk2kan. panggang hingga ikan masak.-(Wash and cleaned fish and slice slantly. Combine ingrdients A and B till incorporated. Marinate fish for 30 minutes. Grill fish in oven or charcoal fire. Spread some margarine on fish and alternately turn each sides till cooked.)
Sources:-From Aneka Masakan Ikan

Sambal Goreng Katerina

Salam petang, dibulan Rejab yang dah masuk hari kedua hari ni..Yesterday, some friends ada yang puasa sunat bulan Rejab ya...School holidays already on the 3rd week, next week will be the last week before the kids masuk sekolah balik...

Nampak gaya memang confirmlah we are not going anyway..huhu...last weekend, we went out to look for our toilet floor tiles and found yang almost near colour to our slate floor..this time round, we didn't choose slate tile for our flooring, as the contractor, advised us not to use that tiles as slate absorbs water!(no wonder leaking)...this time we just choose the normal homogeneous tiles..so I can imagine, after putting up the tiles, slate tile for the wall and another homogeneous for the floor, mesti my toilet dah tak macam 'resort' concept lagi ler..hehe.. Ah! at the moment dah tak kisah lawa ke, resort ke, yang penting, just do the toilet so that it wont leak anymore and just wanted to carry on with our lives!..

Ok back to Food!...When I made this I halved the ingredients, and just used 100ml coconut milk for it..instead of 250ml..just wanted a slight 'lemak' in it but not too much as using a small packet of coconut milk....

300 gm kacang panjang-(300g long beans)
2 keping tempe (potong dadu dan goreng)-(2 hard fermented soybean cake diced and fried)
2 keping tauhu (potong dadu dan goreng)-(2 hard bean curd diced and fried)
1 keping fucuk (rendam)-(1 dried bean curd stick soaked)
1 peket kecil suun (rendam)-(1 small pkt bean thread vermicelli)
2 biji kentang (potong hiris dan goreng)-(2 potatoes sliced and fried)
2 sudu besar air asam jawa-(2 tbsp tamarind juice)
500 ml santan kelapa-(500ml coconut milk)

Baham Kisar :- Blended Ingredients:-
4 labu bawang besar-(4 large onions)
10 tangkai cili kering-(10 dried chillies soaked)
6 ulas bawang putih-(6 garlics)
2 cm halia-(2cm ginger)
30 gm udang kering-(30g dried shrimp)
1 batang serai-(1 lemon grass)
2 cm lengkuas-(2cm galangal)

Panaskan minyak dan  kemu­dian tumis bahan kisar dan kacau hingga garing.
Masukkan semua bahan sayuran, santan, air asam jawa dan kacau hingga masak.
Rasalah masin dan ma­nisnya. Gaul sebati sehingga semuanya masak.-(Heat oil and saute blended ingredients till oil rises up the surface. Add in vegetable ingredients, coconut milk, tamarind juice stir till cooked. Adjust the taste to salty and sweetness. Mix all till Incorporated and cooked.)
Sources:-From sajionline.com

Friday, June 11, 2010

Devil's Food Chocolate Cake

Actually have seen this recipe for quite sometimes in Cik Ayu's blog (sama nama)..hehe..since then everytime, I see the chocolate ganache and the cream cheese frostingnya tu..telan my air liur..ajelah..intended to just keep the recipe for the next birthday cake, but I just cant tahan anymore ler!!!..So I made this yesterday, and today just left with 1 miserable slice for me!!..

This is definitely a highly recommened recipe according to Cik Ayu, she got this from her friend Edina, then Edina got it from The Kitchen Guardian ..thank you dear all  for this superb recipe!!!..We love it..only to take note that next time I would like to halved the cream cheese and chocolate ganache amount, kalau buat 2 adunan mungkin just nice..

1 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder-( Ayu used Valrhona cocoa powder)
3/4 tsp bicarbonate soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup granulated sugar-Ayu used 1/4 cup
1/2 brown sugar- Ayu used 1/4 cup
65g butter
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup buttermilk- (homemade 1 cup milk added with 1 tbsp distilled vinegar leave to rest for about 20 minutes, but use 1/4 cup only ya for this recipe)
1/2 cup warm water

Set your oven at 170C
Prepare your cake tins.
Sieve flour, cocoa powder, bicarbonate soda, salt, and set aside.
Beat butter with sugars until light and fluffy, add eggs.
When all well incorporated add the dry ingredients (flour, cocoa powder etc) and alternate with liquid ingredients (buttermilk + warm water) in three portions, last incorporate the vanilla extract.
Bake for about 30 minutes or until just cooked

Cream Cheese Frosting-(make 1/2 the amount  next time)
250g Philadelphia cheese-(next time just use 1/2 this amount for the cream cheese)
125 butter
1 cup icing sugar-Ayu used 1/4 cup
1 tsp vanilla extract
juice of a squeezed slice of lemon
Beat the cheese and butter, just until creamy, add the icing sugar, vanilla and lemon juice.

Chocolate Ganache-(make 1/2 the amount next time)
200ml double cream with at least 30% fat content-I used whippping cream
250g dark chocolate, chopped finely
a pinch of salt
In a double boiler, warm the cream until just at boiling point, add the chocolate & salt and stir. When all the chocolate has melted, remove for heat and continue stirring until all well mixed.
Let the cake cool completely, spread the cream cheese frosting and pour the ganache on top.
Sources:-From cupcakeschek.blogspot.com

 For those needs translation here it is updated in Malay:-
 TRANSLATED BY Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
 Bahan: -
1 cawan tepung gandum
1 / 4 cawan cocoa powder-(Ayu gunakan Valrhona)
3 / 4 sdt soda bikarbonat 
 1 / 4 sdt garam  
1 / 2 cawan gula pasir-Ayu gunakan 1 / 4 cawan  
1 / 2 brown sugar-Ayu gunakan 1 / 4 cawan  
65 g mentega 
 1  biji telur besar  
1 sdt vanili ekstrak
1/4 cawan buttermilk-(buatan sendiri 1 cawan susu ditambah dengan 1 sudu makan cuka. Rehatkan selama 20 minit tetapi recipe ni hanya gunakan 1/4 cawan saja) 
1/2 cawan air suam

Set oven 170C. Siapkan atin kek anda.
Ayak tepung, cocoa powder, soda bikarbonat, garam, dan ketepikan. Pukul mentega dengan gula sampai ringan dan mengembang, tambah telur. Bila semuanya sudah sebati masukkan bahan2 kering(tepung, cocoa powder) bergantian dengan bahan2 cair(buttermilk+air suam) dalam tiga bahagian.Terakhir masukkan vanili estract. Bakar selama sekitar 30 minit atau hingga masak.

Cream Cheese Frosting:-(lain kali buat 1/2 adunan aje)
250g Philadelphia cream cheese
125g mentega
1 cawan gula aising-(Ayu gunakan 1/4 cawan aje)
1 sdt vanili ekstrak
jus daripada lemon
pukul(sorry just edited) cream cheese dan mentega hanya sampai creamy aje, tambahkan gula aising dan jus lemon.

Chocolate Ganache:-(lain kali buat 1/2 adunan aje)
200ml double cream-(Ayu gunakan whipping cream)
250g coklat gelap dicincang halus
sedikit garam
Double boil cream jangan sampai mendidih,tambah coklat & sedikit garam, kacau rata. Bila semua sudah cair, Angkat dan sejukkan dulu baru sapukan frosting krim keju & tuangkan coklat ganache diatas.

Asam Pedas Ketam Lada Hitam

Well this was the crabs I was talking about, the kids dont eat them so that was why need to cook another dish for them...this time I tried using this recipe for crabs, which originally was to used the stingray..
Sedap pulak sekali2 ubah ketam masak macam gini...adding to fresh crabs..Sampai  menjilat tangan...

This few days, looks like macam a few friend bloggers yang pergi bercuti ya....macam senyap aje..dunia blogging ni..maklumlah school holidays kan..kita jugak yang masih kat sini...huhu..mungkin tak kemana kot, cause have to settle the toilets before the school reopens..tak tahulah if Mr Hubby decided last minute to go somewhere( he is well known for that)..hahaha....

3-ekor ketam bunga-(3 fresh flower crabs)
2 biji tomato [potong 4]-(2 tomatoes quartered)
1/2 cawan air asam jawa-(1/2 cup tamarind juice)
air secukupnya [untuk kuah]-water to estimate-for gravy)
minyak untuk menumis-( oil for saute)
daun sup [potong pendek]-Ayu gunakn daun kesum-(chinese celery sliced short- I just add in  laksa leaves)

Bahan tumbuk/mesin halus-(Blended ingredients)
20 biji cili api-(20 bird eyes chillies)
2 s/b lada hitam-(2 tbsp black pepper)
2 cm halia-(2cm ginger)
2 cm kunyit hidup-(2cm fresh turmeric roots)
2 cm belacan-(2cm dried shrimp paste)
2 ulas bawang putih-(2 garlics)
6 ulas bawang merah-(6 shallots)
1 tangkai serai-(1 lemon grass)

Basuhkan ketam..rendamkan sebentar dengan asam limau + asam jawa + garam. Bilas dan toskan sehingga kering. Panaskan minyak dan tumiskan bahan mesin sehingga wangi dan masak/garing. Masukkan air asam jawa dan air. Biarkan sehingga mendideh.Masukkan ketam, garam, perasa dan tutup periuk. Biarkan kuah reneh sehingga agak pekat. Bila dah agak2 masak ketamnya masukkan tomato, daun kesum dan biarkan sebentar.  Masukkan potongan daun sup kalau gunakan dan hidangkan bersama nasi putih.-(Wash crabs, soaked in lime juice+tamarind +salt for a while. Rinsed and drained till dry. Heat oil and saute blended ingredients till fragrant and oil rises up the surface.Add in tamarind juice and water. Let it till boil and add in crabs, salt and msg cover lid. Let the gravy simmers till slightly thickens. When  the crabs are almost cooked, add in tomatoes and laksa leaves. Let it for a while. Add in chinese celery if using and serve with white rice.)
Sources:-From hanieliza.blogspot.com

Ayam Goreng Madras

Fried this chicken as the kids dont eat the crabs...I used 1kg chicken wings berebut makan, baik the kids or the orang tua..hehe..sedap ayam goreng macam ni..crispy at the outside and soft in the inside...the taste pun ada sikit2 macam ayam goreng yogurt which I ever posted before..

Recipe I got from Kak Asma blog, which she got from Cikgu Zana, tried to find the recipe in Cikgu's blog, tak jumpa pulak...Anyway, thank you all for sharing this recipe, minta halal recipenya ya..

500g ayam-(500g chicken)
*60g bawang merah(dlm 6 biji)-(60g shallots-about 6nos)
*60g bawang putih(dlm 10 biji)-(60g garlics-about 10 nos)
*60g halia-(60g ginger)
(*bahan kisar)-(*blended ingredients)
3 sudu besar serbuk kari daging-(3 tbsp curry powder)
2 sudu besar serbuk kunyit-(2 tbsp turmeric powder)
1/2 sudu teh lada hitam-(1/2 tsp black pepper)
4 sudu besar tepung beras-(4 tbsp rice flour)
garam secukup rasa-Ayu tambah sedikit serbuk perasa-(salt to taste- I added some msg)
Minyak untuk menggoreng-(oil for frying)
3 sudu besar dadih-Ayu tak letak-(3 tbsp yogurt- I didnt put)

Gaul bahan2 yang telah dikisar bersama ayam. Kemudian masukkan bahan2 lain kecuali minyak . Gaul sebati dan perap 1/2 jam atau lebih. Panaskan minyak dan goreng ayam tadi. Hidangkan bersama sos atau pun dadih.-(Mix blended ingredients to chicken. Add in other ingrdients except oil. Deep fry chicken. When ready, serve with sauce or yogurt.)
Sources:-From Majalah Rasa Mei 2010 - Kak Asma & Cikgu Zana

Bayam & Keledek Masak Bening

Gravy & vegetable dish, as usual for the kids,as  its not hot ..this time I use spinach with sweet potatoes instead of the corn....purple sweet potatoes, made the soup turned to purple too..hehe..same procedure as Bayam & Jagung Masak Bening..

Award & Tag From Mamahawa

Got this tag and award from Mamahawa.
dan terbaru dari Yat Maria..
Terimakasih kerana sudi berikan tugasan ni ke kita..
Nama pulak muncul atas sekali ..
kalau tak ambik memang kena pelangkung kan..hahaha
Biasalah part tag mentag ni,
bila nak pass ke orang lain tu yang ada sikit punya liat..hehe
Apa2 pun, at least kita jawap tag nya tu ya..
1. Apa yang bermain di fikiran kamu sekarang?
Fikirkan 2 toilet ku yang nak kena revamp balik!..nak kena cari tile this weekend.

2. Nama samaran kamu?
At the moment, Ayu Singapore, Curlybabe

3. Berikan tiga orang kamu sayang
My parents - mom & dad, Mr Hubby & My Lovely Kids

4. Panggilan utk si dia
Panggil nama aje!!..sebab dah biasa dari belum kahwin, lidah dah keras nak panggil abang ke, darling ke, hubby ke..hehe, cuma, kat blog aje tulis Mr Hubby!..boleh gitu?

5. Hadiah yang korang impikan dari orang tersayang
Tak ada, cuma kasih sayang dan kebahagian yang di impikan!..kalau nak kasi hadiah yang lain, tu bonuslah..hehe

6. Blog mana yang korang suka follow
No preference, kalau tergerak nak follow, follow aje ler..hehe

7. Bagi award ni kat 15 blogger lain dgn pernuh penghormatan:
Part ni, siapa2 yang sudi buat dan ambik award ni dipersilakan ya..
(Confirm tak ada orang nak ambik punya! hehe)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nasi Goreng Ayam Kunyit

Salam dipagi Khamis yang mendung, dengan angin sepoi2 bahasa..sedap lagi kalau tarik bantal lagi..dan membuta tak hingat dunia..hehe..well, confirm tak boleh tidur punya, sebab dengan the kids berdua tu, dah bangun kalau cuba nak terlelap sekejap pun tiba2 salah satu terpekik ke or goncang badan kita time terlelap tu  boleh dapat serangan  jantung sebab terperanjat...!! Hasif pulak, semenjak balik dari China, been to school everyday..hai mengalahkan cikgu yang kena balik kesekolah pada musim cuti ni...

Since blog ni dah beberapa hari tak terupdate, kita masukkan entry for today..Nasi goreng tu I goreng pakai perencah yang kat bawah tu aje...hiris bawang, ketuk cili padi sikit dan tumis. Gaul perencah dengan nasi dulu. Bila bawang dan cili dah layu masukkan nasi gaul rata, lepas tu boleh pecahkan telur dan goreng hingga sebati. Actually nasi goreng kampung ni, sedap bila diletak ikan bilis, kangnkung dan sebagainya, tapi disebabkan I nak makan dengan Ayam Goreng Kunyit tu, so I just goreng the nasi simple2 aje..Idea datang buat nasi goreng ayam  kunyit ni, adalah dari pergi makan kat gerai, sepinggan macam kat atas tu S$6 tau!!..
so I decided to try kat rumah, muai jugak dapatlah satu family makan untuk brunch hari tu.(ini bukan menu hari ni ya)..

Actually untuk nasinya, rasa2nya, kalau digoreng macam nasi goreng cina pun boleh...untuk entry seterusnya, tengoklah dulu ya, kalau time permits akan kita post lagi nanti, but at the moment, sila2kan lah dengan nasi goreng ayam kunyit ni dulu ya..

Ayam Goreng Kunyit
500g dada ayam di hiris-(500g chicken breast sliced)
5-6 kacang panjang-(5-6 long beans)
kobis bunga-(some cauliflower)
1-2 ulas bawang putih di ketuk-(1-2 garlics crushed)
1 biji bawng besar dihiris bulat-(1 large onion sliced to rings)
1-2 biji cili merah dihiris-(1-2 red chillies sliced)
5-6 cili padi diketuk-kalau nak pedas-(5-6 bird eyee chillies crushed- if prefer hot)
sedikit serbuk kunyit-(some turmeric powder)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
sedikit serbuk perasa -optional-(some msg to taste)

Basuh ayam, perah sedikt jus limau untuk menghilangkan hanyir dan toskan. Perap ayam bersama kunyit dan garam sekejap. Goreng ayam hingga garing, angkat dan toskan. Menggunakan kuali yang sama, tumis bawang putih hingga naik bau dan bawang besar. apabila bawang layu, masukkan kacang panjang, bunga kobis dan gaul rata. Masukkan hirisan cili dan cili padi yang dah diketuk. Masukkan ayam yang telah digoreng tadi dan gaul rata.-(Wash chicken and squeeze some lime juice and drained. Marinate chicken with salt and turmeric powder for a while. Fry chiken till crispy or golen yellow, dish out and drained. Using the same wok, saute garlics till fragrant , add in onion rings and stir well till soft. Add in long beans and cauliflower, mix well. Add in sliced chillies. Add in fried chicken and stir till incorporated.)